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 Detective Young Master
Detective Young Master
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Miscellaneous talk

Classification: Entertainment · AV
I was watching Nine Blades' "Strange Dreams" when I suddenly heard from the crowd that Sister Fei had passed away.
Go to Sina Entertainment for the first time. It's true. The theme of Sina Entertainment has not been completely completed, and the words "Hong Kong artist Shen Dianxia died of illness" on white background and black characters are so dazzling.
The mood is very complicated. So many painful and difficult treatments failed to keep Feijie. I had been prepared for this, but at the moment when the news came, I still didn't want to believe that the face always full of love and smile was so fixed at the age of 60, so I left us.
But perhaps, this is a relief for Feijie. She doesn't have to endure the treatment that makes her suffer, and she doesn't have to dodge the eyes of the media everywhere, so Feifei gets her own peace. She can finally enjoy her own comfort and happiness in heaven.
Suddenly I remembered the late Hong Kong actor Dong Biao who played Uncle Piao in the series of "Richness and Dignity Imperative People". The same leave, the same sorrow. At last, Feifei followed Uncle Piao's footsteps, calmly and quietly, leaving people of that era with infinite sorrow.
However, we have to face the reality and face such a farewell era.
Classification: Entertainment · AV
Influenced by a brother named Xiao Xue, I sorted out a document. This is a list of the tribulations of Tang Monk's four masters and disciples on the way to get scriptures. First of all, send out the files I have sorted out (you need to click to see the larger picture or simply save them to the local computer).

It's forty years hard. Why not? Because the Guanyin Bodhisattva counted some of the hardships before he learned the sutras, and my difficulties here may be broken down into several difficulties at the Bodhisattva's place. The following is the calculation by the Bodhisattva. The black "Nth difficulty" on the left is calculated by Bodhisattva, the middle is the name of disaster, and the red one is recorded in the picture above. The "Nth difficulty" on the right is the disaster number in the table I calculated above. For example, the thirteenth and fourteenth difficulties calculated by Bodhisattva are grouped together in my opinion, which is called the fifth difficulty. Got it? Here is the table.

I've worked hard here, and everyone will be there!
Classification: Entertainment · AV
I just saw the rebroadcast of China Film Report, and learned that Cecilia Cheung hit the car at the scene of the filming of the 601st Telephone. I don't know exactly, because I didn't read it all. It probably means that Cecilia Cheung drove a car around the shooting scene, but suddenly there was a problem, and the car went straight to the crew. As a result, Cecilia Cheung made a quick decision, steering to the right, and the car hit a pillar. She said in the interview: "What I thought in 0.01 second was that I would rather be injured alone than let them hurt, because I knew that they would be dead once the car passed, so I hit the pole." Then, she also apologized for the property damage she caused: "I'm sorry, really sorry..." She could not help crying.
I am very moved to see here. It is often reported that stars act regardless of their physical problems, which doesn't make me feel bad, because I think it is their job. But seeing this news, I really saw the kind and brave nature of stars. This is not hype - it's a matter of life and death. Cecilia Cheung, in such a critical situation, was able to ignore her own life and resolutely knock the car down on the pillar, which was a kind of heroic spirit. If we can say that Cecilia Cheung was scared to be silly and didn't make any response at that time, which resulted in several deaths and injuries, the media should not make any negative comments on Cecilia Cheung - it's human nature. However, Cecilia Cheung made such an unexpected decision at this critical moment, which naturally added to her image

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