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 Youth Science Pictorial Magazine
Youth Science Pictorial Magazine Sina agency certification
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Hangguan Zi [ two thousand and sixteen three hundred and five number

Air Traffic Control Center of General Administration of Sport two thousand and seventeen year

International Aviation Federation Youth Aviation Painting Competition notice


Miscellaneous talk

When it comes to Inner Mongolia, what scenes will come to your mind? Sunshine, grassland or yurt? Look at the vast sea in children's minds!

In 2016, the "I Love China and the Sea" National Youth Sailing Model Painting Contest adopted the form of on-site collective painting in an open forest park. The students are in the nature, holding oil painting sticks and lying on the drawing board. They can use all kinds of techniques freely and draw moving pictures with their heart

https://mmbiz.qlogo.cn/mmbiz/ePs0K02fzEAcoH1gIw42ukhy 4kc3AakF6LsiaLEkh5p43Sia 7ibJ4L6p7eEyg1Tic8TuKE2J Ur0GrXqZZMG6IXWzUg/0?wx_fmt=jpeg

https://mmbiz.qlogo.cn/mmbiz/ePs0K02fzEAcoH1gIw42ukhy 4kc3AakFQTYc4kIUxsqWvMmm WATa5ItN7zZhjibYQ4clG3zE tgEicKGpNic5otpSw/0?wx_fmt=jpeg


Miscellaneous talk

When it comes to Inner Mongolia, what scenes will come to your mind? Sunshine, grassland or yurt? Look at the vast sea in children's minds!

In 2016, the "I Love China and the Sea" National Youth Sailing Model Painting Contest adopted the form of on-site collective painting in an open forest park. The students are in the nature, holding oil painting sticks and lying on the drawing board. They can use all kinds of techniques freely and draw moving pictures with their heart

https://mmbiz.qlogo.cn/mmbiz/ePs0K02fzEAcoH1gIw42ukhy 4kc3AakF6LsiaLEkh5p43Sia 7ibJ4L6p7eEyg1Tic8TuKE2J Ur0GrXqZZMG6IXWzUg/0?wx_fmt=jpeg

https://mmbiz.qlogo.cn/mmbiz/ePs0K02fzEAcoH1gIw42ukhy 4kc3AakFQTYc4kIUxsqWvMmm WATa5ItN7zZhjibYQ4clG3zE tgEicKGpNic5otpSw/0?wx_fmt=jpeg


Miscellaneous talk

Seeing a picture of an animal, many people can blurt out the name of the animal. But if you only give your animal's tail, can you still do it? If you are very confident, guess who they are!


http://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz/ePs0K02fzECVmBiccY72IL7x 4cxhWadbVer1wHAjFdXQZIWW dlkcmy0V9ODMRibJ6ZicEs2r mGZQ7zETuvmSib0UyQ/640?wx_fmt=jpeg&tp=webp&wxfrom=5&wx_lazy=1

This... is it a raccoon? Or the cat at home?

The Lun family is a ring tailed lemur. I hate it~




My father is a "three good student"?

The original "Lu Binghua" can not only be sung, but also planted!

Young readers not only have scientific thinking, but also great literary talent! Go ahead and enjoy their works!


The 17th "I Love the Motherland" National Teenager Navigation Model Education Competition Composition, painting and photography appraisal activities notice


National Youth Science and Technology Sports Activity Organizations and Relevant Departments


This is the cover of the second issue of Youth Science Pictorial magazine in 2016. Guess what Benben did?
                The plane looks a little special Why did Lumpy fly so high? What happened in the city below... What was Lumpy thinking at this moment
(2015-12-16 17:34)
The master often feeds me some strange things to eat... I want to say to the master: Please take care~



Smoking is harmful to health, please stay away from it!




Juvenile Scientific Pictorial



Classification: Science popularization activities
This is the cover of the 11th issue of Juvenile Science Pictorial magazine in 2015. Guess what happened to Benben?
        Facial girdle Mysteriously smiling The robot is drawing. It can be seen on the screen that it is the Benben family. Pouting Benben is also painting. It's hard to see who is painting on the paper. And the nebula outside the window... What story is all about?
        Use your imagination to describe the stories you see in words and send them to us!
        Unlimited words, unlimited subject matter, and sent to the mailbox snkxhb@126.com , and attach your school, name and contact information!

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