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Classification: Review of IT's Butt



They called me "We Media Man", but unfortunately, I once again stood on the opposite side of We Media.

Because I never believe that "the eyes of the masses are bright", and I never recognize the wisdom of hooligans; Otherwise, the Chinese ancient saying will not produce the teaching of "the public's mouth will melt the gold and the accumulated destruction will destroy the bone". I call myself a free commentator in the field of technology and economy, or an independent observer. Because it is the most basic character of intellectuals with independent personality that they do not follow others when they encounter things. It is my simplest pursuit to think what others don't think and know what others don't know.

Of course, I am not the rescue man moved by monkeys. Because I always dislike competitive ranking. Even eight years ago, I criticized the competitive ranking system of search engines created by Google in a series of public articles, including the possible drawbacks of Baidu's search results. After this incident, those who do good use the same





This afternoon, I accidentally saw in the article of Baijiama teachers that "mobile Baidu search, fifty-eight The content of second-hand cars under the domain name has all become the content of Youxin ", which was quite surprising for a while. The actual measurement of mobile phones shows that this is true, as evidenced by the screenshots. First, I believe that this is not a system problem of Baidu, and then I also believe that this is not an April Fool's Day joke, fifty-eight I won't joke about my own domain name resolution errors. Besides, April Fool's Day has passed, fifty-eight The fun with Youxin should not be so great. So, I can only guess that this must mean fifty-eight It is very likely that the used car business of Youxin and the used car business of Youxin will "announce a merger soon", which Mr. Ma called "opening up the Internet industry in China" two thousand and sixteen



Classification: Review of IT's Butt



There are many jokes and cartoons satirizing the negative side and drawbacks of mobile Internet:

"There is no wifi in this restaurant, please put your eyes back on your wife";

"A hundred years ago, everyone lay smoking opium, and a hundred years later, everyone lay playing with mobile phones";

"The furthest distance in the world is that I am beside you while you are playing with your mobile phone";


So, for a long time, I have been thinking about a question: if these caricatures are getting closer to our lives, then are the mobile Internet content represented by WeChat and Weibo, and the commercial value that people have dug out from their words, pictures and videos, to a large extent, not worth the loss or gain? How can we avoid the erosion and competition of business interests for life rights?

This question was answered by an invitation letter.

On October 22, Dragonfly FM, Himalayan FM, and Multi listening FM will jointly hold a "white paper conference on the value of mobile audio media", and the organizer is Secondhand System, a leading third-party marketing data technology company in China.



six six

Classification: Review of IT's Butt



The famous writer Liu Liu recently published his unhappy online shopping experience on the Internet, which has aroused widespread concern. The first time I saw her article entitled "All I Want Is Fairness", I also forwarded it among my WeChat friends. But with the fermentation and escalation of the event, I began to disagree with the attitude of 66.

First of all, we must admit that complaints have never been easy. Because both sides of the complaint are not machine behaviors, but contain a lot of emotions and subjective attitudes of people, they often spend a lot of time. I remember the year before last that Alipay lost 100 yuan to me in a transaction. On the premise of low efficiency of phone complaints, I also adopted the same microblog attack method as Liuliu, so that my peers with similar experiences asked to protect their rights together. However, I didn't take the lead in "rights protection". One reason was that there were more than ten follow-up calls from customer service personnel at all levels of Alipay



artificial intelligence

Classification: Review of IT's Butt

Many people, including Hawking, said that artificial intelligence will surpass human intelligence in an all-round way, and the days when computers dominate the human brain have become aggressive. What they like to say is that even Woznick (a partner of Apple founded by Steve Jobs), who has changed his attitude and supported the above views, why should we doubt it?

Wait a minute, don't believe in authority. No matter how fast Woz speaks, no matter how legendary Apple is, it can only represent his personal opinion. In fact, long before Watts, Tesla's boss Mask claimed with a fiercer prediction that "artificial intelligence will be the greatest threat to human beings. Five years later (10 years at most), robots can decide to kill humans on their own, or even" delete "humans like deleting spam". Because Watts only said that computers surpass human brains, this comparison is not easy to quantify. If addition, subtraction, multiplication and division calculators have already surpassed human brains, it is not appropriate to bet with the former; Then I want to make a bet with Musk: don't say five or ten years, give you 20 years. If human beings are safe, will you give me your latest Tesla?

To be honest, I haven't taken a fancy to Tesla. Because in my eyes, Tesla's so-called core technology is a stack of lithium batteries plus a motor, which is not revolutionary innovation. In addition, the battery is bought from Panasonic. In fact, the motor used to keep pace with the internal combustion engine a century ago, but it was only later that the defects of the extended range capability and endurance made the competitor's internal combustion engine stand out. Have friends



Classification: Review of IT's Butt

A few days ago, a cat and mouse fight between Taobao's waiter and a director of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce was triggered by the release of a report on Taobao's authenticity rate and a white paper on Ali's guidance. For a time, there were many onlookers, and news related comments were also bubbling. Like most onlookers, when I first heard the news, I also stood on the side of Taobao and watched the development of the situation. I even felt a little gloating.

