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 Candy Xiaoxin
Candy Xiaoxin
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Suixin Tribe





Classification: The wonderful pictures of Xiaoxin!

Long time no

(2012-07-27 13:30)

Miscellaneous talk




Miscellaneous talk

Classification: The wonderful pictures of Xiaoxin!

little  progress everyday, probably could make significant change in the near future.

Love life, love photography:)

something abt creativity,something abt the beauty of little creatures:D


Miscellaneous talk





The first batch of photos of novices on the road~~~~~ I felt that I was still very unprofessional, so I kept changing colors in the later stage...

That line... beautiful...


(2012-03-23 12:40)

Miscellaneous talk

Rest at home today, so comfortable~~~lazy sunshine lazy me~~

Shoot casually in the backyard with my third eye

Simple things are so beautiful... But we often lose the eyes that find them beautiful~~~

The charm and greatness of nature really do not mean that you can express your love for them in a few words...

Yujijiang Nishimura, who has never known of this person, suddenly popped out her collection of piano songs in qq music and listened to it. It was slightly fresh, slightly sad, and aftertasted a touch of beauty...

Listen to her, fixing photos, and adding some elegant words...

Quietly, you can be drunk in your own world

                                                                                                                                                                  ------March 23


(2012-03-15 11:38)

Miscellaneous talk

Start working and get on the right track. Although not full-time, I prefer to say that I am working as a part-time worker, but I am not used to working But at least it is also a job:)

Not used to it at first... If you choose Hospitality, you are doomed to be physically tired... But now I have gradually adapted to this kind of life~~The partners from various countries who work together are also very friendly~~

Very good, no need to work nine to five. Occasionally, afternoon and evening classes add some color to life~~~and reduce the time for exercise~

Instead of working every day, take a good rest at home, listen to music, and tap some words... Or wash things, tidy up the room, or walk around... Simply... Just fine~~~

I remember writing a blog before, which mentioned: one person, one laptop, one cup of coffee, one MP3, one SLR, one way... Hehe, I appreciate this attitude towards life. I'm not far from this little dream~~~

Ample food and clothing by working with our own hands. The fruits obtained through their own labor are always extraordinarily satisfied and joyful. Although they haven't been paid yet, they have

(2012-03-07 18:43)

Miscellaneous talk

Today I started my first day of hotel work. Although it is similar to some previous hospitality experience, I still feel very fresh:)

But one day, I just want to say... Tired... Tired... Tired...

Good ordinary grass-roots work, I feel like a machine for toiling... There is no need to read any graduate students...

But on the other hand, who doesn't start from the bottom of the job...

It's scary... Afraid of being an experienced person after more than a year of hard work, visa will return to China and start again when it is due...

Ah... I like listening to music when I am tired... I'm really tired...

No... Thank those who have been praying for me... I believe that there is something called predestination...

At least for the same position, you can get much better salary in Australia than in China... Also satisfied...

Hey hey, when I came home at night and saw my favorite clothes ordered online, I was even happier... It feels good that I can earn money to buy things...


The dancing shoes have holes and cracks, ready to welcome a dream
OK, cover the pain and fill the paleness

What kind of courage should I use

(2012-02-01 18:59)

Miscellaneous talk

Graduated After four years of life in Queensland, I set foot on the land of Victoria

Melbourne, one of my favorite cities in Australia, is free from the hustle and bustle of Sydney and the tedium of Brisbane, with a strong cultural atmosphere mixed with art and vitality

I started my new life here with full expectation Just like the scene when I set foot on Australia four years ago, I am still full of ambition What's different is that I'm no longer alone, and I finally have relatives to accompany me

Although I like here, I still can't adapt to the new environment at the beginning Mel, the temperature is getting worse. You should start thinking about what to wear every day The days of QLD's daily vest, shorts and slippers are gone forever~~haha~~

Three meals a day is regular. You don't have to cook and wash dishes by yourself. There is no longer a mess of eating without a meal. I occasionally help you, although I often feel embarrassed But I still feel warm:) But No work and friends Accustomed to so many years of independent and free life, unrestrained I suddenly feel that I have no friends around In fact, my heart is very empty

Talking about a short distance love 2.5 months It's so short that I think it's funny, but it's also expected Love without emotional foundation, how much courage is needed to go on well I admit that I didn't treat this relationship well. In my father's words, I played rascal Ha ha~No matter you hurt the other party or yourself At least one month together, we all bring happiness to each other. Even if it is an idol drama, there will be a day when the drama ends


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