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 Shang Yinquan
Shang Yinquan
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365 Blue



Beijing is going to have a military parade, so the sky is blue. Looking up at the blue and white that have been hard to see in the past 20 or 30 years, I can't help feeling bad.

However, the blue sky these days is called "military parade blue". Last year, there were a few days of "APEC Blue". Such a blue sky is good, but it will not last. Because this kind of blue with a name given to some activity is not a normalized blue. What we know is that the background of this military parade is the restrictions on traffic on odd and even numbers in Beijing's major administrative divisions for half a month. It is a half month shutdown of all construction sites and working areas with dust or pollution in Beijing, and a half month strict control of pollution sources in Hebei, Tianjin, Liaoning, Shandong, Inner Mongolia and other surrounding provinces and cities.

The traffic restriction for single and even numbers means great inconvenience caused by social activities and passivity in going to and from work; The shutdown of the construction site and the control of the surrounding provinces and cities on the pollution sources mean that the economic activities and industrial production are greatly reduced passively.


Grand event

Winter Olympics



blue sky

Beijing and Zhangjiakou successfully bid to host the Winter Olympics. Facing the upcoming 24th Winter Olympic Games in 2022, Beijing has too much work to do.

Improving the overall management level of the city is one of the top priorities for Beijing. In terms of the success of the bid for the Winter Olympics, Beijing citizens did not show too much excitement or even more intense excitement. The reason is that Beijing has already hosted the 2008 Summer Olympics, and Beijing people have seen the big scene. To use a popular dramatic line, it is "I can handle any kind of wine with your glass of wine at the bottom". With 2008's success and pride at the bottom, there is nothing we can't do well. This is one of the reasons why Beijing people are not excited and lack excitement. Another reason is that Almaty is the only competitor to apply for the Winter Olympics. Although Beijing won a narrow victory in terms of the number of votes obtained, it did not excite Beijing people.


trembling with fear


equity market


As of today, the A-share market rescue action has been carried out for a whole month. Compared with the decline rate from June 15 to July 6, the rise rate since July 7 has not been as ideal as expected. In other words, although the government has the desire to rescue the market, the market does not give face and looks lazy.

The lazy appearance is actually just a superficial phenomenon. Underneath the lazy surface, there is a deep fear of fear. It is the fear of investors in the Chinese stock market that "once bitten by a snake, once bitten, twice shy", and this fear has deepened the volatility of the stock index. Therefore, the trend of this month has come through the state of hesitation, hesitation, and stopping at the first sight.

This state reflects that China's stock market has been dominated by excessive speculative operations and monopolized by large funds that are good at "changing places with one shot". The value investment advocated a few years ago has disappeared in the current Chinese stock market





Alarm bell

South Red Agate

On July 21, CCTV's Focus Interview revealed to us the current situation of large-scale destruction of mountains in Meigu County, Sichuan Province due to farmers' indiscriminate mining of South Red Agate. This is another alarm for us. What can we do to change the environmental crisis in the name of art?

Meigu County in Sichuan Province is a national poor county, but 520 square kilometers of land in this national poor county contains national treasure stones, known as South Red Agate. The South Red Agate is buried deep in the mountains, so the mountains in Meigu County have been subjected to earth shaking disturbance in recent years. In Jiukou, Lianhe and Wasi villages, there are local farmers and foreign treasure diggers, ranging from excavators to hoes and shovels. The mountains that used to be covered with green shade are now suffering from soil erosion and land destruction.

