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 Brother Peacock
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Brother Peacock

Initiated by the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League and Sina Weibo # Me and my hometown # Star positive energy activities, Li Bingbing, He Jiong, Chen Kun, Zhou Xun, Huang Bo, Liu Tao, Yang Mi, Zhou Dongyu, Feng Shaofeng, Yang Rong, etc three hundred and fifty A number of stars contributed to the local specialties of their hometown, including Wuchang rice in Heilongjiang, kiwi fruit in Xiaoshajiang, Hunan, honey in Shizhu, Chongqing, Chinese torreya in Pujiang, Zhejiang, red apple in Yiyuan, Shandong, eggs in Yongxin, Jiangxi, watermelon, jujube, flat peach and pear ...... Stars share the joy of the harvest in their hometown, the online fancy of Aidu and netizens interact and discuss, and Amway grows grass and delicious food, which is wonderful and exciting; Offline fans come to Aidu's hometown to support public welfare and help fight call And make concerted efforts to contribute to the motherland. http://s2/mw690/001ppmKQzy7pllNhe9311&690

Brother Peacock, an artist from Yunnan, joined the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League to speak for his hometown and become a patriotic idol Brother Peacock was invited to record the program "Sunward Blossoms" on CCTV junior high school student channel again, and sang in the program this time two thousand and eighteen The folk song "Yunnan Girl" released in # Me and my hometown # Activities. He invited everyone to his hometown Dongchuan, Yunnan, and called on everyone to help Poverty alleviation Make contributions to the society with its own modest social influence! http://s3/mw690/001ppmKQzy7pllOdqMO12&690

As an artist who has worked hard for many years, Brother Peacock is also a patriotic idol. Contribute to the country. In recent years, the state has been insisting Poverty alleviation The purpose of our policy is to make the whole society prosperous, to eliminate the harm caused by poverty, and to make every family rich. It is also the efforts of the state and film and television producers. http://s12/mw690/001ppmKQzy7pllP8bdV9b&690

In addition to Brother Peacock's participation in this activity, Yunnan artists Yang Liping, Hu Jing, Yang Rong, Duan Linxi, Muqi Miya, Zhaxi Dunzhu, and Zhang Fengyi also joined the team of the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League to promote their hometown of Yunnan. The participation of artists and idols has brought great power to the society. At this point, Brother Peacock is working hard to practice and learn. As an artist who has drifted away from home for many years, Brother Peacock has a hard working attitude and good artistic cultivation. Moreover, Brother Peacock has won the recognition of many seniors in the performing arts circle. Brother Peacock said that he has been working hard to be a responsible and high-quality artist. Dear friends, do you like such dedicated brother Peacock? http://s5/mw690/001ppmKQzy7pllQ9Sra84&690


Brother Peacock

Chinese spirit



  Jointly produced by Weimeng Cultural Media Co., Ltd. in Xishuangbanna and Wang Xiaofu Silver Jewelry Co., Ltd. in Xishuangbanna, let me understand your language, world edition MV Producer Wang Li acted as producer and Mao Ya acted as director 4K Micro film Zodiac · The Spirit of China, Part I Rat It has been filmed in Xishuangbanna, Yunnan. The leading actress is Lu Yixuan, a Shanghai native actress, and the leading actor is Peacock, a Dai native of Yunnan. http://s13/mw690/001ppmKQzy7opVCQ9fmbc&690


   Brother Peacock was invited to play "giggle boy" Although his role is not important in the play, and there are no lines in the play, the whole story is described by the side lines, but this is also a transformation for Brother Peacock, because the netizens who know Brother Peacock know that he used to play some roles with exaggerated shapes and exaggerated language, so this time we try to shoot an introverted role image, Brother Peacock also said he was very happy to let the audience see his other side! http://s3/mw690/001ppmKQzy7opVEWuCCa2&690


Why do you want to play this role?

Brother Peacock . http://s6/mw690/001ppmKQzy7opVGWWH345&690

Why did you always play some roles as a bitch before ?

