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  • Blog access: twenty-eight
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Miscellaneous talk

I can't imagine watching the game again and seeing a basketball game filled with tears, and the protagonist is also Kobe Bryant, who is neither black nor honey. He is a paranoid, and he is used to seeing black Mamba who has met God killing Buddha again and again in sports news.

I still remember that in the winter afternoon, when I finished make-up classes, I ate peanuts and watched the news. It was said on TV that Kobe Bryant of the Los Angeles Lakers cut 81 points in the game against the Raptors. I thought the announcer had mispronounced the script, and was surprised for several minutes after confirmation. On second thought, it has been ten years. Kobe was 28 that year, which is my age now.


Blog 10th Anniversary

Miscellaneous talk

Brighten the blog's 10th anniversary badge GO>

Ten years, I will never forget that I am at Sina Blog!

  • On December 3, 2006, I registered Sina Blog, officially
(2013-07-25 11:16)

Miscellaneous talk

          Once upon a time, somewhere, there was a monster without a name.  
The monster wants a name very much.  
So the monster set out on a journey to find its name.  
But because the world is big
So the monster split into two and set out on the journey.  
One goes east
One goes west.  
The monster walking eastward finds a village.  
"-- Blacksmith, please give me your name."
"How can a name be given?"
"- If you give me your name, I will go to my uncle's body and make you stronger as a thank you."
"Really? If my strength becomes stronger, I will give you my name."
    The monster went into the blacksmith's body.  
    The monster became the blacksmith Otto.  
    Otto became the strongest man in the village. But one day
"Look at me! Look at me! The monster in my body has grown so big."
Karikali, gurgling, crunching, gurgling.  
The hungry monster ate Otto from inside.  
The monster turns back

Seventh anniversary of blog

My blog today six year one hundred and seventy-seven God, I got my badge    

  • 2006.12.03 , I settled down in Sina Blog.
  • 2006.12.03 , I wrote my first blog post: "Start blogging!!".
  • 2006.12.03 , I uploaded the first picture to the album
(2013-05-08 23:04)

Miscellaneous talk



Classification: footprint
The last time I wrote something was last year. The keyboard is basically useless to me now, except for the dot keys.

Just remember something today.

The first is not a trivial matter.

Sir Alex Ferguson announced his retirement, so the most successful coach in football history put down his whip. It may be difficult to see the old man with a red face chewing gum telling everything on the field in future broadcasts. I thought that the Premier League next season would become a duet because of the return of Magic Bird. Who knows, like other things, everything that accompanied me when I grew up was left behind by the years. From then on, I could not find their shadow except looking back.

When I first started watching football in primary school, the old man was like a pope. One year after I graduated from college and worked, the old man will still shake his fist, and the whole world football world will be the king of the afternoon. However, time said, "You are old", and then Sir Alex, who never admitted defeat, said, "OK.".

One evening in junior high school, I was watching sports news while eating dinner. I saw that Beckham was nearly disfigured by Ferguson's master and apprentice because of their incompatibility, and then was traded out of the team. At that time, I hated the old man who controlled everything.

In the summer of my junior year, I saw that Manchester United, which was already very strong, was at its peak

Film review

McDull should accompany my heart

            "This is the world..." "What is it like?"
        Day by day, when I was getting older, I didn't think it was just a matter of getting some sleep and not doing something I used to do. Memory was always easy to use. Later, I found that "I watched the past slide down from my head, and the past also looked at me". Memory was unreliable, I felt unreliable, and people were unreliable, In the end, even the whole world has become unreliable - or maybe they have always been unreliable, but they have never been found before.  
        Walking around, I always ponder what the world is like, just as I ponder the fickle mind of a girl. But in the end, I always can't find the answer, so I can only pretend to be calm and say, "This world is like this."
        I can't see why there are exquisite villas with red doors, black tiles and high walls on one side and shabby houses and clothes on the other side. Call to and fro, be submissive. As De Gang said, "The law-abiding dynasty is gloomy, and Qiangliang is singing at night. It is fair and just to ride horses and mules at the expense of others. There are many blind people who build bridges and roads, and kill people and set fire to them. I went to the west to ask the Buddha, and the Buddha said -- I have no choice."
      I can't see why the feelings come like spring breeze and willows, warm and pleasant. After a burst of autumn wind, all the leaves of the trees fell, and I didn't know what to do.  

(2012-06-20 06:07)




European Cup

Classification: footprint



      No matter who, what or how he met, Masahiro Harada always replied, "I see."

      No matter who or what happens, someone always asks, "Why?"


        I was 19 years old that year. I came to this city with an infinite vision of the future and a girlfriend who was in the same class in high school.

      I was 23 years old this year, with endless regret for the past four years and the girl friend who accompanied me all the time



Classification: Micro fiction

      It is said that during the Zhengde period, after the Five Poison Taoist "poison" dominated the Wulin, he felt that the world was invincible and desolate, so he lived in seclusion in the south of China, studied poison painstakingly and cut off the world. Let it shake the earth outside, the mountains are just cold and hot.

      In the twinkling of an eye, it was hundreds of years ago. It was the year when people lived and worked in peace and contentment, and the year when the country was prosperous and developed. The new leader of the Five Poisons Sect, Wu Yuan, has achieved great success and resolutely left the mountain. He intends to dominate the Jianghu again with the highest poison skill in history and rebuild the glory of previous generations.

      Headmaster Wu traveled across mountains and rivers to a bustling city. Seeing cars coming and going, people coming and going, he was as disappointed as a rotten scientist returning to his hometown. Wu Xin thought about the beautiful world, but he didn't know it, and he didn't realize that anger was generated from resentment. So in all the restaurants and cafeterias in the city and the canteen of the water factory, we had ninety-nine and eighty-one kinds of our own deadly poisons. We were so happy that we thought that within one day, people in the city would not die ten thousand or eight thousand. Who expected that when the time passed, everyone would be free and live as usual. Headmaster Wu raised his head to the sky and sighed. He said he was ashamed of his ancestors and had no success in learning. He was heartbroken and could not afford to fall ill. Seeing this, the disciples quickly bought various medicines, jelly yoghurt to comfort the master. Headmaster Wu was a little relieved and immediately took it. He died at the age of 38. The Five Poisons Sect was disbanded and disappeared from the Jianghu.

(2012-02-22 01:25)

Miscellaneous talk

      Reviewing the novels, movies and animations of my childhood these days, I always lament the inconceivability of time, which is so close to my eyes and so far beyond my reach that the calendar will never lie. I always wonder if I would think that I am so down and out now, even if I did. In a word, for the first time, I miss the past days, the past relatives, the past friends, and the past me.

      In the next few years, it is estimated that it will be used to pay off all kinds of debts.

      These are just a few sentences I wrote for myself.

(2012-02-11 02:00)

Miscellaneous talk

Classification: Mood diary

First, write down today's daily account.

Although he only slept less than six hours, which was a very short time of sleep during the holiday, he naturally woke up at eight o'clock. After eating a bowl of instant noodles, he went to the station to pick up nausea against the cold wind. As a result, the calf unexpectedly went to my house with Guan Nan by car first, and had no choice but to bump back. Again, time goes by so fast that the holidays are all over. The last long vacation is not unexpected, and batches of students have started to return to school. I am the only one who has no place to ask for. I feel that I have just returned home for a few days, and I have to go back so soon. Where can I argue.

In the morning, I played dry stare with nausea, Guan Nan and Li Xin at home. I lost in a mess at first, but later the cards got better. Finally, I succeeded in killing the three of them and lost


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