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Classification: IT Comments

Friends who follow the US stock market may have found that in the five trading days from December 6 to December 12, the stock price of Youxin used cars, which has fallen for more than five months in a row, suddenly turned around and began to continue to rise sharply, leading China Concept stocks. Its share price jumped from the closing price of $2.86 on December 4 to the closing price of $7.26 for five consecutive trading days, up 153.8%. At present, its share price is still hovering at this high level. In addition to the sharp rise in share prices, the average daily trading volume during the period was up to 16882000 shares, about 10 times the average daily trading volume from the listing at the end of June to December 4. The rapid and strong rebound of the market has made retail investors look at the stock and become more or less anxious to chase the rise, but the watchers, don't rush into the market. There is obvious hype in this market, and what is more worthy of the majority of investors' protection is that the core performance data of Youxin's second-hand car trading volume does not match up.


Youxin was hyped wildly in 5 trading days: trading volume increased 10 times The average daily net capital inflow is less than 700000 dollars




Classification: IT Comments

For a long time, when recognizing things, the human mind always makes more accurate judgments than AI, which has become the biggest constraint to the development of AI technology today. Can we promote the development of artificial intelligence through the research of human neural network? In 2014, Professor Edward Moser, a well-known neuroscientist and psychologist from Norway, won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine by virtue of the research on the cells of the brain location system, which also pointed out a development direction for deep autonomous learning of machines. In an interview with the media, Edward Moser said that he hoped that scientific discoveries would not only benefit the scientific community, but also contribute to the development of human society.

The rumor that Didi invested in Renren Car has been going on. Today, Renren Car finally officially announced the completion of a new round of financing of $200 million. The investor is only Didi Chuxing. The old shareholder did not follow the investment. The founder Li Jian insisted on holding the equity. Earlier, it was reported in the media that Renren Car was only priced at 250 million dollars before this round of financing, a sharp drop of more than 70% compared with the peak value of nearly 1 billion dollars, and lost the controlling right. Didi became the controlling shareholder. Although Li Jian denied these two points, what was the actual situation? The author learned from insiders in the venture capital circle that this round of $200 million financing of Renren Che is "bloody financing", which not only makes the company's valuation miserable, but also transfers the controlling right to Didi. The newly added investor Didi contributed US $200 million, holding more than 44.4% of its shares, and obtained a relative controlling right; The holding right of founder Li Jian was diluted to about 10%.



three hundred and sixty

It is an indisputable fact that the short video "track" has become more and more congested. The capital is in hot demand, and the entrepreneurs keep on going. Just like the thriving scene of the live broadcast platform in its heyday, short videos are also experiencing such a grand scene.

According to relevant statistics, at present, there are nearly 18000 entrepreneurial teams in the field of short video in China. Internet platforms such as Tencent, Ali, Miaopai and Toutiao have also invested more than 6 billion yuan to support content entrepreneurs in the field of short video.

Previously, 360 also quietly launched the "fast video", which is positioned as a collection and distribution center of trendy short videos, It is intended to build the first aggregate short video distribution platform in China, thereby seizing the "super entrance" of short video traffic distribution.

As we all know, as early as the global popularity of smart phone hardware, 360 grabbed the entrance of mobile application distribution by arranging 360 mobile assistant. According to the 2016-2017 China Mobile App Store Market Monitoring Report released by iMedia Consulting, 360 Mobile Assistant, with up to 42.4% of active users, is significantly ahead of the second ranked Tencent App Bao (34.8%) and the third ranked Baidu Mobile Assistant (25.1%), becoming the biggest winner in the field of mobile application traffic distribution.

The story seems to be repeating. After the short video surpasses the live broadcast and becomes the "popular fried chicken" in the field of content entrepreneurship, 360 will arrange a short video content distribution track again, which has the ambition of making another city under the current wind.

In the strong context of mobile Internet, "short video" becomes a foundation

It is said that Shenzhen is a city full of vitality, innovation and entrepreneurship. Shenzhen's innovation incentives and policy support for new generation brand enterprises are very strong, however, Didi Chuxing, a popular startup star company for two years, recently suffered from house leakage every night due to the problem of "dynamic price increase", which attracted constant public complaints and questions from friends.

First, an article titled Didi, Finally Becoming His Own Hate, pointed out that Didi's travel, which was originally intended to solve the problem of "difficult and expensive taxi taking", ended up in the embarrassing situation of "difficult and expensive taxi taking", and is repeating the problems of monopoly taxis in the past. Then there was another news that Didi was not only faced with the problem of price increase, but in some places, even after the price increase, it could not get a car, It's because

Recently, the second China Domain Name Festival, a top event in the domain name industry, came to an end in Chenzhou, Hunan Province. It is reported that the conference was exclusively named by the ". wang" registration bureau, co sponsored by the ". shop" registration bureau, and hosted by Zhengwei Group, SJS.COM and other units. Hundreds of famous domain name investors, domain name intermediaries, domain name registration service providers Domain name financing service providers and other industry participants attended the meeting. Domain names, which used to be just a web address in most people's minds, are now becoming popular as "real estate" in the digital era. Compared with the real estate growth, their growth and imagination space are larger.

The investment value of a good domain name is better than real estate investment

It can be said that the investment value of a good domain name is comparable to a peerless antique, far better than real estate investment.

The author does not exaggerate. With the rapid development of informatization such as "Internet+", cloud computing, and tri networks integration, we have actually entered the era of digital assets, and the investment value of domain names is gradually being revealed. Who can advance the layout and seize the opportunity, who can grasp the voice of the digital economy era.

