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posthumous child


Zhang Jianqing

        Today is The eighth anniversary of the 5.12 earthquake is unforgettable for everyone. As a volunteer who came to the front line of the disaster area in person, the scenes of tragic scenes were heartbreaking, as well as the scenes of blood thicker than water, the transmission of love always came to my mind After the earthquake, Mary's volunteers flew to Leigu Town in Beichuan, the hardest hit area, late at night. Because the medical teams of orthopedics, brain surgery and chest surgery were all going to rescue at that time, we were the only one in Leigu disaster area with obstetricians and pediatricians, so we became the most popular medical team for many victims.
        Day and night unforgettable, we carried out caesarean section in the tent, saved the first newborn in the disaster area, and also provided timely treatment for other newborn babies. She also brought back the pregnant mother who lost six relatives, so that she received Beijing and gave birth to a baby girl smoothly. For eight years, I have been thinking about those children all the time. After returning to Beijing from the disaster area, I also published a lot of information about the posthumous children on the Internet. Netizens donated a lot of milk powder and money to the posthumous children in the disaster area. With the help of everyone, the children are growing up happily. Today, it is heartless to recall the disaster, but the brilliance of humanity distributed by netizens across the country has always supported me not to forget them, I would like to share their difficulties and let them live in the warmth of love.

On May 6, more than 20 years ago, a fire made Mohe River, known as the Arctic Village, famous in the north and south of Sichuan, with economic losses of 6.9 billion and deaths of more than 200 people. The whole county house was basically reduced to ashes, but a complete primitive forest in the county was lucky to escape the fire! Many scholars and experts are puzzled by the local legends,,,,,. Today, the lush pine leaves people endless thinking.









Zhang Jianqing



posthumous child

Visit the posthumous son of Beichuan earthquake epicenter before Qingming Festival


      As the sixth anniversary of Beichuan earthquake is approaching, the lives lost in the earthquake are gradually forgotten. As a member of Mary's volunteer who participated in the rescue and relief work, the love for the new life born in the earthquake has been continuing. Before the Tomb Sweeping Day, Xu Jingwen, entrusted by Mary's Women and Children's Hospital for many staff, visited Beichuan again, The legend of Beichuan girl Xi Jingwen makes people more loving.

(2014-05-29 12:13)

Miscellaneous talk

When my father left, he was so kind and kind. When I went to military school, he told me that my classmates from all over the world had different personalities and behaviors. You should learn to get along with others and think more from others' standpoint. After graduation, he told the next company again and again to be good to the soldiers. If anyone has difficulties, he should help more. As a cadre, he should always think of his comrades in arms and treat problems equally. Father often said that a man should go all out in his work. If he has difficulties in his work, he should not shirk them. If he has problems, he should find the reasons from himself. The father's love for his son is always a mountain, but my love for my father is just a small dune. A man with a father is a son, and a man without a father is a real man. May my father enjoy his own life in another world, free from worries, and go well.

(2014-03-14 17:11)

Miscellaneous talk

Just after returning to Beijing for the Spring Festival, at midnight, I was awakened by a familiar number. The caller was not Lao Shen but his wife. Are you good? Lao Shen died on the first day of the new year. I felt sleepy when I heard this news. Lao Shen is a news officer in my League office. He is never familiar with me until he has nothing to talk about, but Wei is a bosom friend, Although he is two years older than me, he can be regarded as my model in character. He has always been the best policy for people and things, but he strongly advocates peace as the first, with pain and resentment buried in his heart. I often went to the army to interview Lao Shen. When I encountered some problems at the grass-roots level, I often advocated writing about them. He said that it would be better for you to report to the leadership that it is better to deal with them in a timely manner than to write public articles. I would also listen to him after his persuasion. But sometimes I also made mistakes, and wrote a negative article about the inspection and acceptance at the grass-roots level of the organ that turned into a banquet. It caused attacks on me from top to bottom and brought me great trouble. One year, we wrote a typical story about respecting cadres and loving soldiers, and went to Beijing to revise our articles. I advocated staying in a hotel, but Lao Shen advised us to have an air defense hotel opposite the newspaper office, and the price was also cheap when it was warm in winter and cool in summer. Lao Shen never asked me to pay when they ate. Lao Shen said that although you didn't have much money in the higher authorities, we should pay for your writing for our group, Unexpectedly, the manuscript has been changed back and forth for more than ten days, which cost thousands. Fortunately, the manuscript was published on the front page and broadcast by the Central Committee, and everyone was happy. Little did I know that there was a problem with Lao Shen's invoice report. After more than a year's pressure, the financial department deducted the official expenses from his salary every month. Finally, I heard from people in the same shares that the group was under pressure to report, and I came to help solve it. He never takes any advantage of others, and


Miscellaneous talk

According to authoritative statistics, there are about 200 million people suffering from bone diseases in China. In some remote areas, limb and joint injuries caused by major natural disasters such as earthquakes every year are limited by local medical conditions and technologies, making patients disabled due to illness and poor due to disability, which brings a heavy burden to families and seriously affects family economic income. The rescue action for love is aimed at helping the disabled people to stand up again and become self reliant in society, so that these families can get rid of poverty.

