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One kind of cancer signal is most easily ignored

(2015-03-05 08:01:05)


Colorectal cancer



Intestinal cancer

Classification: Healthy diet, disease and health care
 One kind of cancer signal is most easily ignored
The blogger learned that the early clinical symptoms of colorectal cancer may be asymptomatic or non-specific, which is not paid attention by patients and doctors. However, in the early stage, the fecal occult blood test is mostly positive, and in the later stage, it is mainly manifested as changes in bowel habits, or constipation or diarrhea, or constipation and diarrhea alternate, the number of stools increases, blood in the stool, mucus stool, abdominal pain, abdominal distension, intestinal obstruction and other digestive tract symptoms and anemia, fatigue Systemic manifestations such as fatigue and fever. Among them, hematochezia is a common symptom of colorectal cancer, but many anorectal diseases will have hematochezia, such as hemorrhoids, anal fissure, straight colon polyps, enteritis, etc., and it may also be the manifestation of systemic diseases in the digestive tract. Many people mistook the hematochezia of colorectal cancer for hemorrhoids, which delays the best time to treat colorectal cancer.

Many people have such misconceptions: colorectal cancer is a problem for middle-aged and elderly people, and young people need not worry about it. However, in recent years, with the change of diet structure and the general reduction of exercise, the incidence of colorectal cancer in young people under 40 years old is showing an upward trend. Experts said that compared with middle-aged and elderly people, young people with colorectal cancer often have the following characteristics:

Most of them were found in late stage: colorectal cancer was divided into 4 stages in medicine, and the first and second stages were early stage, so the treatment effect was good. The third and fourth stages belong to the middle and late stage, and the treatment effect is not very satisfactory. Among the diagnosed young patients with colorectal cancer, the third and fourth stage patients account for 50% to 80%. The higher the degree of malignancy and poor prognosis, the worse the treatment effect. The proportion of young patients with malignant colorectal cancer was significantly higher than that of elderly patients. In addition, the treatment time is generally late. Compared with the elderly, the prognosis of young patients is also significantly worse.

Bleeding was ignored: because most of the patients had reached the late stage when they were hospitalized, intestinal obstruction was very easy to occur, so about 40% of young patients had abdominal pain as the first manifestation. The previous bleeding symptoms are often regarded as hemorrhoids, causing misdiagnosis and delay.

Late visit: generally speaking, the whole process of young patients from discomfort to diagnosis is about 5 to 15 months. The main reason why young people tend to be delayed in diagnosis and treatment is that they think they are young and will not have major problems, so they don't see a doctor, or they don't pay attention to the "signals" of colorectal cancer, such as blood in stool and abdominal pain, and use drugs arbitrarily.

High proportion of female patients with ovarian metastasis Research shows that among young female patients, the ovarian metastasis rate of colorectal cancer is as high as 12%. Some patients even came to see the doctor because of ovarian tumors. After tracing back to the source, they found that the original disease was colorectal cancer.

Intestinal cancer is closely related to eating habits. The diet structure of "two high and one low", that is, high fat, high protein and low dietary fiber, is the main factor inducing intestinal cancer. When the gastrointestinal tract digests high-fat foods, it needs more bile. After the excess bile is decomposed by intestinal bacteria, it produces carcinogenic 'secondary bile acid'. This carcinogen acts on the intestinal mucosa all year round, which is easy to cause canceration of the intestinal mucosa. In addition, the amount of exercise of urban people is reduced, and the resistance of the body is reduced. The occurrence of all tumors is related to the decline of the resistance of the body. Less exercise will also lead to slower intestinal peristalsis, more stored stool, and increase the risk of cancer. In addition, long night life, irregular meals, overeating, and excessive drinking can also directly or indirectly induce colon cancer. These lifestyles generally appear in young people, which leads to the trend of rejuvenation of such diseases.

Therefore, people should eat more vegetables and coarse grains in their daily diet, such as Chinese cabbage, celery, leek, seaweed, rhizome, millet, corn and other vegetables and foods. Dietary fiber can improve intestinal motility, shorten the passage time of food, reduce the chance of damaging intestinal mucosa by harmful substances contained in food, and also absorb and take away some harmful substances. Now the diet regimen advocates eating more white meat, that is, poultry or fish. If any discomfort such as blood in stool is found, the relevant inspection should be carried out as soon as possible to effectively identify the cause of disease and provide targeted treatment. Ma Jiajia's Sina Exclusive Blog)




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