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Miscellaneous talk



Miscellaneous talk

The review appeared on the page of the newspaper.


On the 22nd, the Tel Aviv District Court sentenced former President Katsav to seven years in prison for rape and sexual harassment. The court asked Katsav to serve his sentence from May 8. Katsav is the highest level official sentenced to prison in Israel. A lawyer of Katsav said that he would appeal to the Supreme Court in a few days.
Man is a combination of angels and demons. When you are obsessed with desire and can't solve it normally, you will instantly become as ferocious as a devil. It is difficult to fill the cravings, and then wait for the opportunity to move, finally hysterical




Sueddeutsche Zeitung

German TV 1

Berliner Tageblatt


The review appeared on the page of the newspaper.


Germany's Bayreuth University announced on the 23rd that it would withdraw the Doctor of Law degree awarded to Defense Minister Gutenberg. On the same day, Gutenberg accepted the parliamentary inquiry, reiterated his innocence and denied plagiarizing the paper. According to Gutenberg, in 2006, he wrote a paper while working in the parliament. In addition, he had not set up a family long ago and was carrying many heavy burdens of work, study and life, so his paper writing was not rigorous enough.
For those who have received higher education,


Elena Baturina

Yuri Luzhkov

Moscow Bank

Real estate company



The review appeared on the page of the newspaper.



On the 17th, the heavily armed Russian police received an order from the Ministry of the Interior to raid the office of the country's richest woman's real estate company in order to confirm whether the company had defrauded the Moscow Bank of a huge loan of $440 million. The rich woman, Liana Batulina, was the wife of Luzhkov, the former mayor of Moscow.
After learning that the office was searched, Batulina issued a statement to the media, saying that the police's behavior could not prove that they cheated on loans, but only that they had a "political purpose". Currently, Batu



Michele Alio

Sarkozy warns senior officials


the Daily Telegraph

Miscellaneous talk

French Prime Minister Francois Fillon admitted on the 8th that he and his family went to Egypt for vacation from the end of last year to the beginning of this year, and the then Egyptian President Mubarak funded and provided private planes. At the end of last year, at the invitation of Tunisian businessmen, French Foreign Minister Michele Alio Mali went to Tunisia for vacation on the other side's private plane twice. Once reported by the media, France's domestic distrust and criticism of the cabinet have been triggered by the fact that they are in a high position, have private use of public power, travel across the sea, eat, drink, and have fun.

The next day, President Sarkozy ordered the ministers to stay at home for vacation to avoid diplomatic scandals. He said that from now on, members of the government must take France as the first choice for vacation. Government officials need to be approved by the Prime Minister and the President's diplomatic team to accept foreign invitations, and review whether the invitation is consistent with France's foreign policy.

Different from ordinary people, important information about senior officials' vacations, such as the payment of fees, should be open and transparent and subject to the supervision of the media and the public. But the reality is that the media always dig information they are unwilling to disclose, and the interest entanglement behind the secret is just contrary to the interests of taxpayers.

American Christian Science




the australian

Sydney Morning Herald


Miscellaneous talk

The Australian government plans to levy a temporary tax - "flood tax" for one year from July 1 this year. This tax will be used for the reconstruction of flood stricken areas, and it will be levied on people with an annual income of more than 50000 Australian dollars (about 50000 US dollars). The tax rate of AUD50000 to AUD100000 is 0.5%; The tax rate above $100000 is 1%. Residents in flood areas are exempt from tax. The estimated total tax revenue is $1.8 billion.
Prime Minister Gillard said on January 27 that, according to preliminary estimates, the government will pay 5.6 billion Australian dollars for disaster relief and reconstruction. The Australian federal government will bear 75% of the reconstruction costs, and the state and local governments will bear the rest. Some economists estimate that the total cost of reconstruction is between 10 billion and 20 billion Australian dollars.
"Water can carry a boat, or it can capsize a boat" is an ancient saying. If the word "water" is replaced by "tax", the universal meaning of precipitation in the ancient motto has not evaporated with "water". If there is no tax, the country will not be established; If taxes are excessive, people will feel uneasy. Tax revenue should be "taken from the people and used by the people". At the same time, it must follow the principle of "taking it properly and using it properly"

Miscellaneous talk


Miscellaneous talk

Brother Wang Bin (right) and his wife took a group photo with Yang Guisheng (middle), the chairman of Shanghai Jieshijie New Materials (Group) Co., Ltd.

This is the hometown of Hui merchants. If you don't grab it, there will be no food Siniperca chuatsi.:)



Dmitry Medvedev


Businessman Daily


Foreign Intelligence Agency



    The review is published in the newspaper.


  A doll based on Anna Chapman, a Russian spy.



Miscellaneous talk


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