
a martial art


Sun Lutang

Taiji Gate

Classification: Memories of moving heart

For martial arts lovers, Mr. Sun Lutang is well known. In modern history, he was nearly half a hundred years old, and once used to knock out the famous Russian fighter Petrov; Over 60 years old, he defeated Ichiro Itagaki, the great warrior appointed by the Emperor of Japan; The joint challenge of five Japanese technical experts was defeated at one fell swoop in the age of Guzhen, which was called "tiger head less protection" in history, the first in the world. This kind of martial arts skills and reputation were unparalleled in the martial arts world at that time, but Sun Lutang left soon after he served as a sect leader. What's going on here? We should start with a major event in the Republic of China.





Electrolyte disorder


Potassium sodium imbalance

smooth muscle spasm

Classification: Knowledge gas station
    According to the severity of symptoms, high temperature heatstroke can be divided into mild heatstroke and severe heatstroke.
    Mild heatstroke can be manifested as body temperature above 37.5, unconscious changes, accompanied by blushing, hot skin, burning, palpitations, chest tightness, or cold sweat, nausea, vomiting, rapid pulse, and blood pressure drop, which are all mild heatstroke. This kind of heatstroke often returns to normal after about 4 hours after leaving the high temperature environment.
Severe heatstroke includes heat cramps, heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Severe heatstroke can be a mixture of these three types. Heatstroke can lead to death.



amino acid




Classification: Fitness column
    We all know that in the bodybuilding industry, there is a saying: eat big to get big! Quite simply, the more you eat, the bigger your muscles become. When it comes to muscular men, we must mention "The Rock), As the champion and star figure of the World Wrestling Federation, he is 1.95 meters tall and strong   Body, high top military boots dress. Therefore, when entering the performing arts circle, he always chose the role of a tough man, such as Special Forces, Speed and Passion, and the Furious Monster released in April this year, which also shaped his image of "saving the world" at a time of disaster.
    But as a superstar, many people are more concerned about how to develop the same figure. In addition to fitness, "eating" is also an important part,

Ulnar artery

radial artery

blood vessel



Classification: Knowledge gas station
    Most people have encountered the situation of hand numbness. The reasons for hand numbness vary from person to person, so it is necessary to know the truth about hand numbness!

Causes of numbness of hands and feet
    Vascular factors: when we sit for a long time or sit in a bad posture, our lower limbs will become numb, while when we put our hands in a wrong posture, they will also become numb. Once we relax, it will be like tens of thousands of ants crawling.
    This is because when blood vessels are compressed, blood vessels supply parts of the limbs


Muscle strain



Bone spur

Classification: Knowledge gas station
    When many middle-aged and elderly friends come to the outpatient clinic for medical treatment, they often complain about the occurrence of soft knees, and they are afraid that something is wrong with their knees. In clinical practice, "softening the leg" is also called "softening the leg" or "softening the knee". It is a feeling that when walking normally or going up and down stairs, the knee joint suddenly becomes weak, the leg becomes soft, and you want to kneel down, sometimes accompanied by severe pain and a real fall. So what's going on with "soft legs"?
It is not the same as young people's weakness with muscle soreness after strenuous exercise (such as long-distance running and football playing). It belongs to electrolyte disorder caused by excessive fluid loss and failure to replenish in time

Fatty liver



blood fat


Classification: Knowledge gas station
    At present, the number of obese people in China has reached 325 million. The prevalence of overweight and obesity is 36% in men and 30% in women. During physical examination, we often hear the word "fatty liver". Literally, it seems to be a "fat disease".
    Are obesity and fatty liver diseases? Is the consequence serious? Need to see a doctor? When should I see a doctor? Let's talk about the stories about fatty liver and obesity that you don't know~
What is fatty liver
    The liver is the largest "nutrition transit station" in our body. The wine we drink and the food we eat