But wait a minute. Imagine that if you met the industry and commerce department in your life to investigate and deal with illegal traders' behaviors of manufacturing and selling fake goods, destroying fake and inferior goods, and sealing up relevant stores, you would applaud it? Or blame industrial and commercial regulators in turn? The answer is self-evident. You know, in ordinary days, we often criticize the industrial and commercial supervision department, mainly for the inaction and weak supervision of the Industrial and Commercial Administration, rather than the opposite. The reason why public opinion is partial to Taobao in the conflict between Taobao and industry and commerce is that we have a natural preference for Internet enterprises, and think that they are innovation leaders and main force of development. Whenever they have conflicts with relevant departments, they always habitually stand by them.

In fact, as consumers, we all know the truth, falsehood and moisture of Taobao products. Therefore, buyers have already trained their eyes. Every purchase is a process of going to Wuhu to store the real goods and picking the real ones from the fake ones. No wonder some netizens have made a personified joke dialogue on WeChat in the name of "everyone" and "Taobao".




Interstellar passage

The shape (outline) of the most basic object in a dimensional space is also the shape of the dimensional space with boundaries. For example, a line segment is not only the most basic existence in the one-dimensional space, but also a typical (limited) one-dimensional space, in which all the existence whose length is less than it can move freely; A rectangle is not only the most basic existence in the two-dimensional space, but also a typical (limited) two-dimensional space. All the existence with the maximum length and width less than it can move freely in it, whether it is a smaller rectangle, a parallelogram, a circle, a pentagram... On the contrary, you can spread out an A4 paper, You can draw all kinds of figures on the paper. These figures are the existence belonging to this two-dimensional space, and the paper itself is the most basic two-dimensional existence.

Knowing the appearance of the four-dimensional basic existence, in fact, we also know the appearance of the four-dimensional space. What does the most basic existence of four-dimensional space look like?

The most basic existence in a dimensional space is the existence of the same overall dimensions in all dimensions. No matter the size is any value, as long as they are equal. Such existence is first a quadrangle in two-dimensional space (plane), rather than a circle or pentagram. When the dimensions of X and Y directions are equal (that is, X=Y), the quadrilateral is a rectangle on the plane of the orthogonal coordinate system, and a parallelogram in the oblique coordinate system. Such existence, in the three-dimensional space (X=Y=Z), is a cube or an oblique square



Interstellar passage

Classification: Review of IT's Butt

Nolan's film "Star Trek" has aroused many people's interest in the forefront of physics. For a while, people ruminated on "Three Bodies" and brain science fiction lessons, debated the possibility of wormholes, and shared foreign videos about multi-dimensional sharing, to name a few. However, no matter how good the director is, he can't "go through" the limitations of the development of physics itself. If physicists have just progressed to natural numbers, the film director can't create irrational numbers. What the film does is to translate physicists' thinking to the audience.

All film works involving multi-dimensional space, as well as foreign videos sharing multi-dimensional space, follow Einstein's view that time is the fourth dimension. Can't we take time as the fourth dimension? sure. But that's just a broad dimension, weather, stock K Lines can be used as such dimensions, just like those in amusement parks“ five In the process of screening, spraying a little water on your face can be regarded as a dimension. By comparison, time is at least more genuine than them.

But time does not have a basic attribute of space dimension: positive and negative. Perhaps our physics textbook once told us that time, like space, is a vector. But the textbook does not tell us that there is an essential difference between them. The three dimensions of space are bidirectional, and their moving directions can be positive or negative,



Circle of friends


pyramid selling

Classification: Review of IT's Butt

There is one kind of people who are all pervasive in the world, that is, marketers.

WeChat is very young, but it has developed rapidly, In less than four years It has become the leading social media in China, far more active than the pioneer microblog, his The limelight even covers the same door senior QQ So WeChat's circle of friends naturally became It is a place for marketers to compete.

I still remember the one circulated on Weibo in the early years“ Human beings can no longer stop "Haidilao" And today on WeChat and Weibo upper At the same time, the popular "excavator technology which is strong", and they Derivation The "seabed salvage" and "then the problem has come to the body" , these It's all marketers who fake it through social media Public praise form conduct brand Marketing A masterpiece of. In my opinion, such marketing, even if development reach later stage Has aroused public concern






Classification: Comments on Melting Gold Bracelet

GEM is 5 years old.

For a 5-year-old child, we don't care if he is taller or shorter, fatter or thinner, but we will ask him to already speak fluent mother tongue, understand basic etiquette, and be able to communicate happily with his family and partners.

What about our 5-year-old GEM?

Do we really care that its average P/E ratio is higher or lower? Care if its daily turnover rate is more or less? can't. What we care about is whether it is attractive to high-value growth enterprises, and whether the propensity of its capital allocation structure is conducive to the development of industrial economy.

Indeed, on the GEM, we finally have scientific and technological innovation enterprises whose share prices have risen tenfold. We finally bid farewell to the "brain body inversion" of the capital market, put emerging industries such as information technology, media and biology in the prominent position of the bull stock list, and kicked traditional industries such as steel and manufacturing down.

But wait a minute. Who just listed on the New York Stock Exchange and became the world's second largest Internet enterprise after Google?

It is Ali, which has created the largest market value of Chinese Internet enterprises. Let's not mention the old Internet companies Sina and Baidu, because they were listed before the GEM was born


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