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 Wei Jiajia's Health Theory
Wei Jiajia's Health Theory
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What kind of man does a woman have a relationship with and ruin her life?

(2015-12-23 09:03:33)



Miscellaneous talk

Classification: Healthy diet, disease and health care

1. No stable job:
If a man always quits his job frequently, changes jobs, and lacks concentration on his work, it shows that he is very childish. Such a man often lacks quality in his feelings.

2. No determination: He will let you help him decide whether to make a choice in his career or a small matter in his life. Don't think this is his performance of loving you and valuing you. It shows that he is totally dependent on others and has no independent opinions.

3. Manager, you borrowed money: Don't think borrowing money is a trivial matter. If he wants to return it in time or pay other bills on his own initiative, it's OK. But if he only knows to make up reasons to "take", don't you think you are more like a transfer A moving wallet?

4. Too many short love stories: If his past love history is composed of a short period of love, you should pay attention. This shows that he does not want to establish a real relationship, but has a game mentality. It may not be long before you become his last lover.

5. Everything is arranged by mother: A mature man should have independent thought, style and life ability. If he still depends on his mother in everything, even if he keeps talking about her, it can only show that he has an Oedipus inclination, and such a man will lack the spirit that a man should have.

6. The house is in a mess: Although men are not as particular about life as women, they should have the most basic self-care ability. If his family is in a mess, you are not only his girlfriend, but also a nanny.

7. No sense of responsibility: Responsibility is a very broad concept, including all aspects. Does he always take a prevaricating attitude towards his work? Does he seldom visit his parents? Does he often fail to honor his agreement with you? This shows that he is unreliable!


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