Bone spur



rehabilitation medicine

Classification: Knowledge gas station
    When it comes to the treatment of heel pain and foot heartache, I believe that every therapist has his own views and experience. Meet those and heels
Symptoms related to nearby structures, such as heel spur, plantar fasciitis, calf triceps tension, heel fat pad, etc. It is generally believed that changes in these parts will lead to heel pain. For more experienced therapists, when they encounter heel pain patients, they will also consider the impact on the heel from the injury of hip muscles and waist muscles.
      However, many therapists feel that after treatment, the symptoms of the patient have been relieved and the pain has basically disappeared, but the pain has reappeared soon. So, how can we really solve plantar pain and foot heartache? In today's article, I will focus on causing plantar pain and foot heartache Fascia and muscle injuries and heel pain


Psoas major


intervertebral disc


Classification: Fitness column
      Many people use Xiaoyanfei to exercise waist muscle strength and improve waist muscle strength, but the wrong Xiaoyanfei will not improve the problem, but will aggravate the problem and improve the effect of the problem. In the studio, I received many friends with waist problems, who wanted to increase the muscle strength of the waist, and asked them if they usually exercised. They all replied that Xiao Yanfei had done some exercises, but the problem did not improve, and the waist was more tense and uncomfortable after training. In fact, without establishing the basic strength, directly stimulating the force on the muscle will not improve the problem. However, many people in this most basic Xiaoyanfei do not consider so much at all. They do not consider the patient's muscle strength and muscle fatigue, as well as the degree of personal recovery, as well as the excessive time and the order and amount of muscle recruitment. Instead, they start to stimulate the powerless waist to the greatest extent, which must be difficult to improve.


a martial art




Classification: Knowledge gas station

Nanquan is the general name of boxing popular in southern China since the Ming Dynasty. Centered in Fujian and Guangdong, it is widely spread in the south of the Yangtze River, so it is called "Nanquan". Nanquan has a long history. Its origin can be traced back to more than 400 years ago. Compared with northern boxing, it has a unique style.

Nanquan is rich in content and has many kinds, most of which are named after regions, and have their own systems and characteristics. However, no matter what kind of Nanquan, its basic characteristics are tight doors, compact movements, dexterous techniques, and low center of gravity, which reflect the characteristics of small to large, skillful to clumsy, more to small, fast to slow. People in Fujian and Guangdong are relatively thin and weak, so we pay special attention to the stability of the footwall

a martial art


Sun Lutang

Taiji Gate

Classification: Memories of moving heart

For martial arts lovers, Mr. Sun Lutang is well known. In modern history, he was nearly half a hundred years old, and once used to knock out the famous Russian fighter Petrov; Over 60 years old, he defeated Ichiro Itagaki, the great warrior appointed by the Emperor of Japan; The joint challenge of five Japanese technical experts was defeated at one fell swoop in the age of Guzhen, which was called "tiger head less protection" in history, the first in the world. This kind of martial arts skills and reputation were unparalleled in the martial arts world at that time, but Sun Lutang left soon after he served as a sect leader. What's going on here? We should start with a major event in the Republic of China.





Electrolyte disorder


Potassium sodium imbalance

smooth muscle spasm

Classification: Knowledge gas station
    According to the severity of symptoms, high temperature heatstroke can be divided into mild heatstroke and severe heatstroke.
    Mild heatstroke can be manifested as body temperature above 37.5, unconscious changes, accompanied by blushing, hot skin, burning, palpitations, chest tightness, or cold sweat, nausea, vomiting, rapid pulse, and blood pressure drop, which are all mild heatstroke. This kind of heatstroke often returns to normal after about 4 hours after leaving the high temperature environment.
Severe heatstroke includes heat cramps, heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Severe heatstroke can be a mixture of these three types. Heatstroke can lead to death.



amino acid




Classification: Fitness column
    We all know that in the bodybuilding industry, there is a saying: eat big to get big! Quite simply, the more you eat, the bigger your muscles become. When it comes to muscular men, we must mention "The Rock), As the champion and star figure of the World Wrestling Federation, he is 1.95 meters tall and strong   Body, high top military boots dress. Therefore, when entering the performing arts circle, he always chose the role of a tough man, such as Special Forces, Speed and Passion, and the Furious Monster released in April this year, which also shaped his image of "saving the world" at a time of disaster.
    But as a superstar, many people are more concerned about how to develop the same figure. In addition to fitness, "eating" is also an important part,

Ulnar artery

radial artery

blood vessel



Classification: Knowledge gas station
    Most people have encountered the situation of hand numbness. The reasons for hand numbness vary from person to person, so it is necessary to know the truth about hand numbness!

