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Miscellaneous talk

  Recently, with the news of the mixed reform of China Unicom, the industry has been talking about it. Some people think that the mixed reform of China Unicom tends to be good, which can revitalize it, while many people hold a negative attitude towards the mixed reform, believing that the mixed reform cannot reach the key, and China Unicom's dilemma still cannot be solved. In fact, in the final analysis, it returns to the old question, that is, how should operators transform?

  In fact, on the road of transformation, operators have long been groping ahead, of which O2O is a big ambition of domestic operators. For example, offline payment services similar to wing payment, online purchase and offline self collection are all attempts of domestic operators in the field of O2O. On the whole, the offline services of domestic operators are still in a very primary form, with narrow business coverage, The service model is rigid, which is more attached to the main business and does not have liquidity. However, with the arrival of the "era of great transformation", O2O will be an important part of carrier services. How to improve and innovate offline services will become an important issue for operators in the future.

http://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_jpg/BwYOZPENSQW9FnLjtibicqu1 zr3QQiaY6gnXFdmAtp25WrpP 6gt5ILDuVFnLw4aQwmf79b5r sphAFCFypuxSx5Gq


Miscellaneous talk

Author: Ma Jihua
Source: CCTIME

      If the time goes back ten years, someone asks, what does the telecom operator's business hall sell? The answer must be to sell customized business.

    If the time goes back five years, someone asks, what does the telecom operator's business hall sell? The answer must be that they sell cards and mobile phones.

    But now, it is obvious that the business halls of telecom operators have mainly returned to the era of selling cards.

      In today's mobile Internet era, telecom operators have been called back to the 2G era as a whole. All kinds of SMS customization businesses that once flourished in the late 2G era have basically withered away. Users will almost no longer be entangled in the operator's business hall to recommend various mobile phone customization businesses. In the 3G era, the popular contract machines are no longer the mainstream, People are more willing to buy phones on the Internet or in the mobile phone stores of various mobile phone manufacturers. In the past, the crowded business hall gradually became scarce.

    Many people realize that such a development is definitely not possible. Whether it is China Mobile, China Telecom or China Unicom, many of its business halls across the country are located in the most core locations of the best quality stores in various cities. It would be a pity if they were just turned into store signboards. It is really necessary to re utilize these high-quality resources.

    The first thing we can see is that before long



Communication operator

competitive edge


Communication research

Classification: Research on Celexin Communication


The vigorous development of the Internet and big data has gradually blurred the boundaries of traditional IT (information technology) and CT (communication technology), followed by the rapid rise of ICT business, which is a comprehensive communication service integrating IT and CT.


ICT business scope

The development of ICT business also points out a way for the transformation of traditional communication operators. In recent years, operators have gradually increased their resources and efforts in ICT business, The income increase of ICT business is constantly improving. In the situation where the income increase of traditional business is weak, the rise of ICT business seems to be able to solve the urgent problem of income increase. However, the development of ICT business of operators also faces many problems, such as unclear positioning, not systematic business, lack of professionalism and differentiation of business. The author will provide some ideas and suggestions on how to maximize the potential of ICT business.

Clear positioning and control of the industrial chain

Today's ICT market can be described as a group


Guangdong Communication Market

Three operators

4g users


Communication research

Classification: Research on Celexin Communication

From July to August, the revenue of Guangdong communication market was basically stable. Compared with the same period last year, the cumulative revenue in August this year increased by 4.5%, while the growth rate at the end of June was 5.2%. The decrease in growth was mainly due to the non growth of the monthly income in August compared with the same period last year. Among the three operators, the revenue growth of Guangdong Unicom is accelerating, and the cumulative growth rate in August increased from 6.4% in the middle of the year to 6.6%; The growth rate of Guangdong Mobile dropped significantly, from 5.7% in the middle of the year to 4.5%; Guangdong Telecom declined from 3.8% to 3.6%.

Judging from the market shares of the three operators, although Guangdong Mobile's monthly sales volume in August declined month on month, it is still higher than the level in 2015; Although Guangdong Telecom's monthly turnover has increased, it still fails to return to the level of 2015; Since May, Guangdong Unicom's monthly revenue share has maintained at a good level, and its overall competitive strength has remained relatively good.


The change of broadband service market pattern is still rapid, which is due to the strong development momentum of Guangdong Mobile, a latecomer, which leads to the market balance being broken again. By August, Guangdong Mobile's share of broadband users had reached 19%, up 5 percentage points from the end of 2015. Guangdong Power, the hardest hit



Communication competition


Communication research

Competitive situation

Classification: Research on Celexin Communication

Communication Competition 2016 Issue 5 (September)


PC version download address: http://www.sinoci.com.cn/?thread -401-3.html

http://www.sinoci.com.cn/UpFiles/DownLoad/zine/ Communication Competition 2016, Issue 5. pdf


■ Competition situation

Guangdong Communication Market Slows Down

■ In depth research


4g market

a phone fit all kinds of networks

Three operators

Communication competition


Classification: Research Viewpoints of Celexin


With the rapid development of the 4G market, the sales of all Netcom terminals have also seen explosive growth. According to the Sano market monitoring data, in the first quarter of 2016, the sales of six mode all Netcom terminals (LTE-FDD/TDD, WCDMA, TDSCDMA, CDMA, GSM) reached 37.2 million, accounting for 33% of the 4G terminal market share, up 319% year on year compared with the first quarter of 2015, and up 53% month on month compared with the fourth quarter of 2015.

