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 Hunan Children's Hospital
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        Eczema is a common skin manifestation of food allergy in children. It is mainly caused by allergy. Eczema is particularly easy to occur in infants. Egg is the most common allergen for infants, followed by milk protein.

(1) Dietary principles:

   The occurrence, severity and outcome of eczema are directly related to food, so it is particularly important to choose food, mainly following the following principles:

1. Avoid allergic food

2. Adhere to breastfeeding

3. Choose appropriate food substitutes

4. Reasonably add complementary foods

(2) Diet program

1. Avoid allergic food: There is no specific treatment for eczema, and at present, diet avoidance is the only effective way to treat food allergy. All foods causing eczema should be completely excluded from the diet. Since food allergy may self heal with age, it should be monitored regularly. It is recommended to re evaluate it 3-6 months later to adjust the treatment plan and time of avoidance diet. Allergies to eggs, soybeans, peanuts, nuts and seafood are not the main source of nutrients, and many other foods can provide similar nutrients, so avoidance will not affect infants


Miscellaneous talk


        "Eat more, or you won't grow tall!" Many parents often mention this sentence when feeding their children. In fact, doing so will ignore their children's love for delicious food, and regard eating as a task that must be completed until they gradually become resistant.

        Some children are anxious as soon as they eat He always felt that he ate too little, and urged him to eat more every day. As soon as he saw that he ate too much, he praised him vigorously, and was unwilling to eat too little. He was forced to eat more for various reasons. The most commonly used saying is: "Eat more, eat less, grow less and lose strength!" This reason was effective at the beginning, and children will eat more or less after hearing it.

        But after a while, a problem occurred. The children who had good table manners began to fidget and whine when eating, but they ate less than before. If they were persuaded to eat more for the sake of growing taller and stronger, they would suddenly become angry. After screaming several times, they would deliberately put a big mouthful of food into their mouth and choke until they rolled their eyes, It can be regarded as passive resistance. Parents began to doubt that the encouragement of "eating more to grow stronger", although it seemed very correct, was not a long-term solution.

        Later, parents were inspired by the small video of their children playing scooters happily. I found that I was always driven by external factors when I was educating my children. Let children play


Miscellaneous talk


        Now, with the cold weather, the number of babies coughing has increased significantly. If the baby had cold symptoms for about a week before the cough symptoms appeared, and now coughs violently, she feels unable to stop once she starts coughing, feels that she has to cough her lungs out, and even coughs to vomit, blushes and cyanosis, then mothers should be careful, Your baby may have this disease - "whooping cough".

[What is whooping cough?]

        Pertussis is an acute respiratory infectious disease caused by Bordetella pertussis, which is typically characterized by paroxysmal spastic cough with deep "crowing" like inspiratory echo. Bronchitis, bronchiolitis and pneumonia caused by Parapertussis bacilli, adenovirus, respiratory syncytial virus and parainfluenza virus can show whooping cough like spasms, especially in infants, which is called whooping cough syndrome. It is difficult to distinguish pertussis and pertussis syndrome clinically. Because the course of disease can be as long as 2-3 months, it is called "whooping cough".

[Three periods, different performances]

1. Catarrh stage: similar to common cold in early stage, such as slight cough, nasal congestion, low fever, conjunctival congestion. Low fever, sneezing and runny nose, lasting for 1-2 weeks.

2. Attack period: cough gradually worsens, cough at night is heavier than that at day, and paroxysmal spastic cough occurs. Spastic cough is a continuous cough of more than 10 sounds to dozens of short coughs, and then deep


Miscellaneous talk


        Diaper dermatitis is a dermatitis that occurs in the diaper area of infants, also known as "diaper rash" or red buttocks of infants. It is reported that 7% - 35% of babies who use diapers are ill. This is because the baby's skin is delicate, and it is easy to be damaged when receiving friction or stimulation. In addition, the immune function of the skin is not perfect, and the resistance is weak. When being stimulated, it is easy to produce inflammation.

