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Miscellaneous talk

http://ww1/large/562df932jw1ez5bse2xpzj20 u00i0jv1.jpg

http://ww3/large/562df932jw1ez5bvoe82tj21 8g0xc7ex.jpg #The night of Wuzhen # Lin Jack's broadcast~reporter: her entertainer said that she came to Wuzhen to report and experienced foreplay, but the middle play did not reach its climax, because the opening and closing ceremonies could not be entered.

Some people say that this is the "two sessions" standard of the Internet industry. In order to block the big guy at the security checkpoint, some people still run and even challenge the people around the minister after falling down. In order to write the official account of the paper media newspaper and we media, some people only sleep for three hours every day and then get tired until their nose bleeds. In order to get a good position, they try their best to get up at four or five o'clock and queue up to enter the arena. In order to talk with the big guy, Some people stroll around Wuzhen at midnight to have a meal and also go snooping again and again to ask for business cards, WeChat and Big Brother's bad face. In order to report comprehensively, some people stand in the cold wind for nearly an hour to do TV connection and write pictures and texts live in the newspaper. In order to sneak into various occasions, some people have the cheek to collude with the security bureau to get close to the security guard or even pretend to be the Big Brother's follower or sit at the door to crouch, In order to get a first-hand taste of the places where the big guy has been to, someone has visited all the restaurants, homestay, snack bar, massage shop and foot massage parlors in Wuzhen.....

Thanks for the beautiful pictures taken by Xiao Xia, and I'm glad to fight with the loser


Miscellaneous talk

http://ww3/large/562df932jw1ez5bvoe82tj21 8g0xc7ex.jpg #The night of Wuzhen # Lin Jack's broadcast~reporter: her entertainer said that she came to Wuzhen to report and experienced foreplay, but the middle play did not reach its climax, because the opening and closing ceremonies could not be entered.

Some people say that this is the "two sessions" standard of the Internet industry. In order to block the big guy at the security checkpoint, some people still run and even challenge the people around the minister after falling down. In order to write the official account of the paper media newspaper and we media, some people only sleep for three hours every day and then get tired until their nose bleeds. In order to get a good position, they try their best to get up at four or five o'clock and queue up to enter the arena. In order to talk with the big guy, Some people stroll around Wuzhen at midnight to have a meal and also go snooping again and again to ask for business cards, WeChat and Big Brother's bad face. In order to report comprehensively, some people stand in the cold wind for nearly an hour to do TV connection and write pictures and texts live in the newspaper. In order to sneak into various occasions, some people have the cheek to collude with the security bureau to get close to the security guard or even pretend to be the Big Brother's follower or sit at the door to crouch, In order to get a first-hand taste of the places where the big guy has been to, someone has visited all the restaurants, homestay, snack bar, massage shop and foot massage parlors in Wuzhen.....

Thanks for the beautiful pictures taken by Xiao Xia. It's also a pleasure to fight with the Loser fighter Miao Netizen. We took Xiao Hong away in the middle of the night after her hard work. Eric is amazing. He also has hot springs. Thanks to 070, President Dai, and Uncle Tong for enduring the crackling every night in the early morning. That day, a Netizen asked why we were there
(2013-08-09 22:34)

Miscellaneous talk

In fact, I don't know Xiao Fang very well, which can be said to be unfamiliar, because I only met him once in Guangzhou and had a meal on Tiyu West Road. At that time, I had just arrived in Guangzhou and he was going back to Beijing from Guangzhou. We all chose the media industry, but it may be a professional extension for him, and it is a new world for me. That was three years ago.
Three years later, I chose to come to Beijing to meet Xiao Fang. In fact, I didn't have anything to talk about in his office, nor did I know what to say. We really didn't know each other. I think what I said was also something that was not organized and logical. It was nonsense to avoid embarrassment. This is the second time I have seen Xiao Fang, so after seeing Xiao Fang one day, I can't even think of the reason why I went to see Xiao Fang. I think he can squeeze out busy precious time to see me when the reason is unknown. In addition to being rude, I even think he may be a bit bored at that time. However, there is a driving force for Xiao Fang to study abroad.
Xiao Fang, who met at Time International, originally thought that the whole building was a foundation in the south, but unexpectedly it had only four floors, so he felt a bit like a hermit. After three years of not seeing Xiao Fang, the first impression was that the child was growing tall and strong (actually a little fat), but his eyes were still very narrow. Sorry, I came here empty handed, and Xiao Fang gave me a hardcover poetry collection (paper printing is good, and the market price can reach 20 yuan). This is their wedding album. Xiao Fang's wife is Wu Yao. The little girl has only seen her once. When she was having dinner on Tiyu West Road, Yang Hui teased