The reason why this domain name festival has attracted so much attention is that it is based on the background of the digital asset era that domain name investment has become the focus. Bitcoin, Ethercoin and other digital currencies are a kind of digital assets that people are familiar with, but domain name investment has attracted attention in recent years with an example of sky high price acquisition. JD has acquired JD.com for 30 million yuan, Weibo has acquired weibo.com for 8 million yuan, Vipshop has acquired vip.com for 12 million yuan, and so on.

Internet enterprises

Almost every year in the second half of the year, Alibaba has become a popular topic in the technology circle, with the whole people participating in the "Double 10" online shopping carnival, the high-profile Alibaba Cloud developer conference (Yunqi conference), and the "Double 12" online shopping carnival where offline businesses guide users to "eat, drink, and have fun, Every year, Alibaba is creating topics and concerns with new "Double 11" consumption data and "Double 12" innovative play, which seems to have become Alibaba's annual blockbuster. Every time it is "released", the box office and public praise will be double bumper (except for the moon cake event and Alipay campus diary).

However, it is worth noting that in addition to the theme of the Double 11 and the Double 12, YunOS, as an important innovation force of Alibaba, has many topics and stories every year, especially this year. In July this year, YunOS, together with SAIC Motor, released the world's first mass production "Internet car" - Roewe RX5, which triggered a wave of controversy about the "gimmick is more practical" of Internet car building. Since then, YunOS has contributed an IoT Internet of Everything feast with six sub forums at the Yunqi Conference, which for the first time demonstrated YunOS's ambition to be a big ecosystem of Internet of Everything to the world. Later, YunOS joined hands with SAIC Motor Corporation to release MG at the Guangzhou Auto Show in November ZS、 Roewe eRX5 and Roewe i6, three new products, not only expanded the Internet car product lineup, but also announced that the Internet car business was upgraded to YunOS Auto, It will also become the title sponsor of the 2016 FIFA Club World Cup, and will debut on the international stage for the first time, showing its desire to fight overseas

On August 24, Jiuyan Technology, the image social platform in, released its semi annual financial report after listing on the New Third Board. Data showed that in the first half of the year, it achieved a total revenue of 10.6953 million yuan, an increase of 3123.56% over the same period last year To be precise, this data is the report card handed in just four months after the in announced the commercialization of cash in March. If you compare the achievements of Instagram, a foreign photo social application, I'm afraid it's still a small achievement. Eric, an analyst at UBS Sheridan estimates that Instagram's revenue in 2016 will reach $2.2 billion according to Facebook's second quarter financial report, but As a member of many domestic photo social platforms, the small flame ignited by in is enough to answer the question that Zhihu platform has always been difficult to answer: "Who is the most likely to be the next Instagram among domestic photo social apps"?

Obviously, there are many pictures running for the goal of Big Brother Instagram in China

When the O2O boom in the past two years cooled down, we found that in the past, we were too Internet centric, kicking the door of traditional industries as barbarians, thinking that the Internet could infiltrate unconditionally and subvert all industries. Finally, we found that the pure Internet mode of transmission has plunged all vertical industries into anxiety and transformation struggle, Some have achieved positive results. For example, the legalization of online car hailing officially announced the subversion of the traditional travel field. For example, delivery has become indispensable in most of the decaying life. However, many O2O services, such as beauty, pets, hairdressing, chefs, and other door-to-door O2O services, are too low, and former star entrepreneurial enterprises, such as surging car ownership, cooking, and so on, are also doomed to decline, The root cause is that online and offline integration must consider consumer demand, frequency and scenarios. Regardless of the actual situation of traditional industries, blind integration will have a big problem. Serious problems, like many door-to-door O2O, will generate false demand, and the end is often a dead end, Next, let's have a glimpse of the O2O industry development of the wine industry.

When it comes to O2O in liquor industry, we are familiar with such vertical e-commerce platforms as Jiuxian.com, 1919 Liquor Direct Supply Network, Pinshang Red Wine, Yibuyao Liquor, and Zhongjiu.com. They have occupied a certain proportion of market share for many years of development, but their fate is very different. As for the vertical e-commerce platform of liquor industry, China Wine Network has chosen to be merged by listed companies. In 1919, the direct supply of alcohol took the lead in listing on the NEEQ, and Jiuxian Network is crazy in financing and willful in burning money


Miscellaneous talk

Since July 6, when the world's first Internet car, Roewe RX5, was released by Alibaba YunOS, the automotive on-board operating system has become a national issue around the "Internet of Vehicles" technology after the "driverless" technology. Even when the industry is still talking about the different strategic layouts of Google, Apple, Alibaba and other Internet giants in the automotive field, the industry may have a shock pattern, An article titled "German Invented Automobile, Ali YunOS Invented Internet Automobile" has drawn this topic context from the science and technology circle to a height of national concern. Indeed, its significance lies in the subversion of the automobile industry. As for the future shape of the Internet, in Ma Yun's words, after today's mobile phones join the intelligent operating system, 80% of the functions of mobile phones have nothing to do with making calls, and 80% of the functions of future cars should have nothing to do with transportation. " After the concept was put forward, it is self-evident that the shock of the wide opening of the brain of the general public is obvious.

However, at the same time, professional or unprofessional questions also arise. Industry insiders may analyze the different strategy logic of Google and Alibaba YunOS from the perspective of strategy and path, but ordinary people will only think about why Google's driverless technology is so powerful. The father and mother of this industry subverting product are neither Google Android, Not Apple iOS, but Alibaba YunOS? To know the answer to this question, we have to start with SAIC Group, another protagonist of this Internet car release.

In a long article entitled "Uncover the Secret: Why Internet Vehicles Carry YunOS Instead of Android"


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