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  After the new judicial interpretation of the Marriage Law on premarital property was issued, the ownership of the house changed subtly overnight. In some places, the popularity of the house property certificate was immediately aroused, that is, some couples added the name of each other to the house property they bought before marriage. In their eyes, this is the guarantee.

  According to media reports, from August 23, Nanjing began to collect 3% of the deed tax on the change of property rights of couples' houses. In the face of having to pay taxes after adding a name on the property certificate, everyone has also been paying taxes all the way. Some netizens said that "tax by name" would aggravate the anxiety of family life. Don't add your name. The third interpretation of the Marriage Law tells you that this property has nothing to do with you. Once there is a wind in marriage



  Anyone who has ever been to dentistry probably has this experience. Whether it is tooth washing, dental treatment, or filling, or inlaying, it is particularly uncomfortable. Therefore, many people feel that they will not go to the hospital unless they can not go to the dentist. In particular, some middle-aged and elderly people think that they will lose their teeth naturally when they are old, which is a normal physiological phenomenon like wrinkles and white hair. Is that really the case? Others said, "Small holes don't mend, big holes suffer", which means that if the tooth disease is delayed for a long time, it may lead to more serious illness.

  Experts tell us that the annual tooth washing is actually to give our teeth and mouth



Original address: Vials Great harm?! Author: Gao Yan_BTV

  The weather is getting hotter and hotter now. Many private car owners like to prepare a box of drinks in their car for convenience. However, a netizen recently posted that because his mother often drinks water in plastic bottles stored in the car, he was recently diagnosed with breast cancer. Seeing this kind reminder, many netizens came out in a cold sweat. While frightened, some netizens also questioned whether it was true or not? Can bottled water, which can be seen almost everywhere, really be so destructive?

    It seems that we still have many car owners who are used to storing plastic bottles of drinks in the car. When we drive on the road or park our car quietly in the parking lot



  I don't know if you have found that recently, relatives and friends around often have diarrhea and diarrhea. A statistical data shows that in just one week, thousands of people in Beijing have suffered from infectious diarrhea. What exactly is infectious diarrhea? Someone said that I would go to the drugstore to buy some medicine for diarrhea, such as norfloxacin and cathartic. Don't you just take it? In fact, this practice may not only have no therapeutic effect, but will make the disease worse!

  If you don't pay attention to food hygiene in summer, you will easily get gastrointestinal diseases. What food is most likely to cause diarrhea? There are 3 kinds, spicy hot, mutton kebabs, crawfish! As you might say, these are all me



  Nowadays, there are many kinds of sleeping mats, but you should be more careful about the choice of materials. Bamboo mat is the coolest, but bamboo is cold and cold. It is not suitable for the elderly, children and weak people. The flax mat can quickly transmit the sweat and heat absorbed. At normal temperature, the temperature actually felt by the human body can be reduced by about 4 ℃. Therefore, the flax mat has the reputation of "natural plant air conditioning", with moderate cooling degree, suitable for the elderly and children. The cowhide mat appeared in the past two years has excellent heat dissipation and moisture resistance functions, moderate cooling degree, and the more you use it, the brighter it is. It is suitable for most people, but the price is relatively high. You can choose it according to your economic conditions.





  What are the most dangerous and prone diseases in summer? We also made a leaderboard for you: 1 Cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases two , cold and fever three , gastroenteritis four , heatstroke five , eczema.

  To prevent the occurrence of these diseases, you must have these things at home:

  First: Quick acting heart saving pills, put them beside pillows and bedside tables, where you can reach them.

  Second: Ten drops of water and Huoxiang Zhengqi Water can relieve nausea



  We said wearing high-heeled shoes would lead to The big toe turns outward because, When walking with high-heeled shoes, the front of the soles of the feet, because of the lack of force support, naturally, the toes should clamp the shoes and slowly curl up into a claw shape. At the same time, due to excessive force on the arch joint of the foot, it will lead to pain and inflammation of the foot, and in serious cases, it will lead to thumb valgus.

In fact, there is a secret script to protect our feet:

  one Choose shoes of different heights. For example, wear high-heeled shoes for formal occasions and flat heels in your own office. This will prevent thick calluses and hard skins from forming.

  two Wear sandals in summer

(2011-06-12 20:43)


Original address: "Na" whirlwind Author: Gao Yan_BTV



  It is not unreasonable to say that tennis is an aristocratic sport, because in foreign countries, the annual tuition of formal tennis schools is about 500000 yuan. In China, a mother once calculated an account. The average cost of land for her children to play tennis court is 60 or 70 yuan an hour, the cost of coaches is 300 or 400 yuan an hour, and the rackets and balls used to practice tennis, They are all consumables that have been eliminated very quickly. They need to change a pair of sneakers every month. It will cost at least 100000 yuan, or nearly 200000 yuan, a year. Therefore, tennis is an aristocratic sport for a reason.

  In addition to the extraordinary talent, such tennis kings as Federer and Nadal



  "Three times a second, two hours a day at noon, picking up nearly 20000 bowls and plates". Recently, a video of Chen Wenyuan, a student of Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, who works as a part-time student to "clean up the tableware" has become popular on the Internet. In the video, Chen Wenyuan cleans up the tableware in different categories at an amazing speed, which has been dubbed by netizens as "sharp bowl collector" and "shadowless hand".




  Why can essential balm repel mosquitoes? Because mosquitoes look for human body by distinguishing smell, we apply essential balm on the skin, which can effectively mask human body odor. If mosquitoes can't find human body, they can't bite.

  Someone said mosquito Love to bite A People with type blood don't like it AB Type of person... Is there any inevitable relationship between blood type and being bitten by mosquitoes? Others said, Is it true that male mosquitoes don't bite, and only female mosquitoes bite? In fact, blood type and mosquito


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