After taking a bath, I came to write a blog in the middle of the night.

I had the honor to receive the invitation from Phoenix to open a VIP column at Phoenix Blog, but after registering several times, the staff didn't seem to solve the problem very well, so I gave up and stayed quietly in Sina.

I'm going to open a column, which is about the unit, the media industry, and some small stories about my career. It's a bit trivial. Of course, this is to expose my life carelessly. It's still so cold in Guangzhou. I'm tucked in the quilt. To be exact, I'm half asleep and half awake. I'm thinking about how this column can continue and how to attract readers with the first article. Just like the first episode of Kangxi Comes, Mr. Li Ao was invited. The characters are fierce, the topic is strong, and the tacit understanding is good, Can make a good spark. In fact, it's all a matter of course. The content of the program is good, and the name of the program is also good. So I'm thinking about an interesting program name.

The first thing I think about is nine to five, but this is the standard office worker's time. It's not the time when my whole working state is not on time. My time is more reliable. In fact, I usually get up at noon in the morning, and then go to the office between noon and afternoon. In the afternoon, if I want, I can stay until 11:00 to 12:00, or a little bit


Hong Kong

Zhong Wuyan

The Borrowers

Love Letter


Miscellaneous talk

It has been more than half a year since the last blog post was published. A new year has come. Today, I listened to the song "Zhong Wuyan" by Hong Kong singer Xie Anqi over and over again. In fact, there is nothing to praise about the lyrics, but the melody of this song is hard for me to give up. So far, I have listened to it 62 times.

I had food poisoning the day before yesterday, and then had a fever overnight and went to the toilet. My whole body was sore, and the terrible loneliness enveloped me. This is the time I fear most when I live alone. But it's strange that what came to mind at that time was Frost Robert's The Way Not Taken, But I feel a sense of sadness from the bottom of my heart. After getting up the next day, I still had a low fever, didn't eat, and didn't have the strength to continue to sleep, but I was still very sleepy and had been dreaming about Apple Jobs and so on. When I had to, I had to send a message to call for help and ask who could help me buy some food. Everyone was very kind, but it was the time to go to work. As a result, we have to face a problem when we are getting older. Who will accompany you on the way back?

On the bed, I saw an animation of Miyazaki Hayao's "The Little Man Borrowing Things", and also very strangely reviewed Shunji Iwai's "Love Letter". Suddenly, I felt a bit envious of the role played by Boyra Chong who died so early but made the story so tangled. however



Baiyun Airport

Guangzhou Airport


Schoolmate teenager

Miscellaneous talk

I am really struggling about whether to change my job. It is really a difficult thing. Courage is needed, but the older I get, the more timid I become. Even though there are tens of millions of people who are unwilling and dissatisfied with this job, it is really a good job. I think he gives a good feeling of respect and satisfies personal material life. But I still feel helpless and lonely. This loneliness is terrible. In this city, it can be said that it is a completely strange city. I don't know what kind of force supports me to come to this city. Last year, when the plane landed at Guangzhou Airport, I didn't even know that Baiyun Airport was in Huadu. I nervously asked the passengers next to me if I had landed at Baiyun Airport.

