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 Auspicious Brothers
Auspicious Brothers
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Miscellaneous talk

The second brother scored again!

      It sounds exciting, exciting for fans and even more exciting for Chinese people.

For me, Sun Xiang's free kick goal is expected. Sun Xiang's explosive force is very suitable for the penalty set pieces, because the set pieces need to be delivered from the spot, and the requirements for sudden explosive force are higher, which is exactly where his advantage lies.

      The reason why the second brother can score goals in two consecutive games seems to have passed the threshold in terms of psychology. In fact, in addition to footwork, the more important thing is psychology. At the moment of touching the ball, the only thing in his mind is how to complete the technical action correctly, and how to grasp the appropriate and accurate weight, which is the key, If you were hesitant or trying to kick at any angle and how the ball should fly to the goal, the technical action would be affected, and the probability of scoring would be greatly reduced, which is proportional. The second brother used his goal to prove that he is constantly adapting to the rhythm of the Olympic Super League, and also found his confidence on the court.

      In fact, reasonable completion of each technical action is the core skill of players on the field. Football is


Miscellaneous talk

        After reading the blog post written by my elder brother, I suddenly felt a lot of feelings. He was in good spirits in the photo. It's really a long time since we both came here to post an article. We just watched your messages quietly and felt your concern and support for us. In fact, I have wanted to share my experiences and feelings with you many times. This delay will last for nearly half a year, but it is still too late. Please forgive me for the new weather in the New Year. In addition, I wish all friends who care about us good luck in the new year.

      This year's New Year was spent in Vienna, and the eldest brother was also abroad, so we can only send greetings to each other by text message and bid New Year greetings to parents and relatives in Shanghai. In fact, I have been used to the life of training and wandering outside for so many years. Although there is no strong sense of youth in foreign countries, I have also adapted to this atmosphere. I will still bless myself and friends in my heart, have many visions and hopes for the future, and draw a new blueprint for my career and life.

        These days, our side





Miscellaneous talk

      Looking at your messages of blessing and thinking of the words "The sky is high, let the birds fly", I embarked on the journey to Austria. It may be a year since I left here. The four heavy boxes are full of my luggage, and what's more, they are full of my vision and expectation for the future.
      Thank you. Every time I am about to start a new life experience, these two words always jump into my mind at the first time. Shenhua, fans, family and friends, you have given me too much support and encouragement. With you, I can have my own stage and fly to a broader sky again and again. At this moment, there is no need to speak too much. You are the driving force for me to move forward, but also my eternal concern.
      Shoes, books, computers, pillows, quilts, almost everything in my room, and even calligraphy books. If the life there is quiet and lonely, it is ready; If there are difficulties and setbacks, it is the hero's dormancy. After all kinds of overseas trips in the past, I have experienced myself to be more determined, mature, calm and confident. I want to be full of energy


      Sleepless all night, the result of 0:1 made all of us sad, and it must make you, all the friends who pay attention to Chinese football, sad and disappointed.
      The long left corridor is the battlefield I am used to attacking. The world is so open, but it is also so strange and narrow. Attack! defense! I'm still running and sprinting, time after time.
      Get up, get up, get up! The national anthem nearby is magnificent, forward, forward, forward! We were at daggers drawn from our opponents.
      Four years of reincarnation, including how many successive, countless worries. I'm glad to be one of them.
      I am not afraid of failure and starting from scratch, but I cannot let you experience ups and downs with us.
      How much hard work has been paid for it, even if it can not get the favor of fate, it is just helpless and has no regrets. Since it is my choice, I will stick to it and be confident.
      Today's victory does not belong to us. Tomorrow we will continue to conquer the future arena.
      Please don't give up, let alone abandon Chinese football, for which we will continue to struggle and strive for our dream and cause.
        If there is tomorrow, I believe there will be tomorrow.



        Today is the second day of training in the national team. Although the two drills a day are arranged compactly and the staff have not yet arrived, everyone is still practicing enthusiastically. Perhaps inspired by the spirit of unity in the country these days in earthquake relief, the training has become more effective and serious. To learn from the PLA and medical personnel on the front line of disaster relief, everyone should start from me, start from their own work, build our country better, and make their own contributions to the reconstruction of their homes and the success of the Beijing Olympic Games, which is the best consolation for the dead compatriots.
      Maybe it was because the airport had to make way for the delivery of relief materials. The plane was late. We arrived several nights and reported to the team for several hours. We didn't catch up with the national team's collective silence. But we still stood at the airport with many people and spent the unforgettable 3 minutes. 14: At 28, we waited quietly for the arrival of this moment. I saw that all people, including foreign tourists, got up and stood in silence. Time passed by second by second, and every tick sounded like a knock on my heart, which made me very sad.
        In the morning when I practiced penalty kick, I chose to shoot vigorously. I had to use all my strength. I felt a sense of responsibility and mission that I had never felt before. My friend said that if she could, she would like to see May 12 in 2008 disappear. There is no "if", but every year this day will be a day of prayer and commemoration. The dead rest in peace, the living work hard, we must be stronger,


      On May 17, although I didn't play in the league on behalf of the team, I will definitely remember that day. The Yuanshen Stadium on that day was very different. The darkness blurred my vision. When my brother and my teammates put their hearts into the donation box filled with love and blessings, my eyes moistened. Although the lights around the stadium are bright, I only see the candles in everyone's hands and the yellow ribbons representing praying. The enthusiastic cheers of the fans are still ringing in my ears, but I clearly heard the cries of children and the cries of victims thousands of miles away in Sichuan. But we can do too little for them at this moment.
      In recent days, the TV at home is always broadcasting the rolling report of the earthquake. When there is no training, I will stay by the TV and pay attention to everything there. In the face of this situation, I don't know what else to say, because any words are so powerless. In the face of disasters, people are small, but when I see the soldiers, medical workers, and donations from all over the country who save people day and night on the front line, I think people are so great. What we must do is to give our strength and help to the people in the disaster area with practical actions, and tell them that the pain and disaster are only temporary, and everything will be better.
      Tomorrow I will return to the national team and start a new round of preparation and competition. Although I haven't played in these games, you don't need to worry about me. I will try my best

Sun Xiang


Miscellaneous talk

  My game was broadcasted on the East TV Entertainment Channel at 7:00 p.m. on March 23. I hope you will support me and vote for me on dance.smgbb.cn to revive me. Thank you.



Hello, friends! I miss you very much. I haven't come up to update my blog and say hello to you for a long time. I've been away from home for a long time, sometimes in the national team, sometimes in Japan, so I'm not free to say to you hello, The last few days in Chongming to participate in the Shanghai Football Championship, is also very busy, but we won the Dalian team 3-1, so we want to share the joy of victory with everyone.

Speaking of joy, have you heard a violin song called "Victory"? I like it very much. Not only because it sounds good, I also used it to complete my first national standard dance in my long history - Samba!

Last week, I participated in the second season of a popular variety show Dance Forest Assembly in Shanghai. Thanks to the support of the club leaders, I began to rehearse with confidence. But I didn't expect that dancing was really a hard work. I felt very beautiful after watching it on TV. In fact, I only knew how hard and tired it was when I practiced off the stage. This reminds me of the football we are engaged in, which is as high as 40% in summer


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