Brother Peacock: It's my dream to be an actor since childhood, but I haven't had the chance until fifteen At the end of the year, I acted under the introduction of an elder sister. At that time, the role was set up by a female cannon. I went to see the director and finally decided to let me play it. At that time, I felt that my performance was very good, but now I look back and see that my performance was very poor. If I shoot again now, I can perform better. The role of female cannon is very difficult to play, in fact, it is very difficult to choose the right size. http://s8/mw690/001ppmKQzy7opVIkiCbc7&690


Recently, the programs of Anhui Satellite TV have openly opposed the female cannon. What do you think?

Brother Peacock: First of all, I think this is a malicious marketing. In a diversified society, the gender expression of men and even women should not be constrained by the traditional gender orientation, but can choose their own lifestyle. We should be more inclusive.

Niang or not is not all of a person. It's just the label that you attach to a person arbitrarily when you don't understand him. When you don't know, such arbitrary labeling may hurt that person.

No one has the right to tell others about their lives, to make judgments about right and wrong, good and bad. Everyone has his or her own shining point. Don't let mother or not become a barrier that prevents you from understanding a person. http://s15/mw690/001ppmKQzy7opVJSxxcce&690


Are there any film and television works you have made that you are very satisfied with?

Brother Peacock: To be honest, no! (Ha ha ha) These works are all learning and exploring experiences. Maybe the role was in the best state at that time, but now I look back and see that my acting skills are very poor. I still need more opportunities to get in touch with good directors and team cooperation, so that I can absorb more things.

As for myself, I also want to shoot some time plays, rural plays and the like, so that I can calm down and experience the role, and also try to shape something other than the role of Niang Pao. http://s7/mw690/001ppmKQzy7opVLbTQW66&690


Have you made any plans for the future performance path?

  Brother Peacock: There was a plan many years ago, but I found that the plan did not change fast, and I didn't want to add too much pressure to myself. After all, this road is hard to walk.

At present, I am serious about finishing the work at hand, and then I will take on a new job. I am lucky to be here today. Although there is a big gap between me and my final goal, I will try my best to stick to it. Unless one day I have no love for my current acting career, I may choose to try other jobs.







Brother Peacock


Talent Competition


Recently, the talent contest of "Young Fanghua", a program of "Sunward Blossoms" on CCTV middle school channel, was recorded in Beijing Xingguang Film and Television Park. 77 contestants from all over the country participated in intense competition and recording. http://s5/mw690/001ppmKQzy7ohJNjF1G24&690

Brother Peacock was invited to act as a judge together with young singer Cui Yimu, young soprano Ke Lvwa and military singer Ye Cui. At the competition, Brother Peacock made patient and careful comments on the contestants' works and dance skills one by one, helping them find their weaknesses, giving them some ideas and suggestions on their dance, and giving them some judgments from their professional dance perspective. It became the highlight of the whole audience and was sought after and liked by the players. http://s14/mw690/001ppmKQzy7ohJOBAIZ0d&690

In addition to serving as a judge, Brother Peacock also sang his two singles "Yunnan Girl" and "I want to meet you at the most beautiful time in Dongchuan", hoping that the parents on the scene can take their children to travel to Yunnan to experience the customs and culture of Yunnan ethnic minorities. Brother Peacock also said that the latest single "Long Years Away from Home" is also making final preparations, It is expected that you will hear this song before the Spring Festival next year. Cui Yimu, an old partner and new writer, will compose the song, which is also a good folk song! http://s13/mw690/001ppmKQzy7ohJQ3I7y4c&690

For many contestants and audiences, they have only seen his variety shows before, and never thought that such a close "audio-visual experience" would have many unexpected feelings. It is reported that the program "Sunward Blossoms" on the CCTV junior high school student channel provides a good talent exhibition platform for children who love art all over the country to promote dreamers to achieve their dreams of music and dance, let music lovers bathe in the light of music, and dance lovers jump out of vitality and youth. http://s8/mw690/001ppmKQzy7ohJRosB197&690

"Sunward Blossom" program is a "talent show" TV program that CCTV junior high school students channel digs and discovers those art lovers who live in the streets and fields and have persistent dreams. It has attracted the active participation of many children who love art all over the country. http://s3/mw690/001ppmKQzy7ohJShxWa12&690



