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 Sun Yifei
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  • Blog access: forty-eight
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Miscellaneous talk

        AVIGNON, A completely preserved ancient town in southern France, quiet, mysterious, but not dark, full of antiques, the camera is busier than eyes, sighing that Europeans are proud and responsible for their own culture. We also have 5000 years of culture, but we need to be proud to take it seriously, as a major event!




(2010-09-03 13:33)

Miscellaneous talk

    Today, when I opened my blog, I came across the fifth anniversary of Sina Blog. I just received the medal and became a senior blogger. Ha, all of us are "senior". I thank Sina Blog for its care and support for me all the time. Growing up with you has made me happy. At the same time, I thank the bloggers who support me and my colleagues who work side by side with me. I hope that we will be better on the sixth anniversary.

    For a medal of appreciation, a beautiful picture is printed on it.


    The filming of Friends of Health.



(2010-08-26 12:40)

Sun Yifei


Lushun Museum

Last line of defense



Miscellaneous talk

Recently, I played microblog and wrote for more than ten days in a row. I can write something anytime and anywhere. It's fun. Thanks for the encouragement of fans, and friends, let's play microblog quickly!

I saved some photos taken in Lushun during the Last Line of Defense, and used them to show them to everyone.

  Lushun, a small city that has experienced many hardships, is now quiet and serious, which makes me aftertaste.


In front of the roadside snack bar:



Miscellaneous talk

    The TV drama Lost, which was shot at the end of last year, will meet you on Oriental Satellite TV this month. When I saw the news, I praised the dresses I wore in the play, and thanked the crew for their costume design and dedicated tailors.

    In the play, I played the psychologist Tushasha, who was a 'turtle' in the 1930s. At that time, there was also a great revolution in western clothing, and women were liberated from complicated and complicated dresses. The short hair and simple small dress lead the fashion, and Du Shasha is also a beneficiary. Most of the design inspiration of the suits came from the 'Coco Chanel' of that era. I am compared to the spokesperson of CHANEL in the 1930s. It is beautiful, and somewhat favored.

    Please post some stills. Welcome to watch them at that time.


Miscellaneous talk

    "The Last Line of Defense" is completed, and the plot spans 60 years, I have lived in the play for a long time. From the prime of life to the hardships, the charm of the role gives me strength. If I can grow old like this, I have nothing to fear.

    In the early days of liberation, Zhou Youfang was a small part of the Peking Opera Troupe.    
A little headstrong.

Miscellaneous talk

    One month after our trip to Ningxia, we still have a lingering taste. Apart from the taste of mutton, we have a pleasant time in the vast sky. Gobi, desert, my friends and I will give you sunshine.
    At this time, in the filming base of "The Last Line of Defense" in Dalian Lushun, Lushun is also a charming and quiet small city. The siren on the night of the military port appears serious and quiet. If you want to follow the big products when shooting, you'd better go to Ningxia today.

Ningxia Gobi, between heaven and earth.



Miscellaneous talk

  "Beautiful Women" is being broadcast in prime time on CCTV8. I wonder if my friends have seen it. "Jiang Xiaoyun" has become gentle. Qu Lili is kind, tolerant, and persistent in love. I don't know what I am.

      While "Beautiful Women" is still beautiful, send us some beautiful photos.

      Two weeks ago, I took advantage of the filming gap of "The Last Line of Defense" to join the "Super Horsepower" program group of Tourism Satellite TV in the magical self driving trip in Ningxia.


  Desert in Driving Ningxia:

* Self driving, travel, take your favorite friends, stay away from the noise of the city, put aside the trouble of "self seeking", and let the earth get close to you.

    The Last Line of Defense was launched in Changchun for half a month. In the play, I span half a century, from the early days of liberation to the beginning of the century, and will play until I am over 80 years old. A bone that is difficult to chew, thank Director Gao Weining for his trust in me.

      At the early stage of the role, I was a Peking Opera actor, which really made me hide the Peking Opera and make a typical appearance of the young people in the Legend of the White Snake.


    It's not easy for a Peking Opera actor to cut his head. The makeup teacher told me that a Peking Opera actor would feel dizzy and nauseous after cutting his head for five hours in a row. As soon as I cut my head, I felt like a shot put, slow in reaction, and dull in vision. I could not afford to act without eating, It is difficult for the Peking Opera actors to flirt freely under such torture, and they have to accept it.

    The traditional appearance is very charming, red and black, and the eyebrow is pulled out by the bandage tied to the head, which may be what the ancients did to beauty

(2010-05-10 00:11)

Miscellaneous talk

  Mother plot. I asked my mother about it at noon. I wanted to buy a house for the two old people to spend their old age safely, which moved them to tears. I was surprised and a little ashamed. My parents have done enough for me. This filial piety is not worthy of such gratitude. I can do more and should do more. I enjoy it as much as they raised me.

  This Spring Festival, I took my two elders to Macao to travel. For the first time, I arranged for them to travel and live as a parent. Their exuberance made me practical and satisfied. I love them as they love me. The audience is a bit numb, but it is true.


A trip to Macao

They are my marriage model.


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