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10 magic factors that touch the sexual desire switch

(2015-04-09 09:03:28)




Sexual desire

Female companion

Miscellaneous talk

Classification: health knowledge

 10 magic factors that touch the sexual desire switch

The blogger thinks that sexual desire is magical, sometimes complex, and sometimes simple. For men, sometimes only a glance at a woman's breast or a simple kiss can touch the "switch" of sexual desire. American sexologists have selected some unique factors that can stimulate men's sexual desire, which are called "the top ten natural aphrodisiacs for men". Let's follow the blogger to understand:

1. Slender and symmetrical arms. Researchers at the University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia, asked male volunteers to watch videos about women. Men always rank women with long arms as the most attractive and arousing women's sexual desire, while women with long legs do not rank top. Researchers believe that slender arms make women look slimmer, indicating that they can perform better in bed and hug more tightly.

2. Coordinated underwear. Men like their female partners to wear matching underwear, which they think is very sexy. According to marriage expert Apli Masini, this is because men feel that their female partners spend time, money and energy to decorate themselves, while others cannot see them. Female friends may as well wear a new set of matching underwear to surprise their male partners. In addition, they can choose red bras and small underpants to make their charm irresistible.

3. A certain taste in childhood. The Chicago Smell and Taste Research Center found that the smell of pumpkin pie combined with lavender can make the blood flow of men's penis increase more than the other 23 scents. The reason may be that the smell of this collocation is reminiscent of a warm and happy family dinner, or makes men feel more relaxed. Further research shows that the smell of a familiar food in childhood can play the same role.

4. Round hips and thighs. Many men will be stimulated by women's rounded hips and thighs. Scientists from the University of Pittsburgh and the University of California, Santa Barbara believe that this can be explained from the perspective of evolution. The round buttocks and thighs contain omega 3 fatty acids, which can be transferred to the placenta through the blood of pregnant women, and nourish the brain development of the fetus.

5. Closer women. According to the proximity theory of attraction, women around them are more likely to stimulate men's sexual desire. Karin Rosenberg, a marriage expert, said: "Men are not attracted to women just because of their commonness. They will be attracted to each other regularly." Rosenberg pointed out that men are more likely to pursue female colleagues who often happen to visit the same restaurant with themselves. "When men want to change their single lives, they will respond more according to stability and familiarity," she added.

6. Fear. Researchers at the University of British Columbia asked two groups of male participants to stand on two bridges, one very strong, the other long and shaking, and suspended in the air more than 70 meters above the ground. Then, the researchers arranged a beautiful female assistant to ask two groups of men to fill in the questionnaire. It turns out that the answers given by the men standing on the dangerous bridge are very sensual. Because fear will stimulate some parts of the male brain, making him lustful.

7. Women who look like themselves. Men have a special preference for women whose appearance is more in line with their own. Rosenberg said that the theory of homotypic combination might explain why. That is, people will combine with people who have similar physical characteristics.

8. Women laugh. Maria Sophocles, an assistant professor at the University of Basel in Switzerland, said that men are unconsciously provoked by women's laughter, perhaps because women's laughter reminds men of women's cry in sex.

9. Red. According to a study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, men were asked to rate women in different colors of clothing. The results showed that men thought that women wearing dark red clothes were the most attractive. Even if the same woman changed the color of her clothes, they still thought red was the most attractive. The cultural association caused by red, such as the red light district, played a certain role. However, there are also some physiological reasons. Women or primate females will become ruddy before ovulation, and they are most popular with males when they are most fertile.

10. Women's sex products. Sue Wgo Destin is the plan coordinator of sexual medicine in San Diego medical institution, and also a health educator. She said that when men see their sexual products with their female partners, such as lubricants, sexy clothes, condoms, etc., their sexual desire will start quickly. Seeing female partners masturbate is also an irresistible aphrodisiac for them.

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