Causes of numbness of hands and feet
    Vascular factors: when we sit for a long time or sit in a bad posture, our lower limbs will become numb, while when we put our hands in a wrong posture, they will also become numb. Once we relax, it will be like tens of thousands of ants crawling.
    This is because when blood vessels are compressed, blood vessels supply parts of the limbs


Muscle strain



Bone spur

Classification: Knowledge gas station
    When many middle-aged and elderly friends come to the outpatient clinic for medical treatment, they often complain about the occurrence of soft knees, and they are afraid that something is wrong with their knees. In clinical practice, "softening the leg" is also called "softening the leg" or "softening the knee". It is a feeling that when walking normally or going up and down stairs, the knee joint suddenly becomes weak, the leg becomes soft, and you want to kneel down, sometimes accompanied by severe pain and a real fall. So what's going on with "soft legs"?
It is not the same as young people's weakness with muscle soreness after strenuous exercise (such as long-distance running and football playing). It belongs to electrolyte disorder caused by excessive fluid loss and failure to replenish in time

Fatty liver



blood fat


Classification: Knowledge gas station
    At present, the number of obese people in China has reached 325 million. The prevalence of overweight and obesity is 36% in men and 30% in women. During physical examination, we often hear the word "fatty liver". Literally, it seems to be a "fat disease".
    Are obesity and fatty liver diseases? Is the consequence serious? Need to see a doctor? When should I see a doctor? Let's talk about the stories about fatty liver and obesity that you don't know~
What is fatty liver
    The liver is the largest "nutrition transit station" in our body. The wine we drink and the food we eat




Bone spur



rehabilitation medicine

Classification: Knowledge gas station
    When it comes to the treatment of heel pain and foot heartache, I believe that every therapist has his own views and experience. Meet those and heels
Symptoms related to nearby structures, such as heel spur, plantar fasciitis, calf triceps tension, heel fat pad, etc. It is generally believed that changes in these parts will lead to heel pain. For more experienced therapists, when they encounter heel pain patients, they will also consider the impact on the heel from the injury of hip muscles and waist muscles.
      However, many therapists feel that after treatment, the symptoms of the patient have been relieved and the pain has basically disappeared, but the pain has reappeared soon. So, how can we really solve plantar pain and foot heartache? In today's article, I will focus on causing plantar pain and foot heartache Fascia and muscle injuries and heel pain


Psoas major


intervertebral disc


Classification: Fitness column
      Many people use Xiaoyanfei to exercise waist muscle strength and improve waist muscle strength, but the wrong Xiaoyanfei will not improve the problem, but will aggravate the problem and improve the effect of the problem. In the studio, I received many friends with waist problems, who wanted to increase the muscle strength of the waist, and asked them if they usually exercised. They all replied that Xiao Yanfei had done some exercises, but the problem did not improve, and the waist was more tense and uncomfortable after training. In fact, without establishing the basic strength, directly stimulating the force on the muscle will not improve the problem. However, many people in this most basic Xiaoyanfei do not consider so much at all. They do not consider the patient's muscle strength and muscle fatigue, as well as the degree of personal recovery, as well as the excessive time and the order and amount of muscle recruitment. Instead, they start to stimulate the powerless waist to the greatest extent, which must be difficult to improve.


a martial art




Classification: Knowledge gas station

Nanquan is the general name of boxing popular in southern China since the Ming Dynasty. Centered in Fujian and Guangdong, it is widely spread in the south of the Yangtze River, so it is called "Nanquan". Nanquan has a long history. Its origin can be traced back to more than 400 years ago. Compared with northern boxing, it has a unique style.

Nanquan is rich in content and has many kinds, most of which are named after regions, and have their own systems and characteristics. However, no matter what kind of Nanquan, its basic characteristics are tight doors, compact movements, dexterous techniques, and low center of gravity, which reflect the characteristics of small to large, skillful to clumsy, more to small, fast to slow. People in Fujian and Guangdong are thinner and weaker, so we pay special attention to the stability of the footwall
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 Coach Tai
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