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(2012-08-20 16:48)

Miscellaneous talk

      After a battle sixty The heaviest rainstorm in recent years, the sound of cicadas and frogs in Beijing in the morning, the clouds are light and the wind is light. The cool wind passed through the hall, and there was no sign of confusion last night. Only the pots and buckets scattered in the house to collect water reminded me of the danger of "fighting" with the heavy rain. In this way, the days fly by in a hurry and tension; Time has become a full schedule written on the calendar board, which rarely has time for aftertaste.


      The goal of this year has not been achieved yet. It is time to make a plan for next year. The flight route interweaves into the map of our life. No matter whether it is late or not, the plan for the next day has been filled as scheduled



Miscellaneous talk

      In June this year, I went to Switzerland with Li Xin from Christie's to see the annual Basel International Art Fair. In those days, the weather was very good. Large white clouds floated in the blue sky, like the sky in a fairy tale. The sun shone on the leaves like gold, and the breeze was fragrant with grass. Sitting on the garden lawn of the Baylor Foundation, where the huge plant sculpture "Dog" by Jeff Koons is displayed, she told me the story of the most famous doorman in the United States.


      He was born in Brooklyn, a black area of New York, and had no education. He had been working as a security guard and warehouse keeper. Although he had done an excellent job, Christie's had given him the keys to the art treasure house, but he worked underground day after day, which made him eager to do a job dealing with people. When he learned that the company had a job as a doorman, he applied to the boss. Among many applicants, he finally became the most famous auction company in the world, a doorman in uniform pulling the door for guests. How can I do this job well? He thought that everyone who entered the company was an extremely important person. How could they feel respected, happy and at home, so that they would like themselves more and would like to come often. So he found all the celebrities in the newspaper, cut their photo names and introductions, pasted them on the wall at home, reviewed them on the subway every day, and asked his wife to test him at night when he came home. People he didn't know would ask his colleagues... So every day he could always open the door with a smile, "Ah, you

(2012-06-27 11:45)

Miscellaneous talk

      I went to the hospital late yesterday to see my father who had been in hospital. Suddenly, I felt dizzy and distracted. I searched my father's room where he had fasted for two months after the operation. The only thing I saw on the table was half a steamed bun left by the nurse in the plastic bag. I found that I was so busy that I forgot to eat. I ate the life-saving steamed bun in a hurry. I thought about laughing on the way home. What about it? Will I almost starve to death when I am in a luxury office building and guarding the restaurant and shopping mall?


      You can't believe that our editors can fly all over the world in a month, and they don't know where each other is, and they can also make amazing things on time: Fan Xiaomu explores Chinese traditional handicrafts, and together with the only remaining paper-cut artists Zhang Yan and Guo Haifan, they created the "Fashion Bazaar JOYCE Paper cut Fashion Art Exhibition", which took thousands of hours to inherit and save Chinese skills; Wei Tiandai's team took photos of London fashion from museums to palaces; Yu Ge and Chen Menghan visited the UK to make the most complete and informative album of British designers in history; Lucia Liu cooperated with Nicolas Formichetti, the stylist of Lady GaGa, to exclusively shoot "Panda" blockbusters for Basha


      I once saw a satire on the editor of Chinese fashion magazine on Weibo: "A group of people with 8000 yuan salary, for 30000 yuan income, describe the life of millionaires." What's the shame? Do you know the essence of fashion, the true meaning of beauty and the meaning of our work, those who are sarcastic? Our editor Zeng


Miscellaneous talk

      This month, my father was seriously ill and came to Beijing from Shandong for an operation in hospital. As a result, the daily work adds several hours to shuttle from the east to the west of the city. In the short spring when the flowers are blooming and falling, it is time to write the first words of the book again in a twinkling of an eye in fear of tension and work hard. I remember an editor in chief used to shout "write the title and ask for a gunman" in the microblog. I really understand her, especially when you are too busy to break yourself up and your inspiration and literary talent fly to Java. I also asked for help anxiously in the office: "What to write? Chen Jing?"


      Chen Jing is the process supervisor of our magazine, ten For years, I have been responsible for urging me and everyone to write every month, and also for giving me direction and comfort when I have no idea. "Write about holidays. We are going to Maldives soon


Miscellaneous talk

Spring in Beijing comes like this: a late snow and two strong winds blow out the blue sky like a wash, and the sun comes up hot with a bang. It's like an unexpected love. No matter how depressed, irritable, gloomy and cold you wait, when it comes, you will smile like a spring breeze at that moment. Alas, Xiao Yangchun is so amorous.


