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 Shu Kewen
Shu Kewen
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  It was a very hot summer in 1994. I had to bathe my little girl who was just born several times every day. At that time, she was my heaven and my land. When I was free, I wrote a pamphlet about art in a leisurely manner, mainly because there was nothing else to do. Someone was willing to publish it, just to add some income to my family. Other things were like the wonders of outer space.


One of the anecdotes comes from Lv Xiang, who has always been our family's closest friend. He came to chat every other day. That summer, he said from time to time about the Sanlian Bookstore's preparation of Life Weekly. I went in one ear and out the other, which has nothing to do with me. Later, the weather gradually cooled down, and the topic became less popular. I remember it seemed that it was because of investment and other things. In 1995, when the weather became hot again, Zhu Wei called and asked me what I was doing. I have been working as a full-time housewife at home for more than a year, and I have to go back to school to continue teaching after the new semester begins. He said that it would be more boring than coming to Sanlian Life Weekly. Confused, I actually went to work at Life Weekly on September 1, the school start date.


At the first few topic selection meetings, I listened to a group of young girls and boys reporting the information they collected everywhere with great interest. What happened to a Hollywood star or a company? I felt like I was in a fog: these things have always been



Sentiment essay

talk of everything under the sun

Every time I see an article criticizing Beijing's urban construction, I feel very ambivalent, especially when I fall off the plane from a long distance and start to say how Beijing has become so ugly and uneducated. Although that's reasonable, people living in Beijing do not seem to feel the pain of suffering, but they are very excited. Therefore, if you want to see a city, you must not only look at the buildings on the street. That is the sight of tourists.


A friend who traveled far and wide said a joke, which seemed to refer to the cultural characteristics of several cities. He said that the people you can see in Guangzhou are Cantonese, Hunan, Jiangxi, Beijingers and other people from all over the country. In Shanghai, you can see both Shanghainese and outsiders. When you arrive in Beijing, there is only one kind of people, all Beijingers, no matter where they come from, After a few days, they will become Beijingers. The difference between Beijing and Guangzhou in its inclusiveness is probably that it also has the fusion power of pot stew. This is probably the charm of Beijing, so although Beijing has attracted people with northern and southern accent, it definitely has the voice of 'bearing the motherland in mind and looking at the world'. People are so diverse and have a broad view of the world. At this time, if you still expect the city to have a unified style, then unless we overthrow Beijing and re plan it according to the ideal.


But who has figured out what Beijing should be like? What kind of life style can be unified for such a complicated person

The story of Stein and Dunhuang is not only one hundred What's more, the commemorative time of the year is the complexity of it - different historical views, different historical concepts, and different ways of modern knowledge and classical knowledge. Who can say that China does not attach importance to its own history? Stein soon found that the Chinese have a strong sense of history and historical knowledge, and no one can say that the Chinese have no culture, right? But the methods and concepts of modern history had not been established in China at that time, so the value of those materials in modern history had not been recognized.

Condemning Stein, or the officials at that time, is an afterthought. Taoist Wang has been accused of "greed", but Stein's works

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