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Head 365
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Huazhong University of Science and Technology

Drunken Night Pavilion

computer room

Black Pepper Chicken

Big live

East Area

Yun Yuan


Classification: My Top Ten
Recently, the school was reviewing the "Ten Views of the Campus". I would also like to talk about the places that impressed me deeply. Of course, these places are not "views". But when I recall this school in the future, the first thing I think of is probably these places.

East Kowloon A113
The number of self-study in my four years of college is relatively small, especially after I lived at home, I didn't learn much about self-study. However, I still have my favorite self-study classroom, which is East Nine A113. If I find this classroom has no classes when I go to self-study, I will go straight here. The first reason was that after a semester of English lessons in this classroom, I found that it was very close to the toilet and the place for boiling water, and it was also on the first floor, which was very convenient, so I finally chose this classroom.

Dahou 518
This is the office of Zuiwen Pavilion website, and also an important activity place for my freshman year. At first, Zuiwan Pavilion was in a small white building next to the movie theater. Soon after I joined, I moved to Dahou 518. I usually go there in the evening and occasionally in the afternoon. Of course, compared with the comrades in the Technical Department, such as Ah Jun, I spend much less time there. Although there is not much to gain, it is very helpful for my later internship to experience being a web editor in my freshman year.

East football field
New Student Cup, Huagong Cup, plus one semester


BBC Chinese



Historical view


Miscellaneous talk

Classification: My Top Ten

With the completion of three courses in this semester, all the courses in my college stage have finally been completed. There are still many impressive courses in total of about 60 courses. Let's summarize them here today and leave some memories for the future.



This is the first course I took after I entered the university, and it is the only course that I take three times a week. Although I didn't learn very well and seldom used it later, I forgot most of it, but this course still left a deep impression on me. Monday and Friday are the first class in the morning, and it was three mornings every day, so every time I went to class, I was always sleepy, although I always got to the front. The teacher who taught us was Bi Zhiwei. His lecture was very good. What impressed me most was that he didn't write on the blackboard, but opened a blank page in the computer, and then wrote on it with the mouse. It took me a long time to practice this kung fu.


Outline of Modern Chinese History


Educational issues

modern history


war of resistance against aggression

Behind The Headlines


Miscellaneous talk

Classification: My Top Ten

      I'm working on my resume these days and need to sort out a lot of personal information. Personal interests and hobbies are not included in the resume, but many of the contents have something to do with it. So I also want to sum up my interests and hobbies. Here are 10 roughly summarized. In fact, my hobbies are far more than these, but these days should be more important.

1. Playing football
      I haven't played much football for almost a year, but I still miss the feeling of running on the court for nearly an hour every day in high school, and I hope to end this anxiety as soon as possible and let myself have a good mood to return to the green field. I made many friends on the court, and I still remember the spectacular scene when I called twenty people to play football in Wuhan University.

2. Watch the Liverpool game
      It seems that this has become a belief. Almost every weekend in the season, I will watch the games of the Red Army on TV. I cheer for every goal they score, and I am depressed for every point they lose. Now one of my biggest wishes is to see Liverpool win the league championship. I have added a lot of fans and met some friends who are also Red Army fans in my life.



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