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 Uncle Lang slimming
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Miscellaneous talk

I don't know how to analyze the data sheet when I see many baby papers

Uncle Lang is a good teacher at the end of his life

I can't help but rush to write a popular science article

I hope I can make a modest contribution to everyone's fitness

First, let's look at the following figure

http://ww1/large/4eb4cc69gw1f3jcjir6uxj21 kw16o7ss.jpg

1 Weight

  Uncle Lang has exceeded the standard for this item

But for "muscle building period" or male bodybuilders

It's a blessing in misfortune

Normal in abnormal

Big guy has great wisdom

The weight does not exceed the circumference

Lang Shuzhen is not making excuses for gaining weight

But for fitness enthusiasts, especially women

Children who do not exercise look fat because of genuine fat

Children who often lift iron and neglect aerobic exercise appear strong because of fat wrapped muscles

Exercise is like eating

It should be diversified

You can't just eat meat or vegetables or fruits or snacks to survive, right


Aerobic resistance strength exercise and even diet links other than stretching

No one can be missing

2 Skeletal muscle

Sorry, Uncle Lang has exceeded the standard again

But this is a good thing

Many children ask how to improve the basic metabolic rate


Miscellaneous talk

Sometimes Uncle Lang feels that an empress dowager lives in his heart
Or the empress dowager
Actually, I wanted to say that there was a little princess
Later, I thought about my thirty years old age
I still have to change my mind

That's why
Because I don't know why
Uncle Lang knows the body shape most Chinese girls like
This is really not shameless or boastful
It's not fun to read the whole article out of context
It is estimated that children who have read all of Uncle Lang's long microblogs should have such recognition or resonance
Today, let's talk about one of the "hardest hit areas" for the figure of a girl
If Lang Shukan is wrong, welcome to chop and chop together

Bye bye, meat is easy to understand
Is that once you have this kind of meat
Basically in good shape, I will say goodbye to you
But butterfly sleeves
I never knew which Romantic poet gave this loose part such a poetic name
Until one day eight years ago
A member shook her arm at me
Uncle Lang almost wants to die as a butterfly

I wonder if you have noticed
Men seldom have this problem
Is it true that men and women are different

Miscellaneous talk

I guess I read the title
Many children leave messages
It's so expensive. Why don't you grab it
Actually, it's not expensive
Because this time next year
The price will be raised to 1000 RMB for one class

Many children are not satisfied
Our club's personal coach only has 200 lessons
And younger than you and handsomer than you
Calmly look at Uncle Lang's self introduction below
Maybe you won't help Uncle Lang

Uncle Lang "made his debut" and began to exercise very early in junior high school
In 2005, before graduating from college, he had already worked as a part-time instrument coach
Send two photos to prove it
It's basically an old master

From the first year of private education in 2006
It has been a personal coach for ten years this year
No need to send out some dialogues about members
Personality assurance: no fraud
Weibo god welcomes human flesh
The first one is a boy with muscle
I was very thin and wanted to gain weight

Miscellaneous talk


Have the effrontery to wish myself a happy birthday first

I also wish the children who have the same birthday today

Every year has today

Today comes every year

The flowers are similar every year

People vary from year to year

only a short while ago

Body building baby paper turns pale when talking about legs

Chopstick leg Turnip leg Elephant leg Muscle leg O-shaped leg X-shaped leg

There are even XO legs that can be adjusted with ice and water

Of course, there are also some jokes about non famous personal coaches on Weibo

In the life and death choice of thickening and thinning

Most people will not hesitate to choose the latter

Uncle Lang's personal opinion is

Thickening is physical work

Thinning is a technical activity

What about legs

Miscellaneous talk

Three question marks of trust questions
It's a problem that keeps many runners in pain
There are different opinions about the fitness gods on the Internet
Poor little white people seem to be floating in the air, but they are tottering
Uncle Lang is throwing a brick to attract jade today
Tell me my humble opinion
For reference of fitness partners

Running speed
It is related to two factors
Stride and step frequency
Look at the picture at the beginning of the article
I know that Uncle Lang's stride is the most low-key when he runs
Generally speaking
The two are inversely proportional
The larger the stride, the slower the stride frequency
It's like a long run
The faster the step frequency, the smaller the step amplitude
It's like a sprint
So do you run on your toes or on your heels
This needs specific analysis of specific problems
Instead of generalizing

For example, the sprint of 100 meters
It must be from the toe
And Baby Paper asked Uncle Lang how to breathe in the 100 meter dash
Uncle Lang's answer is hold your breath

Miscellaneous talk

http://ww2/large/4eb4cc69gw1eoiao6zdrbj21 kw16o7mv.jpg Last year in Mexico City The great god of the stage is that there are too many Lyme stars, Susan. Uncle Lang, as a small fan, can only worship in silence