Brother Peacock


When I interviewed Brother Peacock, I was in Beijing and he was filming in Dali. Over the phone, Brother Peacock said quickly: I have been an artist for many years, and I am blessed by nature to travel from place to place. In addition to filming and running notices, I just enjoy food from all over the world. Artists are very happy in this profession. They can enjoy different lives, experience different people's lives, and experience different customs. But the premise is to be willing to work hard. Anyway, I enjoy it. Brother Peacock listened to me quietly, and the topic soon changed to eating. Who am I afraid of? Everywhere I go for filming or performing, I will do as the Romans do, and go to the local time-honored shops to eat the most authentic things.


When recording programs in Thailand, Brother Peacock read the magazine introduction on the plane and said that the Dongyingong spicy seafood soup on a street in Bangkok is the most authentic. Brother Peacock said: That street has five I ate from door to door in a popular seafood restaurant. Each store is small and dark, but there are so many people that they want to get in. Thailand's winter yin kung fu is as common as Yunnan's rice noodles and fried potato, but it is Thailand's characteristic, and the taste is simply too beautiful. this five Each shop, although making seafood, has its own recipe, taste and craftsmanship.


Brother Peacock's thinking is very jumpy, from the winter yin kung fu in Thailand to the food in Vietnam. When I went to Vietnam, I felt deeply about the local food. Their condiments are very special. Say sour, we are used to vinegar. But in Vietnam, it is squeezed with lemon, and the chili sauce is also freshly made. The rice noodles there are delicious. I can enjoy the sour and hot taste crazy If I lose it, I don't care about losing weight at all. I'm totally a foodie and I'm afraid of who I am.


Brother Peacock said: It is knowledge to know how to eat. In our family, I know how to eat. I often cook Yunnan food at home and invite my friends to have dinner. It's all home-made food. Although it's not like a flower on the plate of a big restaurant, it tastes great. I feel that Brother Peacock will be greedy for me when I am on the phone.


Have you eaten our Yunnan roast duck Brother Peacock asked. I said No, Now he is very proud. Don't you know, the roast duck in Yunnan is roasted with charcoal fire, just like eating roast chicken. After roasting, cut it into pieces, and dip the belt meat with salt and pepper. It's delicious, really!


Brother Peacock said he had no plans for the future, but he told me something. I take things as they are. God will always treat those who are ready. Every morning when I get up, I open the curtains, and the sun shines on my face, I feel very good to live, and I want to live with quality. This year, I most want to say goodbye to being single and have a relationship, and cook for each other. Although I don't value my feelings very much, I need a soul mate.



Brother Peacock




After the Spring Festival, the weather in Beijing was still very cold. Brother Peacock began his busy day, and the studio gave him the task of giving interviews to the two media within that day. At the work site, he kept answering and making phone calls and calculating the time miserably. The arrangement of each activity seemed to be perfect, and the rhythm was so tense that it was suffocating. Just after the long outdoor shooting, Brother Peacock's clothes and hair were soaked in the shooting water, and his eyes could not hide a trace of fatigue. Fortunately, youth is capricious. After taking a shower and changing his clothes quickly, he regained his strength and entered the next scene with a smile. afternoon five At o'clock, Brother Peacock finally took two mouthfuls of water and a few mouthfuls of French fries to mend his makeup. This lunch took less than ten minutes. Even though he was so busy, during the short break, Brother Peacock still remembered to greet the staff around him warmly, repeating the words "everyone has worked hard" and "sorry for waiting".



He made no secret of his ideal happy life. Too many voices from outside did not seem to bother him. He could still freely say: I like what I like. I do what I like. Enough! In this special interview, you can see Kong Brother Que's attitude as a new actor!

Brother Peacock in life has an amiable face: deep eyes, tall and elegant figure, and a faint smile on the lips. His beauty is "in the midst of flamboyance, but also handsome", which is obviously different from the current proliferation of Korean beauties. During the interview, Brother Peacock would take the initiative to greet the person who recognized him. As long as time allowed, he would take the trouble to cooperate with the group photo. He was more friendly and polite than the boy next door. He was not affected or cold.