South red agate is hyped as a valuable art material nowadays. South Red Agate Carving



Tongzhou District

Sub center

Beijing Tianjin Hebei


      The construction of the capital sub center under the framework of the coordinated development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei has finally come to light after years of research and demonstration. As the Beijing Municipal Planning Commission recently made it clear that the concept of the capital sub center has become clear from the vague state of concept, rumor and trend, and the capital has decided to build a sub center.
      Tongzhou District, located in the east of the capital, as the sub center of the capital, will undergo tremendous changes in the coming years. The main function of this sub center, according to the definition given by the Beijing Municipal Planning Commission, is to "orderly promote the overall or partial transfer of Beijing municipal administrative institutions to the municipal administrative sub center". However, from the perspective of development, the establishment of a sub center in the capital is not just a transfer of some municipal administrative institutions, it is bound to have an impact on the grand strategy of coordinated development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei.
      So, what changes will the construction of a sub center in the capital bring to the coordinated development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei?
      The first is the change of the territory of Beijing Tianjin Hebei. Anyone familiar with the territory of Beijing Tianjin Hebei knows the location of Tongzhou, which is in the center of Beijing Tianjin Hebei, two cities and one province. At the junction of these two cities and one province, there is another three northern counties in Hebei Province, namely Sanhe, Dachang and Xianghe. Although they belong to Hebei, they are also wrapped by Beijing and Tianjin. This strange territory left over from history must be changed under the framework of coordinated development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei. The construction of Tongzhou as a sub center of the capital will have a great impact on the three northern counties in Hebei, which are called "enclaves"


repeatedly examine one's conscience

old-age pension

run behind one's expenses


The Annual Report on China's Social Insurance Development recently released by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security shows that in 2014, the pension fund expenditure of urban enterprise employees in Hebei, Heilongjiang and Ningxia exceeded the income. Another figure revealed in the report is that in 2014, the dependency ratio of basic endowment insurance for urban employees nationwide was 2.97 ∶ 1, which means that less than three people support one person. This is the first annual report on China's social insurance issued in the name of the government, and its authority and credibility are beyond doubt.

Endowment insurance, figuratively speaking, means that when you are on the job, you can use a part of your salary income to supply water to a large pool in the form of income. When you retire, your retirement pension will come out of this big pool. Those who work will supply water to the pool, and those who retire will get water from the pool. This is something everyone knows. The larger the ratio of water supply to the pool, the better. Of course, 10 ∶ 1 is better than 5 ∶ 1, while 2.97 ∶ 1 is obviously very bad. There are more people eating water and fewer people supplying water. The recently released report of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security truthfully and objectively reports this alarming proportion, which conveys a signal worthy of high vigilance.

More worrisome is that this 2.97:1 ratio is the first time that the dependency ratio of basic old-age insurance for urban employees in China has fallen below 3:1, while the dependency ratio of employee insurance in the previous year was 3.01:1. In addition, the dependency ratio of enterprise pension insurance also fell below 3:1, from 3.01:1in 2013 to 2.99:1. The other news is that,




Disaster situation



Unable to withstand the huge decline for 12 consecutive trading days, the CSRC held a meeting overnight and rushed out three pounds of good news after the meeting, but this did not stop the A-share market from rolling down. Yesterday (July 2), the Shanghai Composite Index fell 258 points at its most intraday. If you want to know what a stock market crash is, the facts in front of you will tell you plainly.

The crash started before the Dragon Boat Festival and continued after the festival. Now we can call it the "Dragon Boat Festival stock crash". Since the advent of the Chinese stock market, such a slump has never occurred in the past half a month without big bad news. Therefore, this "Dragon Boat Festival stock disaster" will be remembered by history. Although we can't predict whether the disaster has come to an end or whether there will be further disasters, none of these will prevent us from starting to reflect now and experiencing what is called "learning from pain".

The rise in the early stage was too fierce, which buried hidden dangers for the "Dragon Boat Festival stock disaster". This sentence is like an afterthought, but I have to say it. This round of market started in July 2014, and it has been 11 months since the Dragon Boat Festival. In less than a year, the market has risen by 3000 points, which is equivalent to more than doubling. This speed has enabled most investors to make considerable profits on their books. From the perspective of technical indicators and psychological expectations, there should be a need to stop for a rest, add fuel and water long ago. But the market did not stop at 3000 and 4000, and all the way up to 5000. pen


China Lego

culture industry


              In 2015, the Dragon Boat Festival will be held in China Music Valley, located in Pinggu District, Beijing, and a grand grass music festival will be held on June 20, 21, and 22 for three consecutive days. Pinggu will become a good place for musicians, music lovers, and ordinary citizens to relax and improve their music literacy.

