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 Yin Xifu, nutritionist
Yin Xifu, nutritionist
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Probiotic selection

Probiotic precautions



When the name of probiotics is mentioned, many people's first impression is the popular probiotic drink, yogurt. When asked what role probiotics have, everyone will tell you with one voice to improve constipation and prevent diarrhea. With the deepening of scientific research, probiotics are also showing its amazing potential and talent. Probiotics, which have been regarded as single efficacy for many years, began to appear on the stage of history.

[Probiotics]: There are trillions of microorganisms living in human intestinal tract. Some of these intestinal microorganisms are beneficial to the health of the host. These bacteria play an important role in the regulation of body metabolism, immune function and the balance and stability of intestinal flora. We call them probiotics.


(2017-07-27 18:09)


Iodine intake

Iodine food

Iodine hazard

Iodine source

        When talking about "iodine", I think more of "iodized salt". I remember that when the Fukushima nuclear power plant leaked, people heard more about the leakage of radioactive substances one hundred and thirty-one one hundred and thirty-two one hundred and thirty-three And so on. But people only know the radioactive material iodine thirteen


Summer fruit juice

Infant complementary food

Juice selection

Summer fruits and vegetables

Fruit and vegetable matching

Miscellaneous talk

In summer, everything rises, and the basic metabolism of the human body increases, which means that the water-soluble vitamins in the body will also be lost with the outflow of body fluid, and our digestive fluid will also be reduced and appetite will decline due to the high temperature environment. This is true of normal people, not to mention infants.

Recently, many people have been asking whether and what kind of fruit should be added to babies when summer comes. Also, do you have any good suggestions on vegetables. In view of the above problems, some suggestions are summarized for your reference:

[Fruit juice also has "age"]





Nephrotic factors

Care for the kidney

Stay away from obesity


[First knowledge of kidney disease]

Kidney disease has gradually become a common disease in the world. It has the characteristics of high morbidity, high incidence of other diseases (hypertension, diabetes, etc. will lead to kidney disease), and high mortality. At the same time, people in China and even in the past have low awareness of kidney disease and low awareness of prevention and treatment. It also indulges to some extent killer Commit incessant murders.






Vitamin C


  When people first come into contact with "immunity", it is actually like building a house. We not only need various materials, but also need to process the materials into the shape we need. Therefore, balanced nutrition and comprehensive improvement are the core and focus of truly improving immunization.

  Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents Now more and more people come into contact with this word from businesses, because everyone wants to improve immunity and is looking for shortcuts to improve immunity. I even think that as long as I eat a certain kind of food and drink a certain kind of food

(2016-08-13 21:39)

Vc and seafood

Food restriction

food poisoning


Soybean Milk

[The appearance of food restriction]

      It seems that food restriction has been constantly emerging in the crowd, and even many movies and TV plays have been using food restriction to perform court dramas: white radishes and carrots lead to septicemia at the same time,       Hami melon and banana together will lead to kidney failure and joint disease aggravation. Eggs and soymilk together will affect the absorption of nutrients. Oranges and lemons together will lead to perforation of digestive tract ulcers, and so on. They are springing up in our lives. Modern people know only a little about this kind of knowledge, and even think that these insincere foods are stuck in the kitchen. In fact, what they really see is how much, and what they seek more is psychological comfort.

[Why there are so many stories about food restriction]






Heterocyclic amine


With the hot weather, the scorching heat brings not only dry heat, but also the reason to relax and relieve the heat - food. Any trouble looks so humble in front of delicious food. In ancient times, there was a saying that "everything is inferior, but only reading is high", but now it is "everything can be passed, only food can be served", barbecue, seafood, beer. Think of its shape before you smell it. It seems that many people have begun to wander around and salivate before eating the colorful color matching and cold beer.



Three Swordsmen

Skin care



Women's love of beauty is a kind of nature. No woman doesn't care about her figure and appearance. Therefore, under such a big environment and premise, it seems that every woman will care about her own face. The most common consultation is about how to whiten and protect your skin.




afternoon tea

fruit juice

Candied fruit


Winter has come quietly. If you enjoy a delicious meal and a cup of warm tea in the sunny afternoon, you can not only drive away the cold winter, but also replenish energy.  






Sugar free food


diabetes two thousand and fourteen year WHO


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