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Disclose the maximum number of sexual activities per month

(2015-02-12 07:30:32)


sexual love

Monkey peach



Miscellaneous talk

Classification: health knowledge

 Disclose the maximum number of sexual activities per month

The blogger believes that love is a process of mutual understanding and exploration. If you are too eager to enjoy the fun of love, you will lose your passion if you are too slow. What other numbers do you need for marital sex? Let's have a look!

Best length of foreplay

15 minutes is the best time for foreplay. If the time is not up, women can't mobilize their passion in their bodies and can't play their best when having sex; For a long time, the long lost heat has already cooled down, and by the time sex occurs, it has already lost its taste. Fifteen minutes is the most perfect and golden foreplay time. The two people are just well prepared and in a perfect state to get to the point. Foreplay is not boring - in the 15 minutes, it is not just caressing, fragrant rose fragrance, sexy little wordless, and even some outrageous small orders can occur in this period!

Monthly sex limit

If you have sex more than 8 times a month, your fatigue will increase. Don't format your sex, but you can't have sex more than 8 times a week! As a result, the blood circulation of the body will slow down, and the amount of energy stored in the body will naturally decrease. Not only when having sex, but also when working. It's better to distribute the sex evenly - you can't enjoy all the sex in one week, and then take a rest in other weeks! It's better to distribute evenly every week. Sex 2-3 times a week is the best choice!

The best time to exercise before sex

Before sex, not only men need to exercise, but also women need to exercise, which can increase the elasticity of hip muscles and improve women's vagina

To improve the quality of sex. It's quite suitable for two people to do sports together before sex. It's very simple. After dinner, take a quick walk in the shopping street of the community for 10 minutes to make your body sweat slightly. When you get home, take a bath, you can prepare for your sex!

Sex fruit, you and he are good

Taiwan nutrition experts pointed out that kiwi fruit is the first choice to promote sexual love, because it contains folate, carotene, calcium, lutein, amino acid, and natural inositol, which are rare in other fruits, and is known as the "fruit nutrition pyramid". In addition, the rich cellulose can increase the speed of fatty acid decomposition, so that you can keep a good figure and attract his attention more! The best way to eat: Just one food a day can deliver 1/5 of the energy for the whole day to the human body, and deliver perfect energy in sex. You can prepare a fresh and delicious kiwi salad with ice cubes and low-fat salad dressing to promote sex, add energy, burn fat and achieve a win-win result.

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