Brother Peacock was born in an ordinary rural family in Dongchuan, Yunnan Province. His mother opened a grocery store, and his father was a real farmer. His parents divorced when he was young, but it had no effect on him. From childhood to adulthood, Brother Peacock has always been a good boy, so good that even he is ashamed: "I have never fought in a fight! The most extraordinary thing I have ever done is to run away from home for a day and then go home again, because I have no money and no place to go."

When he was young, his brother Peacock liked to help his grandmother cross the road or give up his seat. The word "rebel" never appeared in the dictionary of adolescence. When it comes to why he is good, he looks innocent. "The environment for growing up has always been very relaxed, and my parents are not very strict with me. Maybe it's my nature". Because he lived in the countryside since childhood, Brother Peacock seemed more independent than his peers. Although he is also lively and talkative, and likes to play tricks and play cute from time to time, he has also played online games all night, drunk and vomited wildly ninety Later, he also had some lazy little problems, such as being used to staying in bed and not doing housework, but his speech and behavior showed more steadfastness and composure beyond his age.




As for today's fresh meat is in the ascendant, fan films are emerging in endlessly, and some films are taking advantage of the momentum to become popular. Brother Peacock said that he would like to see something good on TV or on the film screen. He denied the so-called idea of pleasing the audience, There is no such thing as pleasing the audience. The audience is the balance point. The actor is a wonderful sentence for the audience, You were born to play for the audience, and you have to play to the satisfaction of the audience. But so far, you have not played a satisfactory role, and you are still trying to find opportunities!


Sometimes, when making a play, they will also participate in the script change. Many ordinary audiences do not know this, and think that actors should not move the script. But there is no way, because the actors do not move the script, many scripts cannot be performed, which will be particularly awkward.




Brother Peacock



Brother Peacock will release it soon two thousand and eighteen The new folk song "Yunnan Girl" was also created by Cui Yimu, a new domestic singer songwriter, MV It will also be launched in succession. In his new single, Brother Peacock expressed his feelings about the unpredictable love in a deep and clear voice, which is very exciting. In the upcoming MV In, Brother Peacock showed his superb acting skills, interpreted the cruel love, and also showed the beauty of Yunnan to be suffocating, which made fans very eager.



Brother Peacock's release of the single "Yunnan Girl" in the early spring of the warm series was recognized

Peacock Brother's new folk single "Yunnan Girl" will be launched on the music website of the whole network synchronously. The music style is fresh, the melody is gentle, the lyrics are slowly filled with the details of life, and the style and taste of folk songs are touching notes.

One year, a musical work was released. Brother Peacock explained his attitude in love and his love for his hometown with his clear and deep voice and more mature and exquisite singing skills. The warm breath in Brother Peacock's voice collides, making listeners walk in loneliness, meet in warmth, interpret love with songs, and comfort the lonely souls of countless people.



Brother Peacock made his debut in the draft Try to become an actor in the film and television industry

It is reported that, two thousand and nine In, Brother Peacock participated in the magic talent show "Golden Magic Troupe" held by Hunan Satellite TV, which officially entered the performing arts circle. two thousand and twelve In, he launched his first single "Love Song of the New Bamboo Tower" two thousand and fourteen In, he released his personal love song album "We Were Young That Year" two thousand and fifteen The folk song "Go to Dongchuan" released in was highly praised by the people at home. Later, he moved to the film and television industry and starred in "Wang's Concubine", "Born Different", "Men's House and Men's Part", "Nine to Five in Beijing", "Jin Kang's Heroes" and other film and television works. This time, Brother Peacock released the single "Yunnan" again a year later, which won many fans' blessings and expressed their expectation that Brother Peacock would have more and better works to meet you


Interview with Cui Yimu, a new artist Inspiration for songs

This time, we also interviewed Cui Yimu, a new artist. When talking about the creation of the single "Yunnan Girl", Cui Yimu said :“ In this creation, it mainly points to Humanities in Yunnan And to Scenery of Yunnan The thinking of some extended concepts, such as sigh of love, inquiry of life I The pursuit of "Go to Dongchuan", the first single created for Brother Peacock, has a broader vision and will be closer to life.


