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(2013-08-30 15:50)
Classification: With the mood
Long time no come,
Come on, a new start!
(2013-01-30 23:33)
Since the cool milk candy, I haven't stopped.

You still remember the bicycle license plate,
But many people's are missing;
The picture I almost forgot,
But it appears in the most casual way;
The unsent letter I didn't want to be found,
In other people's homes six years later,
Be read as the last memorial
What happened is always there,
Whether anyone remembers or forgets,
It also knocks on the door occasionally,
Let you reflect on whether it has changed over the years,
Is the original idea still there?
In fact, I hate such reminders,
Because the answer is basically "things are different",
Think about the important people who left your life,
All you have left is nothing to do;
Those who once thought that the friendship was painless,
Now when I think back, I also want to sigh, "So we are still good friends".
Such and such regrets and unwillingness will rush into your life,
But memory can only be a part of the past,
Who said they would give up in the future.

#From time to time, neurotic girls write neurotic microblogs#

Classification: With the mood
I am in a bad mood today because I read an unknown letter from six years ago,
Then I met the person in my heart, and now I regret that I didn't slap him,
Even if the elder is here, he still wants to do that.

Self reflection, sometimes really hasty,
It's just that when things and people are rare, they are moved by little things,
I think everyone is a good person, but I have never seen the world,
There are many people like that.

In order to solve the problem, I grabbed a piece of straw in a hurry,
At the end of the day, most of them are ignorant people who have climbed to the halfway point and are still pressing their way,
Your sister, I'm so sad
(2012-11-20 19:42)

Miscellaneous talk

Classification: With the mood
The end of the term is coming, and things have become more frequent,
It's really good for the whole class to start working together for a short film,
I will never forget the way I pay for something together.
It is approaching the most annoying day of the year, and the non-stop festivals will come one after another,
I don't know how to spend Christmas this year after a long time of no fun,
After the New Year's Day is over, it's the final exam again,
Sausages and bacon that can't be eaten out during the Spring Festival
We have to face the problems of the new year,
Well, I still need to be positive. I suddenly feel that life is long and annoying.
Taking advantage of the sunny day, I photographed the yellowed ginkgo.
8 classes to attend every day
(2012-11-14 12:15)

Miscellaneous talk

Classification: With the mood
The first time I quarreled because I really didn't understand others' ideas,
But I really can't understand,
So, if you were unhappy yesterday, you must forget today,
Love your life more!
(2012-10-07 02:13)

Miscellaneous talk

Classification: Lotto
When I came back from Weizhou Island during the holiday, I liked it very much. Its beaches were clean, the sea water was transparent, and the people were very simple. The important thing was that it was quiet.
The setting sun at Shiluokou is the most beautiful on the island, and the color of the setting sun turns the sea into gold
Sea sky
At sunset, the gradual color of the sky is unpredictable, which always brings surprises to people
(2012-09-05 18:57)

Miscellaneous talk

Classification: With the mood
I still seem to be confident,
From primary school to now, people who do not have confidence will feel afraid,
Yes, I was afraid. I was very nervous and didn't want to talk,
I don't know how to deal with some situations,
It's like driving well and suddenly being rear ended,
You are not the responsible person, and you should stop with others.

When you do something without confidence, you suddenly have to care about people around you,
As well as the eyes, tone and every move of people around,
I'm afraid that where there is no good treatment, where there is no perfection,
So why am I willing to speak?
Who are you willing to deal with?

In the end, there is no seed,
There is no way to become completely, completely indifferent or completely thick skinned.
It's interesting to think about it. Everyone thinks that the sage is superior,
From the beginning to the present, I have the impression that I am an impure calculator,
Because he is the same, maybe most of them are,
My heart is full of desire and worship of interests, but we must find a decent way to cover it up,
To cover up things that can't be covered up like air,
People look forward to it while abandoning it, and disdain to try to climb there at the same time,
(2012-08-01 02:14)

Miscellaneous talk

Classification: With the mood
There are two things tonight,
The most bloody thing is the news that my ex boyfriend will get married,
Although it's dog blood, it's no big deal to hear it.
The other thing is very uncomfortable,
A girl loved by the best friend,
He died of a heart attack two hours ago,
Although I don't know that girl,
But I heard her name mentioned by my friends no less than 20 times,
Listen to him talk about their affairs and some of their words,
The girl is only in her early 20s. She is very good-looking and friendly,
The conditions at home are good, and there is a very good boyfriend,
But some things come at once. Such a good and promising girl suddenly disappeared,
It's a pity anyway.

Some things can always be insinuated to oneself or others,
Now we feel as if we are young and have plenty of time and energy to spend,
So we should treat our career, family and emotions,
Some are more or less careless, some are picky, etc,
But many times, time will not wait for you to be ready to leave,
The second hand doesn't turn until you say OK,
Whoever suffers from misfortune will accept it,
It won't wait for you to get married and become famous, and then slowly draw a picture for you
(2012-07-24 01:33)

Miscellaneous talk

When someone can rely on it, it seems that DIY will automatically close.

My bad temper is hard to control and bear,
But every time I lose my temper, you can smile at me,
Make me happy. I won't be impatient,
Finally, I was embarrassed to continue to be angry,
Go down the steps consciously,
Thank you for such a person,
Being able to accommodate me in this way makes me have the idea to change,
Can take care of me when I feel dizzy with fever,
It seems to have the warmth of family.

thank you.

(2012-06-17 22:11)

Miscellaneous talk

Classification: With the mood
What happened recently is absolutely a bug!!!!!

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