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 Shi Hanbing himself
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This book is the second part of my "financial trilogy". In the first book, Origin of Money, I mainly talked about how human beings evolved money



Mr. Zhou Luohua on Currency Reform

Zhou Luohua


      The clam is exposed, and the snipe pecks its flesh. The clam closes and clamps its beak. The snipe said: If it doesn't rain today and tomorrow, there will be dead clams! The clam is also called a snipe, saying: If you don't come out today, you will find a dead snipe tomorrow! If the two are unwilling to give up, the fisherman can combine them.

      It is very exhausting to shut the door and scold the street. It's still the northern bear who is fierce. He quickly threw himself into the fight to maximize his interests

      It's windy recently, so I borrowed the hut of my former colleague from Xinhua News Agency to take shelter from the rain
What is the focus of the debate on tax reduction space?
    After the Trump administration of the United States actively promoted the large-scale tax reduction program, many countries in the world quickly followed up. For example, the UK announced that it would reduce corporate tax to 17% by 2020, and India launched a tax reduction program for individuals and small and medium-sized enterprises.
    Since the Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe took office in 2012, his overall corporate tax rate has dropped from 37% to 29.97%. Under the pressure of the United States, Japan plans to further increase tax cuts. According to the media, if Japanese large enterprises raise their salaries by more than 3% and meet the conditions of increasing investment in staff training and equipment investment, the tax rate will be reduced to 25%. Moreover, Japan will significantly increase the number of domestic duty-free stores to attract foreign consumers.


Trump is starting the global depression
Dear friends and relatives

On October 8, he was hospitalized due to illness and had a dark day. I have just been discharged from the hospital. I am also deeply grateful for this period of time. From mental pain to physical pain, the pain burns in the heart and penetrates the heart. Only then did I realize at the bottom of the valley... What should go back to zero should go back to zero, and what should start over again... Thank you for the days you have accompanied me! Thank you for your concern and blessing! Please pay more attention to the health of yourself and your family! From next week, I will try to update normally.

Important corrections and notice

The golden screenshot of the blog post yesterday is wrong, and it will be reissued today. Because every word of the article is completed by myself, I usually have a lot of things to do. In addition, after writing "Shi Hanbing said: The next 20 years, the economic trend", my eyes were dazzled. When I was tired, I was prone to make mistakes, and the old people were often upset about this. In addition, when I post an article recently, if I have time, I will do my best
(2016-09-30 10:26)
Old Time and Book  
A friend often asks, "Shi Hanbing said: The next 20 years, the economic trend" needs to be revised? In fact, I pay close attention to the changes in the international situation every day. The big chess game is still advancing step by step. For example, in the book, I wrote about the financial massacre, which is still going on. As I am


equity market


  Analyze the trend of China's stock market


The Chinese stock market has not been mentioned for a long time. Always read my WeChat official account WeChat official account: "shihanbing2016", WeChat name is "Shi Hanbing" As all friends in the article know, at the end of 2014, I suggested entering the Chinese stock market, when the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index was just over 2000 points. The screenshot of WeChat article is as follows:





US general election



Hillary Clinton's 11 Toes and Trump's Counter attack


    The US presidential election is about to begin voting in November. With the arrival of this time, the capital market that has not been fully prepared may be facing the impact of a super strong earthquake. This impact will be determined by the outcome of the US presidential election, which is becoming increasingly variable. From extra toes to urine bags to four minute coughing, Hillary Clinton's presidential dream is rapidly destroyed



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