I just stayed in the sun and looked up at the blue sky, forgetting the tight schedule this month:


Board of Directors, Flying to Paris, Fashion Week, Global Editorial Conference, Paris in the rain, wearing high-heeled shoes, running through the rain


Miscellaneous talk

    I have many boyfriends and girlfriends who always come to me when I am sad. But these usually extremely excellent and successful people will still have the worries we all encounter after a few drinks. "Why are the people I love always dissatisfied with me?" "Why is love always not going well?" "Why do I have everything, but always can't live the life I want?" - In the final analysis, we began to ask ourselves, like in work, in the frustration of life again and again, whether it was I who had a problem?


    Honey, what's your problem? You are you!


    In another book this month, I introduced a great woman, the last century thirty


Miscellaneous talk

    On the sixth day of the lunar new year, I flew to Hong Kong alone with the great plan planned by my colleagues in the fifth day of the lunar new year in order to have a great idea of "Basha Art". I have one hidden in IPAD In PPT, In addition to the phone numbers of some Hong Kong friends, the Oriental Pearl, which has been to numerous prosperous and beautiful places, has become a dream place full of miracles along the way. We have a new dream. In a strange place, who will help me? Can it be realized?


    Now, I'm not


Miscellaneous talk

      On the plane to the Venice Biennale last June, I sat with the artist Zeng Fanzhi. He was holding a book, which was soft and old. The cover of the book was light blue. There was a white lotus flower that opened obliquely. The very detailed book was called "Wind Lotus in the Quyuan". I took it to look at it while he was resting. The original subtitle was "Ten Lectures on Chinese Art".


      Because of this book, I had the most wonderful flight in my life: "Juanjuan groups of pines, ripples flow down. Clear snow is full of Ting, across the river fishing boat. Keren is like jade, walking in seclusion. After looking forward, the sky is blue and secluded. God is out of the ancient, light can not be received. Like the dawn of the moon, like the autumn of air." There are also frames of Chinese ancient paintings, ancient gardens, Little by little, it took me to the place of Chinese aesthetics that I knew but had never been to... where there were fishermen and woodcutters in the empty mountain; Where the sound of bells and chimes is wreathed; There is Huaisu wild grass written by Li Bai; There is the vastness of the river in Fachang's paintings.


      For the first time, I began to ask myself what I had forgotten in the decades of searching up and down alone?


      We come to this world with nothing, hungry for food and knowledge. We know that life is short and we have unlimited desires. We work hard to exercise our ability and compete against time to exchange achievements in all aspects. We fly, travel, read thousands of books and travel thousands of miles to broaden our horizons and insights. We think, conceive and create, and strive to build a better world while constantly


Miscellaneous talk

      That morning, you got up to smoke. The person leaning on the pillow had only one outline. You said to the woman beside you, would you promise me one thing? She probably just met you and hasn't woken up from her sweet sleep. OK, she said. "Don't fall in love with me." After saying this, you can no longer hear the answer. You know, every time you finish saying this sentence, there is such a silence. Thousands of people who are not sincere are not as sincere as you, and you can pay the end in one night.


      We have all hated the cowardly promise and the condemnation of conscience after many times of deception. How nice it would be to live frankly. I didn't let you love me, and I never intend to promise you anything. In love, our life only starts from the moment we know each other, and should end when we leave. Isn't that fair?


      Everyone expects the other party to love only one person in their heart, but their own heart cannot stay for only one person. In order to keep my own and others' freedom, let me explain clearly at one time... Where is the girl? I hate cheats, but such sincerity is inferior to cheats. You only have to turn around and leave or, moths to the fire


      In the past many years, I have often been confused by love, because I think it is beautiful and useless, so I slowly give up. For women, it's better to stay in a warm house and have some warm memories. Because love always burns itself, and then


Miscellaneous talk

      Do you remember a day missing by mistake? At noon on Sunday, I was surprised to find that I had miscalculated the day, and somehow one day was missing in my life. At that moment, I felt as if the sky had collapsed. The opening words of the book had not been written, and I still had to come back to Shanghai to negotiate on the same day before closing the book and sending it to the factory. The cover of the book had not been designed completely. For a magazine editor whose day is calculated by day and hour, she jumped out of her chair like crazy, calculating how little time is left, and rushed to the wardrobe like lightning, Pick out a dress to put on the upper body, put on makeup at the speed of 100 meter dash, and two Three hours before attending a charity dinner, she would rush to the office in the unlimited weekend Beijing Chehe River. In that blank mind, she needed to finish writing this article




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