Cui Yimu's information:

Cui Yimu (CC) From Handan, Hebei, height one hundred and seventy-eight , Weight sixty , Date of birth: four month twenty-four day

Domestic new creative singer and music producer

Produced and published many original music

Its unique music style and perfect performance attracted a large number of people C powder

Over the years, he has created many singles for Brother Peacock, such as "Go to Dongchuan", "You've seen me in Dongchuan", "Yunnan Girl", etc!



Brother Peacock






BTV Literature and Art: Why Call Yourself Brother Peacock

Brother Peacock: Many people have asked this question. Because I danced Peacock Dance and Sister Furong was very popular at that time, I was named Brother Peacock!

BTV Literature and art: What are the work plans for the next six months?

Brother Peacock: In the next six months, about 80% of the individual single "Yunnan Girl" has been done, and it will be online soon. It is also a folk song. The new play "The Believer" will be launched in Xishuangbanna soon, and it will also celebrate the Spring Festival for the first time in the crew. I hope it will have a different experience.

BTV Literature and art: Please use one sentence to say Amway itself.

Brother Peacock: I am brother Peacock who is passionate, uninhibited and often comforts himself.

BTV Literature and art: Are you a Taurus? Do you think you are stubborn and stingy .....

Brother Peacock: I think my personality is very good, but if I am not familiar with others, they will think I am very cold. I will stick to some things since I have made my own decisions. This is called stubbornness. But if others have legitimate reasons to persuade me, I will change my opinion. Taurus can't say that we are stingy. We can only say that we know how to manage money and like to save money. But I really cut myself down, hahaha!

BTV Literature and art: What hobbies do you usually have?

Brother Peacock: Interests ...... I like diving recently, but my skills are not very good.

BTV Literature and art: tell three things you don't like ~

Brother Peacock: I don't like girls around me smoking, or they are very untidy. I don't like people touching my face. Besides making up, I don't like people forcing me to drink at dinner!

BTV Art: What is your WeChat personal signature?

Brother Peacock: a patient with severe depression.

BTV Literature and art: Who is the older driver between you and your partner when shooting a bed scene in "Wang's Concubine"?

Brother Peacock: It should be my first time to shoot a bed scene, but the director will also have some skills when directing, which will make you look good in the camera and not very pornographic. It is still good when learning.

BTV Art: Which actor do you want to shoot intimate scenes with most?

Brother Peacock: That should be my favorite, Wang Zuxian. BTV Variety: Is she your goddess?) She is my dream lover from childhood to adulthood. Although she now lives in seclusion in Canada, she still hopes to have a chance to meet and be happy.

BTV Art: What do girls do to make you feel excited?

Brother Peacock: I especially like talented people, not affectations.

BTV Literature and art: what roles do you want to challenge in the future?

Brother Peacock: I want to challenge some life style dramas, such as time dramas and rural dramas.

BTV Literature and art: the play in your hometown (Yunnan Province)?

Brother Peacock: Yes, I want to play some special scenes close to life when I go back to my hometown to shoot them. Because I think that kind of (life oriented role) will be particularly difficult to play, because it is not the kind that is separated from everyone and no comparison. The performance is the life of young people in our current era. If the performance is not good, it will be very fake. So we need to challenge this.


BTV Literature and art: In which scene did you experience the feeling of being an artist for the first time?

Brother Peacock: Even if you go out to take the subway and get recognized on the bus, you will be more or less shy and embarrassed, but you are also very moved. I am very excited every time I can see my own plays and find my own songs on my mobile phone. remember two thousand and nine When I saw the trailer ("Golden Magic Troupe") on Hunan Satellite TV in, I was really moved and happy because it was the first time I went on the TV program.

BTV Literature and art: Do you think the previous hard work is worth it?

Brother Peacock: These are very valuable experiences. Because many people who want to work in this industry have a dream: I must shine on the TV, let everyone see me, and everyone will think that I should be there (on the stage). Until now, I think I was really moved to see myself on TV.

