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 Solitary lamp at night
Solitary lamp at night
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Tianmen Mountain

Li Bai

Classification: Take photos of Wuhu

                                    Wangtianmen Mountain

                                    Li Bai (Tang Dynasty)

        The Tianmen Gate stops the opening of the Chu River, and the blue water flows eastward to this point.


St. Jakob


Classification: Take photos of Wuhu

        St. James' Church in Wuhu is a Protestant Christian church located in Huajin North Road, Jinghu District, Wuhu City, Anhui Province. It was designed and built by Anglican missionaries in the ninth year of the reign of Emperor Guangxu in the Qing Dynasty (1883). Next to it is the pastor's building built in the same period. The church has a building area of 389 square meters, and the bell tower is 25 meters high. It adopts the Gothic architectural style.




Chaohu Wenhai

Chaohu Guishan Leisure Plaza


Classification: Take photos of Chaohu Lake

      The waterside part of Chaohu Guishan Square is about one point five Km, width about fifteen two hundred M, total floor area one hundred and four thousand seven hundred and thirty-six square meter. The whole Guishan Leisure Square is composed of a central platform, plank roads on both sides, landscaping, sidewalks, wetlands, etc. It is a large park integrating tourism, leisure, entertainment, sightseeing, and flood control.



Chaohu Wenhai



Classification: Life emotion

        People face many choices in their life. We need to analyze, judge and choose an option that suits us. Sometimes it is difficult to make a choice, because there are countless connections between things, which can be said to affect the whole body. Each choice may have a significant impact on oneself, or even affect the direction of life.

        The choice is sometimes very painful. At this stage, I also face many choices. Each choice may also affect the future direction of oneself and even the family. There may be no right or wrong decision at a certain stage, and only time can verify the final right or wrong decision. They are eager to create a new world and make great achievements, but they are always bound by something and cannot move. Ideal is full, reality is bony, and reality and ideal often conflict. When we make a choice, we should consider the reality more or rely on temporary interests and ideals. Long for ideal, trapped in reality, how can we face the contradictory mood. Maybe we should learn to analyze calmly, study carefully and make prudent choices.

        Some things must be decided by oneself, and others can't help, although sometimes they also want to hear


Nanjing Confucius Temple


Classification: Tour and shoot China

      Confucius Temple was built in the Song Dynasty, and is located next to Gongyuan Street on the north bank of the Qinhuai River. It is a group of large-scale ancient buildings. After many vicissitudes and vicissitudes of life, it has been a place to worship and worship Confucius. It is one of the four major Confucian temples in China. It is known as a scenic spot of Qinhuai River, and has become the characteristic landscape area of the ancient capital Nanjing. It is also a famous tourist attraction at home and abroad. The Confucius Temple was not only the cultural and educational center of Nanjing during the Ming and Qing Dynasties, but also the cultural and educational building complex ranking first in the southeast provinces.


                                                                            North Gate of Confucius Temple





Classification: Random talk and realism

As a person who works in the hospital in medicine, I am surprised to find that doctors are generally unwilling to find nurses as marriage partners. Although the situation that doctors find nurses to marry exists, the proportion of this situation is relatively small. I know three people who are engaged in medical work. They are all older single youth. Two of them work in hospitals and one in the medical department. I asked them that there are many single nurses in the hospital. Why not marry a nurse? They claimed that they would never find a nurse to be their wife. When I asked why, they would give me the same answer, but most of the answers were because nurses were too tired and had low status.

        I know some doctor friends who work in hospitals, and find that most of their marriage partners are teachers and government employees, or doctors who also work in hospitals. Of course, there are also doctors looking for nurses, but the proportion is really small. Especially now some young doctors. I have discussed this issue with some friends, and I think what they said is reasonable, although it may not be accurate enough. The reasons why doctors do not marry nurses are summarized as follows:

        1、 Nurses work hard. Nurses need to work night shifts frequently, so they are tired. Even if you are on duty at night, you can't sleep at all, because you need to arrange medical treatment for some patients according to the doctor's orders. When they get home, they sometimes fall down


Mind Skill

Inpatient Ward

Classification: Life emotion

      The popularity of "Mind Skill" suddenly made people pay more attention and interest to the hospital. "Mind Skill" mainly describes some things in the ward, focusing on the relationship between doctors and patients, and the theme of love. Here I also talk about some real scenes in the real ward.