It is not difficult to find out from the sales data that the All Netcom terminal has one of the three sales markets in the terminal market. Its development speed is so amazing that it will become the mainstream sales product in the terminal market.

Facing the rise of all Netcom terminals, the three operators have different situations and attitudes:

Telecom can be said to be the biggest promoter of all Netcom, because it has a large number of CDMA users in stock, the so-called six mode all Netcom (compatible with the CDMA system compared with five mode all Netcom), the biggest beneficiary is actually Telecom, so from the beginning, Telecom actively promoted 4G all Netcom terminals, leading the sales and promotion of all Netcom terminals, The number of all network communication terminals of China Telecom is also the largest.

For China Unicom, whether the whole network is open or not has little impact. However, in order to curb the development of mobile in the 4G market, China Unicom and China Telecom have carried out more in-depth development


big data

Ecological content platform


Communication competition


Classification: Research on Celexin Communication

I SWOT analysis of operators building ecological content platform



(1) Operators have big data superior to others

Communication can be said to be everyone's demand. It is a waste that mobile operators have accumulated more than ten years of user data but have not made good use of it. The biggest value of big data lies in the ability to analyze and discover the user's behavior habits, help businesses to achieve precision marketing, and achieve wide entry and strict exit. Moreover, the advantage of operators lies not only in the large amount of data, but also in the high quality of data, which is more valuable.

Generally speaking, it is very difficult to integrate different data sources because of the characteristics of local, fragmented and closed data. For example, if a person searches for shoes on Baidu, looks at shoes on Taobao, and finally buys shoes on JD, although Baidu, Taobao, and JD all generate data


China Radio and Television

Telecommunication industry

Three operators

Communication competition


Classification: Research Viewpoints of Celexin

In recent years, with the development of the Internet of Things, cloud computing, mobile Internet and big data technology, profound changes are taking place in all walks of life. Under the "Internet+" strategy, a new form of economic development based on the Internet and integrated with traditional industries has been formed. Under the impact of this wave, the telecommunications industry bears the brunt. In addition, the market is saturated, and the traditional voice and SMS services have declined in an all-round way. Domestic operators are rushing into the period of traffic operation.

The current market environment puts forward higher requirements for the future development of operators. On the one hand, the 4G competition in the industry is becoming increasingly intense, and the profit space of traditional businesses is becoming less and less. On the other hand, Internet companies are also constantly pressing, and operators are facing the threat of becoming pipelines. The Communication Research Department of Celestine believes that the transformation of operators is imperative, and it can be predicted that the future competition will focus on content and services and compete in the market segments. Therefore, we need to improve our own content service supply capacity, build an ecological content platform, and finally form our own industrial ecosystem.


What is an ecological content platform?



mobile payment

Communication competition


Classification: Research Viewpoints of Celexin

China's mobile payment industry has experienced the "1.0 era" of APP payment represented by Alipay and the "2.0 era" of social payment represented by WeChat payment; Now, with Apple Pay、 Samsung Smart Pay's entry into China to develop NFC payment is an opportunity, and mobile payment is also expected to open the "3.0 era". With the update and evolution of payment technology, you may have found these phenomena in your life. More people take out their mobile phones for payment than pay by cash card; When recharging IC cards, more people use mobile phones to complete recharging activation than long queues to pay fees; The sharing and transmission of photos and other data are more likely to be packaged and transmitted by mobile phones than by social software and traffic. It has to be said that this is all due to the intimate technology of NFC.

NFC is a near-field communication technology, which is evolved from the integration of non-contact radio frequency identification (RFID) and interconnection technology. It combines inductive card readers, inductive cards and point-to-point functions on a single chip, and can identify and exchange data with compatible devices in a short distance, so as to achieve a more convenient payment experience. According to Strategy According to a new report of Analytics, more than 100 million people around the world will use NFC mobile phones to pay for purchases this year.

Many people do not know that it has been 14 years since this means of payment was introduced. Especially in cities like London, contactless payment has already been almost everywhere. In 2011, Google first launched the "digital wallet" business and proposed a new concept of mobile payment. It has also been six years since he met Chinese people,


Guangdong Mobile

Broadband data

Guangdong Communication Market

Communication competition


Classification: Research Viewpoints of Celexin

In 2016, the whole communication market in Guangdong recovered its vitality. From January to April, the cumulative revenue of the three operators increased by 6.0% year-on-year. Among them, Guangdong Mobile's revenue grew the fastest, with a cumulative revenue growth of 7.1%. Compared with the situation that the growth rate hovered below 4% last year, Guangdong Mobile has made a good start this year. It can also be seen from the changes in the market pattern that the revenue market share of Guangdong Mobile has increased significantly this year. The other two operators, Guangdong Telecom and Guangdong Unicom, saw their cumulative revenue growth of 3.8% and 6.4% respectively from January to April, and their revenue share declined.

Data source: Communication Research Department of Celexin

In addition to focusing on 4G development as usual, broadband has also become one of the development priorities of operators in Guangdong's communication market this year. here, The broadband market pattern data of Guangdong market was disclosed by Celestial Trust for the first time. According to the data, since this year, the development of broadband users of the three operators in the Guangdong market has been optimistic, and the total scale has shown an upward trend. By April, the total number of fixed network broadband users of the three operators had reached 26 million, an increase of 1.15 million over the end of 2015.

Among the three operators, Guangdong Telecom undoubtedly occupies the highest user market share, which is still at a high level at present. Due to other recent


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