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 Self virtue and happiness psychology
Self virtue and happiness psychology
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(2018-10-31 09:25)
Classification: Spiritual growth

Surrender to your own emotions is a sign of high EQ


(2018-10-22 19:12)



  From Defu Psychological Consultation Studio We all know that to be a man in advance and to educate people first is to cultivate their hearts. Human beings are made up of men and women! Therefore, the essence of life is to do a good job of men and women. Men are people who have the power to lead to freedom and know how to take responsibility; Women are loving, gentle and understanding of humanity and wisdom. Women should look good, enter the heart, and get along with the soul! And men should look

Anxiety, depression, confusion


Go to a psychologist

Classification: Spiritual Capricciousness
From Defu Good fortune! Mental health, physical health, physical health, mental health! The material age has been saturated, and it should be the spiritual and psychological age. Exploring deep inside yourself will be the basis of a happy life. The ancient sages were too powerful. In the age of material poverty, it is hard to compare the depth of thought and the penetration of wisdom with today's people.
  The main task of life is to understand oneself, become oneself, and pass on oneself. Otherwise life will be very boring!



Classification: social problem

Sex education in adolescence

Tian Jingxiu



Classification: Children's education
Xi'an Zidefu Psychological Consultation Studio   Tian Jingxiu

    It has been said before that some parents feel their children are too naughty. When they go on the street or walk around, they simply tie their children to themselves with ropes to prevent their children from being in danger.
    I thought it was just an example, and I didn't pay attention to it. However, at about 10 o'clock yesterday morning, when I passed the sidewalk below the Saige building in Xiaozhai, I really saw a fashionable woman in her 30s, tied with a rope, a more fashionable girl in her 5s, shopping carelessly.
    The reason why they are fashionable is that the little girl is wearing a jeans jacket, white lace pants, a curly horse tail, and a pair of beautiful white framed sunglasses
(2018-03-29 14:53)
Classification: Spiritual growth
  You have changed, everything has changed. You are the core of your world. Self independent growth group is a group form of psychological consultation. It is suitable for all those who want to live out their own lives and meet the unknown. Since Defu Psychological Consultation Studio, you will not be tired! Group growth group is a process of finding, understanding, accepting, becoming and achieving ourselves together!
  It starts at 2:30 p.m. on Sunday and ends at 5:00 p.m., once a week, 200 yuan per person each time. It will be held for a long time throughout the year, and there will be many discounts for paying the full annual fee. And Tian Jingxiu's hypnosis practice training! Welcome to sign up. For details, please call: 13571979821 --- 13186066557

(2018-03-25 10:24)


Classification: Spiritual growth
From Defu Psychological Consultation Studio Most of the cases in recent days are related to parent-child relationship. When the feeling of love reaches that place of love, and when the relationship between lovers is unblocked, life is connected. They were wrapped in love and cried after a long absence. I was also moved to tears. Psychological counseling also nourishes my life From the Defu psychological consultation studio, let love reach the destination. 13484557549 Make an appointment at any time

(2018-03-24 17:04)


Classification: Spiritual growth

If your pain has reached the point of suicide, please read this article first

2018-03-21   Di Jianshi  


Classification: Children's education

This is an era in which all people learn psychology and are anxious.


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