        Baby diaper dermatitis is an ammonia producing bacterium in stool. The decomposition of urine into ammonia on wet diapers stimulates the skin. The diapers are hard, and long-term skin immersion is also one of the factors. When babies exercise, the wet skin is rubbed by diapers, which makes the skin vulnerable to damage, becoming a breeding ground for bacteria or fungi. Bacteria raise the local pH value, The enhancement of the activities of lipase and protease, the main stimulants in the feces, is also the reason for the induction and aggravation of diaper dermatitis.

          The disease usually occurs in infants aged 1-4 months, with erythema, papule, blister skin lesions at the lower abdomen, buttocks, and perineum diapers, accompanied by exudation and abrasion. Sometimes the skin lesions can spread from the contact with diapers to the whole lower limbs. In severe cases, superficial erosion may occur, often secondary to candida albicans infection. When the dermatitis spreads, satellite pustules may occur at the edge. Severe cases, especially malnourished children with chronic diarrhea, may develop skin ulcers.

        Active prevention is the best treatment for this disease:

1.      Baby diapers


Miscellaneous talk


The baby skin is the most lovable, but there are still many complaints from mothers in the clinic:

"My child's skin is always not smooth and rough to the touch, and there is no rash when you look carefully."

Some mothers may say, "I don't see any rash, but I feel itchy and always let us scratch."

"My child's skin is very dry, but it still doesn't work with lotion"

"How come our children have skin like snakeskin in winter?"

... and so on. The problem is not serious, but it is very common. Therefore, for the "baby control" mother, it is really a headache and thorny problem.

http://img.mp.itc.cn/upload/20170327/ed49902d921847a4b398091f 8536fb02.png

1. Generally speaking, these skin "pimples" have no serious impact on the growth and development of children, but there are some subtle effects: for example, the whole body skin is like "chicken skin", which may be related to vitamin A deficiency; In winter, the skin is dry, and the extended side of the lower leg even shows "fish scale" like changes, which may be "fish scale disease"; All kinds of dryness, scaling, and rashes cause itching, which makes children sleep poorly, resulting in decreased spirit, appetite, and irritability.

2. In addition to vitamin A deficiency and ichthyosis


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      March 24, 2017 is TB Day. This year's theme is: Unite to eliminate tuberculosis and let no one fall behind.

Case 1

        Recently, an agitated young parent came to the clinic of the Infectious Department of the Children's Hospital. They scolded the doctor for prescribing drugs indiscriminately. They said that the child's examination showed no tuberculosis, and the doctor gave the child anti tuberculosis drugs for three months. Isn't that prescribing drugs indiscriminately?

        Director Liu Jing of the Infection Department received the young parents patiently. Huanhuan was originally a left behind child. Not long ago, her grandmother who had been caring for her was found to be suffering from open tuberculosis. The local doctor suggested Huanhuan also check it to avoid infection; Grandma took Huanhuan to the children's hospital, and the examination did not indicate that Huanhuan was suffering from tuberculosis, but the infection doctor still recommended Huanhuan to take preventive anti tuberculosis drugs for three months because of her age


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Editor's Note:

        On March 21, World Sleep Day, we launched a series of articles around the theme of children's sleep. The messages behind the articles resonated with many parents. I am also a mother growing up with two children, and I have been troubled by their sleep. I also have friends and family members who have been troubled by their sleep. Under the guidance of sleep experts, I was surprised to find that most of the time we disturb our children's sleep.

          If I raise another child, I will pay attention to these aspects; If I meet a friend who is troubled by her child's sleep, I will certainly share these experiences with her

http://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_png/rtLQjoOn5xonoYa6ad88UmQY DnpZD6w3ytDAZoOG6owfaIUW OwMyfa6dgqK6kBiaRiaic51K UpV6j1sUrYFnxISeg/640?wx_fmt=png&tp=webp&wxfrom=5&wx_lazy=1

  The child sleeps restlessly at night?