Through the Grassland Music Festival, Pinggu's China Music Valley is becoming a symbol of Chinese music. However, the real significance of China Music Valley is not only to promote and popularize music as an art, but also not to provide a leisure place for holiday Chinese in the form of grassland music festival. Its more profound significance lies in that Pinggu people, by building Legu, have crossed a new path, built a platform, created a hope and described a future for the growth of China's cultural industry.

China is a country with a 5000 year cultural tradition. The Chinese culture has a long and profound history, but the cultural industry does not have the same influence. The combination of culture and industry is still in a very stiff state at present, and even there are two states: culture is culture and industry is industry. As far as music is concerned, there have been popular outdoor concerts in the United States for a long time. Austria has the golden hall of the music shrine that stands out from the rest of the world. In Australia in the southern hemisphere, although it is sparsely populated, the cohesion of music is amazing. Sydney, known as an outdoor city, is people's life, and most of the time is outdoors, Not only is the beautiful shell theater of Sydney Opera House attracting people, but all leisure places in Sydney are flat


college entrance examination




      The annual entrance examination for Chinese colleges and universities has ended. Or, it is not too much to add the word "finally" before "finished". Because the college entrance examination involves not only the students themselves, but also the parents of the examinees, their schools and all the teachers in their graduating classes. Therefore, it is appropriate to say "it is finally over". It is also appropriate for many examinees to walk out of the examination room after the last class and say to Huaner that they should "play hard, eat hard and sleep hard".
      The social psychology reflected by the college entrance examination is complex. According to the West China Metropolis Daily, on the afternoon of June 7, in an examination room in Baoji, Shaanxi Province, a male candidate suddenly got epilepsy, twitched all over and bit his tongue. The invigilator broke the examinee's mouth with both hands and was bitten by the examinee again. Sudden epilepsy is undoubtedly caused by great psychological pressure. From the perspective of students, the three years of high school are all preparing for the final college entrance examination. All efforts must pass the test of the college entrance examination. Three days are three years in all, and the pressure is unimaginable. On the left shoulder of an examinee is the great trust of parents, teachers and relatives, and on the right shoulder is the expectation of his future. The small test paper has become a heavy stone, too heavy to breathe.
      The pressure of college entrance examination has not lasted for a year or two. Since the resumption of the college entrance examination in 1977, the pressure of the college entrance examination has been increasing year by year, and the college entrance examination is also burdened with more and more relevant personnel who consciously or unconsciously generate pressure, the most important of which is the examinee's parents



capital market

Make rich

In China, making wealth in the capital market is becoming a movement. Sociologists and relevant departments should pay attention to the future of this movement and the social effects of the wealth creation movement.
        The capital market is like "pie falling from the sky". Overnight or in a short period of time, the RMB market value of investors will increase at the level of one million yuan, ten million yuan and one hundred million yuan. When investors wake up or get busy one day, the sudden increase of hundreds of millions or billions of yuan is no longer fresh. This is the current situation of the wealth creation movement. Open the website or browse through various media, such as "Zhao Wei earns 7.4 billion yuan a day in stock trading", "Faye Wong opens an account for stock trading", "Sun Li, Lin Zhiling, Yang Mi, Fan Bingbing are all real local tyrants", "The post-90s boys have gained 150 million yuan in stock trading in four years", and so on.
        First of all, it should be recognized that it is a normal phenomenon for the capital market to create wealth, otherwise what is the purpose of setting up a capital market. The function of the capital market is, on the one hand, to raise funds for enterprises to expand production and redevelopment, and on the other hand, to let investors increase their wealth through virtual transactions. If these wealth is not realized, it is just paper wealth. Only by turning it into real gold and silver can these paper wealth become real wealth. The capital market has made Soros and Buffett rich. It is believed that the movement taking place in China today will produce several little Buffett even if it can not produce a mythical figure like Buffett. Zhao Wei is not already known as "little Buffett


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