This city has no friends or classmates except S, in fact, most of my friends are from classmates, and my classmates and friends are all at the end of my flight, Beijing. I admit that I am impatient and even impetuous these days. I seem to have seen the beginning of this road. I admit that my dissatisfaction with many things is due to my vanity, which is no longer satisfied with the status quo. It seems that I want too many things. Sometimes I don't even know whether I should think about whether I need these things. This is a strange process. Maybe it's true that we have to fight against each other after a long life. We have to fight against each other by ourselves. Who can we talk to and who can we talk to? It's not easy for parents. In fact, life is difficult here


children's shoes

Peking University




Miscellaneous talk

Dear children's shoes, no matter where you are, no matter whether you have time to visit this place or not, today we have graduated for one year, dear children's shoes, it is a very happy thing to know and get along with each other. It's really good to have you. Maybe we can't often contact or meet. However, when we think about the past, the campus, the youth of the past, I believe that fate will make the reunion continue. Time forces us to grow up and move forward. Maybe next year, maybe the year after tomorrow, maybe ten years later, maybe twenty years later, thirty years later, we will meet somewhere on the street corner. I will say to you, "It's good to have you." Time is really amazing. Maybe we can meet tomorrow. I'm looking forward to it. Boys and girls, it's our first anniversary of graduation. Please take care! Thank Peking University!


Carving time



Li Yapeng

Xu Jinglei

Miscellaneous talk

I went to see Jiangai yesterday. The film is not good, and it is suitable for MV. However, it is undeniable that the songs are very pleasant, and many people estimate that they are also watching 12 years of youth and memories. Li Yapeng is really old. The first time I saw him was when he was carving in Beijing in 2005. At that time, he was a half red star, but not a red one. In reality, he was very good looking, tall and angular. At that time, he was not married, and he was not the husband of Faye Wong as we all know him now. He was handsome at that time, but now he is mature and has experienced a lot of vicissitudes.

The first time I saw Xu Jinglei was at the celebration party of opening a magazine. It seems that it was 2007. I can't remember. At that time, what she seemed to make people remember was that she didn't make movies, published magazines, wrote blogs, and did some frivolous things. I always think her expression is affectation, but the funny thing is that she is really suitable for the Wenhui in that series, because that seems to be what little girls should look like in campus love, and then everyone is old.

I went back to Beijing to watch the snow this time. I was glad to see it. I went to find Annan and became a resident bird. Annan is going to get married. I wonder if I can stop at the branch once in a while to find them. I told Ge Gele before that if one day I wandered, if one day I went to find him, would you take me in? He promised, but I really wandered, but he turned a blind eye to me and ignored me. I came like air and became a passer-by in Beijing. Where should my home be?

I have been asking myself why I left Beijing recently? Yeah, why leave


Fan Bingbing


Big s

There is a contract in Luyu

boarding pass

Legless bird

Miscellaneous talk

I don't know whether there is such an animal in the world,

The first time I knew such a term was from Wang Weijing's article in which the new concept won the first prize

Later I learned that this was from Zhang Guorong's lines

I started sorting out my boarding passes yesterday and found that I had 17 boarding passes in one month

I really became a footless bird, and I felt that I could not find the root

I met some strangers on the Internet. Their life was also a life of a footless bird. One of them was called Uncle Jiu. But when I typed his name, the first thing that appeared was "redemption"

I recently found a spiritual guide. Once I fly long distances, I will use Fan Bingbing to hypnotize myself,

Fan Bingbing flew 180 times last year,

Today, I saw Lu Yu's appointment to interview Big S, and I knew that she was also a model worker. She returned to Taipei at 12 o'clock at night, made makeup until 2 o'clock, flew to Beijing at 5 o'clock in the morning, flew back to Taipei at night, and then flew to other places. She said she had two hours of sleep every day

I am not at the airport. I am on the way to the airport. On the day I stop, I live elsewhere

It turns out that everyone is a footless bird



the five continents

Miscellaneous talk

Xiao Qing went to Australia, 129 also went to Australia, Xiao Yang went to Oxford to study, Pipi went to Japan, Hippo went to America, Fangfei went to Rwanda, Yin Jing went to Finland today, Mark went to Brazil, I am in China, I am here

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