        Many parents think it is calcium deficiency at the first time, but sometimes it is difficult to see if they have taken calcium supplements


Miscellaneous talk


        The child's body is not yet mature, and many diseases cannot be clearly reflected. If the baby often has fever of unknown cause with growth retardation or weight loss, or has crying and vomiting for which no reason can be found, parents should think of possible urinary tract infection.

        The symptoms of urinary tract infection in older children are similar to those in adults, and the symptoms of local urination are obvious, so it is easier to diagnose, but the symptoms of urination in infants are mostly not obvious, which is very easy to be misdiagnosed. In the neonatal period, most of the symptoms are caused by blood line infection. The severity of the symptoms varies. The general symptoms are mainly systemic symptoms, and the general symptoms of local urination are not obvious. In infancy, systemic symptoms still predominate, such as fever, mild cough, repeated diarrhea, etc. The urination symptoms such as frequent urination, urgency and pain gradually become obvious with age, crying when urinating, silent frequency or stubborn diaper rash should be thought of as this disease, and jaundice may occasionally occur. In childhood, lower urinary tract infection mostly presents urinary tract irritation symptoms such as frequency of urination, urgency of urination, pain of urination, and sometimes terminal hematuria and enuresis, while systemic symptoms are mostly not obvious. However, the systemic symptoms of upper urinary tract infection are more obvious, such as fever, chills, general discomfort, low back pain, kidney area pinch pain, and urination irritation. Some patients may have hematuria, but proteinuria and edema are not obvious. Generally, it does not affect renal function.

        Parents find that their children have bed wetting, or urinate frequently, and urinate with pain. Many of these problems are related to urinary system infection, especially for girls, who need more tests


Miscellaneous talk


          For babies, sleep is not just rest, it is also important for their physical development. Late at night is the peak period of growth hormone secretion necessary for the baby's physical development. If the baby is in a non sleep state or cannot sleep well at this time, it will inevitably affect the secretion of growth hormone. For baby's health, be sure to take care of his mouth before going to bed!

Don't give your baby these five kinds of food before going to bed

http://img.mp.itc.cn/upload/20170320/b7b5d1d8c9864825ba1f36e2 042defe1.jpg

Sweet food

http://img.mp.itc.cn/upload/20170320/10ee661521f948e1b5bb85c8 6dd737e3.jpg

Be on the list

Delicate cake, pastry bread, pudding, chocolate, sweetened juice

Reason for listing

Foods with high sugar content will be quickly absorbed by the stomach and intestines, causing blood sugar to rise and fall sharply, affecting the baby's stable mood and making it difficult to fall asleep. When baby is interested, Mommy has to tell stories one by one. Mommy who has to get up early tomorrow can't afford to be hurt.

Chocolate snacks, which contain cocoa, are more likely to lead to excitement and difficulty in sleeping.


Miscellaneous talk


Dyspepsia is the most common cause of children's bad breath

Common pathogenic factors of dyspepsia include:

Improper feeding causes gastrointestinal dysfunction;

Gastrointestinal inflammation. Infants eat food contaminated by bacteria, causing gastrointestinal inflammation;

Abuse of antibiotics leads to imbalance of flora in the gastrointestinal tract. Normal bacteria, such as lactobacillus, are inhibited, while miscellaneous bacteria grow and multiply in large numbers.

When the weather gets cold, the resistance of the body is low, and a cold belly can also cause indigestion;

    It is often accompanied by refusal to eat or loss of appetite, foul stool, restlessness at night, and flushing of cheeks. Without timely treatment and treatment, diarrhea and fever may occur.

http://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_jpg/rtLQjoOn5xroCRwRsv4bibPE x2XAnXLTJtnZOElpdowJReIU ImWItKVzTm2ThxbQ2GpgfDgN 0FvFiao35uHlFx8w/640? wx_fmt=jpeg&tp=webp&wxfrom=5&wx_lazy=1

What should parents do?

1,   Digestive and astringent drugs can be selected, such as pepsin, multienzyme tablets, lactose


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