If there is a course

Perfect combination of aerobic exercise and anaerobic exercise

Just like Aunt Lang and Uncle Lang

If you rank second in barbell gymnastics

Other courses dare not recognize the first

Fitness partners already know

The biggest difference between aerobic and anaerobic

Is it "Yes" or "No" before the word "Oxygen"

But the former mainly reduces fat and the latter mainly shapes

Although the Jianghu also has a wonderful theory of reducing fat by anaerobic

Children's boots that believe in this theory might as well try

Be sure to have a surprise (in the midst of gloating)

Then listen to Uncle Lang to introduce this course

Small bench, pen, notebook, ear ready

Miscellaneous talk

http://ww2/large/4eb4cc69gw1enizyucm7wj20 u81hc15s.jpg
Old rules
First, take a picture of yourself
I want to talk about chest muscles
First of all, you must have pectoral muscles
I wrote a thousand words without touching the barbell
This is why Uncle Lang has always been biased against pure theoretical experts
Since ancient times, it has been a place for practitioners
Boy Cloud
Tympanic pectoral muscle
Kneeling washboard foundation
Girl Cloud
fear nothing and no one
I'm afraid my chest is not big enough
This article mainly tells you that there is no feeling in practicing chest muscles and chest?
I hope it will be helpful to the airport, Princess Taiping, Jia Pingwa and other groups
Actually, this problem is too normal
The same is true of Lang Shugang's debut
Several groups of bench press down
The arm is distraught
Chest muscles are still flat
In addition to the underdeveloped natural nerve endings, the ability to control the limbs is poor, referred to as neuropathy
The rest of the reason is that the movements are not standard enough
How to solve it
Don't worry
Because this article is dry
It is too dry to allow water here

Miscellaneous talk

http://ww1/large/4eb4cc69gw1en0wx5hierj21 kw0w04gp.jpg Before the speech, Uncle Lang complained about some phenomena in microblog
Some people, like Uncle Lang, have no shame in pretending to be the god of fitness
Some people have never seen what their abs look like
I'm bragging about how to teach others how to exercise their abdominal muscles
Some people never practice flexibility
I'm still teaching you how to split
Some people have never practiced handstand
You can take it for granted that the whole popular science article will come out
For such people
Uncle Lang just wanted to tell them
I have knelt
Please take my dragon knee
If a person seldom uses the equipment
He spent all his training time on theoretical study in books
A hardworking child must praise one here
Maybe you can tell you how to do the supine press correctly
But he can never understand the muscle feeling of 100kg bench press
Say as much as the Eight Old Women
Aunt Lang didn't insinuate
Just give some insightful suggestions to some white people who exercise
If you want to learn a certain movement, you want to find a good teacher
The action you want to learn

Miscellaneous talk

Old rules
First, let's take a self photo of the house with the magic effect of preventing evil in front of the door and contraception in front of the bed
By the way, scare away some cowardly readers who judge people by their appearance

In addition, it can also let some theorists who seldom exercise but talk freely
Automatically lose the conspiracy to question Uncle Lang's professional level [Ha ha] [Ha ha]

A lot of kids work hard on abdominal exercises
Look at the strange movements they practiced
Uncle can't help feeling distressed for their abdominal muscles
Fortunately, it's just the exercise
If it is "Sunflower Classic"
It is estimated that many boys have already gone crazy
I fell out of practice

Today, Uncle Lang shares his abdominal exercise experience with you
Since there are too many golden rules of fitness on the website
Uncle can only name his training method in a low profile
Wolf belly practiced the diamond method


Miscellaneous talk

I used to like writing about fitness

But recently, many people's eating mistakes in microblog are too big

There are Shaolin School and Wudang School in martial arts

Xiaobai has the die supporting faction and the starved faction

The typical symptom of the die supporting school is that you can't eat without eating

The typical symptom of the starved to death group is that the hungry die in the way and the people have good taste

There is a striking equivalence between the two extremes


They are not very big

Why are you fat?

Did you eat too much?

Because Uncle Mao is so thin

I believe that you should no longer doubt the strength of Uncle Tiewei

Did you eat too little?

Why do qualitarians eat less? Why do they still have small belly, not to mention abdominal muscles

Besides, some vegetarians are not thin

Of course, everyone's physique is different

How does Andy Lau compare with Andy Ma

This time, the topic of physique will not be discussed

We are all earthlings

No one should think that they are gifted

Here we just talk about food

Why fat

In short

Is your calorie intake and calorie expenditure

Is there a trade surplus or a trade deficit

If the intake is greater than the consumption

Definitely fat

vice versa

So some children use lard as water, sweet food as snacks

Still not fat but thin

Of course, if there is no hyperthyroidism, it must be because he exercises

Other children saw people eat so much


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