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 Sunshine Fashion Weekly
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Female star


Shang Se

Classification: COVER STORY cover story

The appearance of love makes people see clearly:

The wheat skin color of the landmark "Latin style" in her debut has been replaced by a white and flawless face - the "face changing" card is played by the ever younger actress. But she doesn't care much about the transformation from "tanning" to "whitening". She explains that the former "Latin style" is because she likes to bask in the sun and light, but for her now, it's better to be naturally simple. The most important thing in loving the world is to "do well in music". In addition to the shape change



Shang Se



Wu Peici


Well done!

Du Lala's Promotion


Classification: COVER STORY cover story

      In fact, the beautiful Wu Peici is afraid of being told that she is sexy. For many years, she has never wanted to be sexy. For example, she has never worn exposed clothes. Maybe it is just because she is a quarter of American mixed race, born with white skin, good and beautiful figure, she will always be classified as beautiful, but she always thinks that a woman's heart is more important than her appearance. "I don't think I'm a sexy girl, but I definitely love myself enough to make myself more beautiful Bright girls. "






Shang Se



Exclusive interview

Lin Xinru

Classification: Figure Character

Speaking of crape myrtle, it's really long enough. But it seems that Lin Xinru can't avoid this word. More than ten years later, instead of going downhill in her career, she is getting better day by day. This year, "Unmanned Driving", "You deserve to be single" and the TV series "The New Three Kingdoms" were released successively, and "New Princess Huanzhu" was also being shot. When the former crape myrtle has become Xia Yuhe in the new Princess Huanzhu, how much has Lin Xinru changed?


Yes, she has certainly changed a lot in the entertainment industry over the years. Sometimes even because of the working relationship, it is more or less necessary to go against your own will and give up some persistence, as long as these will not go against your conscience. However, no matter how complicated and dirty the environment she was in, she always felt that only her heart had never changed, and she should keep that sincerity and simplicity. To put it bluntly, she should not forget her original intention.


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