        Ward segment I    

      Subject: Professor of Foreign Languages

        There is a foreign language professor from a famous university who is proficient in English, Japanese and other foreign languages in several countries. The patient suffered from Alzheimer's disease, so every time the doctor went to the ward to check the patient's condition, the patient either answered in English or in Japanese or other foreign languages. Basically do not use Chinese to answer questions. Doctors are often confused by him. Fortunately, his wife often tells patients about their illness. Doctors often privately sigh that it is not a simple thing to be a doctor, and they need to be proficient in several languages.

      Ward segment 2    

      Theme: son preference

      In the ward, a young couple suddenly scuffled at one side, and the man's mother-in-law, holding a baby in her arms, joined the dispute to help her daughter beat her son-in-law. The fight was very fierce. The reason for the fight was that the man abandoned his wife and gave birth to a daughter. After being pulled apart by others, the daughter-in-law


The highest good is like water

social commitment


Classification: Life emotion

        The first time I heard the sentence "the highest good is like water, and the highest virtue carries everything", I didn't understand its meaning, so I went to check the literal interpretation of the sentence.   "The highest good is like water, and the highest morality carries all things." This sentence is frequently used in many occasions in Chinese society. It probably means that the best character and the highest sentiment should be like water, with a broad and deep mind and good conduct to carry all things, contain all things, nourish all things, and benefit all things. Then, I suddenly understood and thought about it

        I like this sentence, especially the word "the best is like water". "The highest good is like water" comes from the eighth chapter of Laozi's Tao Te Ching: "The highest good is like water, and water is good for all things without competition." It means that the highest level of good is like the nature of water, which benefits all things without competition for fame and wealth. I also found that many bloggers like to use such a word as their blog name. I can imagine that they should also like me and have a special preference for this word. Maybe their love even exceeds my level. Maybe we can use it together to spur ourselves, and use it as a high standard to measure our own behavior in society, to strictly guide and urge our own daily behavior.

        "The highest good is like water, and the highest morality carries everything." There are countless people with lofty ideals in ancient and modern times, and we can count how many people can really do this. Maybe this is really a chance but not a chance, and its existence may only be


Harbin Medical University Killing Medical Cases



Classification: Random talk and realism

        Recently, I heard of the "Harbin Medical University Massacre" incident, which is shocking and deeply regrettable. I was shocked by the frequent occurrence of similar tragedies and felt sorry for the early death of young people. The root cause: on the one hand, there is a problem of doctor-patient communication; on the other hand, there is a misunderstanding and demonization of medical workers by public opinion and society, and I think the latter is the most fundamental reason.

        The society has demonized the profession of doctors to a certain extent, believing that most doctors are shameful, not only receiving red envelopes from patients, but also taking medicine commissions. In fact, it is not accurate to say that high salary is irresponsible for patients' work. In fact, the income of medical workers is really high, but to a certain extent, the income is exaggerated to the extent that it is too high, and not all medical workers can get high salaries. The level of doctor's income is mainly related to the level and scale of the hospital, the specific department where the doctor is located, and even the internal income distribution policy of the hospital. In fact, the income of doctors in general hospitals is not high, mainly including basic salary plus bonus and a small amount of drug commission. In fact, the salary of employees in some industries, such as the financial system, is not lower than that of employees in ordinary large hospitals.

      To a certain extent, medical workers can be regarded as a high-income group, but the pressure and risks that medical workers bear are incomparable to those of staff in other general occupations. Because medical work is related to the health and life of patients. Doctors are also ordinary people, and it is difficult to really


Write a proof for your life

Make a living mark


Classification: Life emotion

        I think people should always leave something behind, change something, and prove something when they live in this world. Because there are too many things worth remembering, cherishing and pursuing in one's life. Life is like a song, a poem and a book. It is either plain, strange, or magnificent. Of course, only each party can have the deepest understanding of the taste.

        Any way of life is a mark of life, and choice represents a person's attitude towards life and even life. It is the embodiment of a kind of outlook on life and values. Either positive, or depressed, or noncommittal. These attitudes are optional and, to a certain extent, we can grasp and touch them. Although life is not satisfactory, perhaps we can go to savor the sentence "life is not as good as what we want, and we often think about one or two things" to truly understand the truth and philosophy of life contained in it. Sometimes I will be upset, depressed, and confused. But at this time, I will continue to encourage myself, actively face all kinds of setbacks in life, and strive to prove the value of my existence in life.

        I think that a person must live to be over 30 years old at least, so that he can look at life and all kinds of life more objectively and rationally. People before the age of 20 may have more unlimited vision of life and life, while people after the age of 20 may have enthusiasm for the future, and people over the age of 30 may really understand what they want to do. The saying "stand at thirty"


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