BTV Literature and art: I have experienced an unconstrained life before. Do you feel uncomfortable after becoming an artist?

Brother Peacock: Not really. I think it's very good. I have better self-regulation. I won't eat or drink at will.

BTV Literature and art: You just said that you are relatively old. Now new people come out in waves. Do you have pressure?

Brother Peacock: It's stressful, but it's actually OK. New people are as good as new people. Maybe some experienced (artists) will also be as good as them. Everyone will not affect each other.

BTV Literature and art: no sense of crisis?

Brother Peacock: Yes, I think that in this industry, you just have to do your own thing well, because you can't compare with others.

BTV Literature and art: Have you seen Yang Di, a talent candidate, develop so well?

Brother Peacock: I will still envy, but there will be no jealousy. Because he is really excellent. In the draft, people perform better than me, and his EQ is also very high.



Brother Peacock





Entertainment star interview, cross cast anchor Brother Peacock came to report!

With unique humor and symbolic hosting style, Brother Peacock is no longer Star TV《 LADY Guagua: She plays a supporting role by playing a woman and pretending to be crazy.

In the interview, Brother Peacock talked with us and opened his heart to show the professionalism of a manager who had been working hard for many years, but unexpectedly, when boasting, the ordered take out came and disturbed his mind, making people laugh and cry.

Different from the usual funny style, Brother Peacock exclusively exposed himself from Star TV in this interview《 LADY Guagua: The hard process of wandering after leaving. Their worries, their entanglements, and the decision to have a way out. Now, all the efforts are worth it.

In the interview, Brother Peacock said frankly: " If not《 LADY Guagua Exercise in those years It is difficult for him to persist until today. He is very grateful to Tianxin Sister for her guidance in the program, and also to the director who came to him for the program. Since he became a cross cast anchor, his life has changed. Brother Peacock has to adapt to this grandstanding and acting like a fool to continue his beloved career. As for whether he wants to play the leading role, Brother Peacock said frankly that he never regards himself as a supporting role, but everyone's division of labor is different. If he doesn't believe in himself, how can others believe in him? As for whether he will play the leading role in the future, it depends on whether he is suitable for his role! http://s5/mw690/001ppmKQzy7hfd89aG834&690










Miscellaneous talk


Asian American Artists Festival in Beijing



Medea Hotel grandly held the annual grand award ceremony with the theme of "New Era of China's American Industry".

Hundreds of actors, hosts, makeup artists, stylists and fan players from Hong Kong and Taiwan gathered in Beijing, and Dongchuan artist Brother Peacock was invited to attend the award ceremony I want to meet you at the most beautiful time in Dongchuan, and you have seen me in Dongchuan



The two songs are also used to better promote the hometown of Dongchuan through the award ceremony, hoping that more people can invest in tourism in Dongchuan!

On the day of the ceremony, Brother Peacock appeared in the 2017 peacock gown designed by a domestic cutting-edge designer, with a stunning appearance, which can be described as "full of star style." The award ceremony of the night Brother Peacock also won the title of "Asian American All round Artist"“



This is also a recognition of Peacock Brother's hard work over the years. In addition, the movie "Wang's Concubine" and "Jin Kang's Heroes" starring Peacock Brother will meet you soon. Finally, Peacock Brother also said that he will take more films and challenge more roles in 2017!




Miscellaneous talk

http://ww2/large/4cfc0d58jw1eymhdyyvhej20yi0pxn10.jpg The first stills of the comedy love action movie Straight Man Boxer's Bend directed by Li Binchao, produced by Anhui Jingde Film and Television Media Co., Ltd., with Wang Kun and Wang Fang as producers, Liu Xiaopeng and Zou Weide as producers, and Li Binchao as director, were released today. Brother Peacock, a young Chinese dancer, actor and China's first cross dressing female anchor, plays an enchanting and charming professional stylist in the film The Bend of a Straight Male Boxer. Whether in or out of the play, Brother Peacock adheres to the principle of "I rob, I rob, I rob you to death, oh, and you!" Director Li Binchao and the main creators commented on the "big peacock", which is "really great, it's amazing!"

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