In 2014, the "Public Welfare Plan for Serious Orthopaedic Diseases Assistance for Love" was jointly launched by the "China Medical Foundation", the Beijing Medical Doctor Association Expert Bone Joint Center Consultation Center, which organized well-known domestic medical experts and Beijing Mairui Orthopaedic Hospital as the designated clinical cooperation hospital. The plan focuses on providing public welfare fund assistance for difficult and serious orthopedic diseases and serious orthopedic diseases in China through fixed and long-term continuous medical treatment. It aims to help China (mainland region) carry out public welfare fund assistance plans for difficult and serious orthopedic diseases and serious orthopedic diseases, so that more orthopedic patients can stay away from the disease and inherit the "hope of love".

In 2014, according to the wishes of donors, the activities will help more patients with existing funds in the form of assistance. "Moving forward because of love" will definitely form a positive and effective supplement to the government led medical assistance work.


Miscellaneous talk

disaster area

Five years after the Wenchuan earthquake, as a volunteer in disaster relief, I have experienced a tragic scene that I have never seen before in my life. The bodies lying on the side of collapsed houses, the lives buried alive by mudslides, and the helplessness of the victims when they want to cry, have made anyone with a conscience unable to calm their own grief. However, there is a special group that has always been worried about. That is, those who lost their husbands in the earthquake but are pregnant are facing the birth of posthumous children. I have published several blogs asking for help from people, which has aroused strong concern among bloggers, especially the article that posthumous children need milk powder. More than 500 people have contacted me successively, Everyone extended their warm hands to offer sincere help. So far, some bloggers are still carrying on their true love. To be honest, I didn't expect that the power of the network is so huge. A blog article can give them infinite power and energy. For five years, the bloggers may have forgotten about this, but your humanity has been shining in my heart, and we have been encouraged to pay attention to the vulnerable groups and devote our energy and love. On May 8, with an excited heart, I went to Beichuan to visit two posthumous children and their parents. After experiencing the happy life of the children, the conditions of their two families have been greatly improved. Wang Zhensheng's family has also bought a new car and started a farm tour, with an annual income of more than 100000 yuan. Xi Jingwen's family has also moved into a new house with three bedrooms and one living room. His mother Zhang Zhenqing now works as a cook on a construction site and earns more than 2000 yuan a month. Both of them said that although the earthquake has brought us misfortune


Seismic region

Disaster situation


Classification: Experiencing the disaster area

Wenchuan, Yushu, Ya'an, when I repeat these names, I feel very heavy. It has been more than half a month since the Ya'an earthquake, but when I calm down, I will think of my days in Ya'an disaster area.

four month twenty day , I got up to work as usual, but I didn't know that Ya'an people were experiencing a disaster at this time. When I heard the news of Ya'an earthquake, my heart was very heavy, which reminded me of 08 I still remember the disaster in Wenchuan in. After the news of the earthquake was released, President Lv Houshan of Beijing Mairui Orthopaedic Hospital contacted me at the first time, asked me to rush to the disaster area, and instructed the hospital medical staff to immediately form a medical team to prepare drugs for standby. This time I went to the disaster area. I wanted to know about the disaster so that the hospital could send medical teams at any time, and at the same time, transfer patients from the disaster area to the department of orthopaedics, and

As the festival approaches, I will recall the happiness I gained last year. With the love and support of my boss, marathon runner Guo Ping successfully performed free surgery. Wandering singer Lv Houpeng also has free artificial joint replacement. Even Xiaoying, a girl with legs, had a free operation - -- and so on, ordinary people suffering from diseases could become normal with my efforts. I always remember my mother's words, help more people, God will make you happy. This year, I strongly recommend the president to spend 1 million yuan for a large-scale public welfare activity, and move forward because of love. More osteopathic patients will come to Beijing for free surgery. Love can make people happier and happier. Finally, I wish everyone a happy New Year. I also wish the motherland peace and prosperity, and may God bless our peace,

It was quiet at night, the wind blew out of the window, half lying on the bed, listening to the speech of the President on TV, the party made a big cake for the people, and the pleasant sound of the bell sounded, an unfortunate news, another comrade in arms lost his life due to overwork. In just a few years, several important friends around have sent their lives to heaven, the whole world, and colorful They can no longer enjoy the picturesque life. There was no sleepiness at all. The faces of several comrades in arms and the laughter on the court seemed to be the day before yesterday.

Let's find out why they left suddenly. All of them tried their best to earn money and keep up with their life. Their houses grew bigger and bigger, their cars grew bigger and bigger, their friends became fewer and fewer, their health became worse and worse, and their desire for money became more and more greedy. I have advised countless times that you can never earn enough money and enjoy endless happiness

They laughed but did not speak. In the face of society, the world has always pushed high quality life to improve personal taste, which is understandable, but it is far from the meaning of life if personal wealth and quality of life are equated. Money can not represent the quality of life more or less, and people can not become slaves of wealth. We should not lose our freedom for money.


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