(2014-05-21 13:57)


Classification: Jotting mood

The hotel I stayed in was pretty good~a small balcony made me very happy, and I took a selfie~



How about it? It's OK! Two more vertical ones!



Miscellaneous talk

Classification: Jotting mood

http://blogfile.ifeng.com/uploadfiles/blog_attachment/1310/22/5085822_13815674524543.jpg At this time, my legs were still tied with small pants for correcting dislocation. I could not sit down, so I had to rely on pillows and quilts to clip me in the middle and take a hundred day photo.



Miscellaneous talk

Classification: Jotting mood

In 2006, the most important year in my life, I was faced with the choice that all high school students would experience - college entrance examination. My high school is a key middle school in the local area, Shuangyashan No. 1 Middle School. Although the results when I entered the school were not excellent, I was also a good student. At that time, I always thought it was a mission to be admitted to a key middle school. I thought it would be a natural thing to be admitted to a good university after graduating from high school, but the reality was cruel. I didn't realize until my third year of senior high school that my college entrance exam was 300 points.



Miscellaneous talk

Classification: Jotting mood

http://blogfile.ifeng.com/uploadfiles/blog_attachment/1305/22/5085822_13679754788205.jpg two thousand and nine In, when I was a junior in college, we came to "Beijing" together with several classmates with the vision of the film dream. After wandering around this strange city for a week, I finally found a place to live, a two bedroom house outside the East Fifth Ring Road. The rent for that year two thousand and three hundred Yuan. The rent payment method of "one to pay three" makes us, those stupid kids who just walked out of the campus, a bit at a loss. The only way is to attack our parents' pockets and collect the monthly living expenses and rent.




Shao Wenting


Classification: Jotting mood

I don't know whether it is my own mental mischief or something. I always feel that the smile when I face him is so involuntary. It seems that there is a kind of coronal spring smile~~~I feel embarrassed. When did this fake smile start??? What's on my mind??? My heart is sad What??? What do I care about in my heart???

It seems that their own psychology has defined themselves as "non ideal", a kind of inferiority quietly born. Short, not beautiful, not white enough, these seemingly ordinary adjectives are like sharp knives, which are stabbed in the upper left of my chest~~~Let me stop breathing and lose the last bit of strength!



Shao Wenting


Classification: Jotting mood

I remember once there were two dialogues in a film - male: "Can one fall in love with two girls at the same time?" female: "I'm not your mother, I'm coquetry and go home to find her." At that time, I felt very confused, but today I know why the director arranges actors to speak such lines, which is really a feeling difficult to express in words. Until today, I experienced this scene personally, I deeply understood the true meaning of these two lines~~~

I really feel that it is too appropriate to use the word "confused" to describe me now. I don't even know whether I can trust him. "Believe" tells me to believe. Do I believe that I have to accept the fact that I really like others? After such a thing happened, I believe that you can do empathy? If such a thing happens, can I guess that my suspicion is not taken for granted?

If you want me to believe, let me believe in order, then please also let me believe, not only in behavior, sometimes I feel that the physical infidelity is not so shameful, the physical infidelity can be explained as physiological needs, the desire is difficult to control, but in spirit, hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe? "Like" a person, and "sleep" a person can be the same?

Why do people always say that men cheat and women cheat and can't come back

(2010-09-25 17:33)

Miscellaneous talk

Classification: Jotting mood

I don't know when I learned to complain about the unfairness in the world~

I don't know since when I learned to complain, complaining that I'm not good enough~~

I don't know since when I learned to escape from the current situation that is not optimistic in reality and pretend that it never happened~~~~


Excitement Network

Celebrity Workshop

Shao Wenting


Classification: My pat

Two days ago, Jin Junhao came to our Excitement Network to do a live show. My colleagues said that I looked straight. Actually, it's not that exaggerated, but it's really handsome. Ha ha ha~~~

(2010-07-26 14:24)


If I am not your ideal lifelong partner, please don't get close to me~

If you are still wandering between choosing and being chosen, please don't disturb me~~

If you are still ambiguous with other women, please don't hurt me~~

If I'm just your choice, please leave me~~


In fact, it is said that women only look at the material rather than the feelings, but how can this result be caused?

In fact, it is said that women are stingy. If one day she doesn't care about anything about you, can she still love you?

In fact, it is said that women are sensitive, which is not distrust, but a natural sixth sense of women. Its appearance is not spontaneous,

        It's just that others gave it a chance to show it to their heart's content.

In fact, women don't want anything, the only thing they want is your heart, but how many people can give it away completely?


Shao Wenting

Excitement Network


Miscellaneous talk

Classification: Jotting mood

I have a strong personality and like to take the initiative. In my opinion, as long as I want something, I will try every means to achieve my wish.

This personality makes it difficult for me to understand two words, that is, "waiting".

I have also waited in a daze, but I don't know what I am waiting for and what I can wait for. Gradually I gave up waiting and stepped out of the closed and narrow waiting world. After walking out, I found that there were many things I could do except waiting for me.

In this way, I began to hate waiting. It was so scary and depressing. In the waiting world, I was almost suffocating. In that narrow space, I could not turn around, walk, or move forward as I imagined~~~But I would become desperate and lose myself. Unconscious spending of time is not enough.

Turning around and looking at those people who have spent their lives waiting, I can't help but smile bitterly. It's not sarcasm, but bitterness~~


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