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 Zhao Peiyou, nutritionist
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Turn on your body's "slimming switch" - diet

(2014-10-30 23:13:25)


Turn on your body's "slimming switch"



 Turn on your body's "slimming switch" - diet

You may wonder why others eat and drink without getting fat, while you are cautious about eating all day long, but your waist and abdomen are obviously growing? In fact, the answer lies in metabolism. Metabolism is like a small machine in the body, burning heat all the time. Due to genetic factors, some women burn fat faster. However, age, weight, diet and exercise habits will also play a role. With the growth of age, the metabolic rate of women will gradually decline. from twenty Every ten You'll lose five or six pounds of muscle every year. in other words, thirty-five Age ratio twenty-five Consume less every day at the age of one hundred Kilocaloric heat. Although this sounds worrisome, there are some simple ways to tap the body's potential for burning fat. following twenty-one A secret trick is to tell you how to burn the fat burning flame in your body. As long as it is carried out according to the law, I believe that slimming, beautifying and losing weight will become easy.

1.  Don't cut calories
        Using a very low calorie diet is not an effective way to lose weight. Because the human body has a program to automatically maintain normal weight, if you suddenly lose weight from your diet one thousand Kilocalcal calories, your body's basic metabolic rate (the amount of calories needed by the body to maintain basic physiological functions, such as breathing and heartbeat) will automatically slow down, because the body now thinks you are hungry.
        So, how many calories should the human body consume every day? It depends on your activity. You multiply the existing weight (pounds) by eleven The result is the number of calories you should need every day. For example, your weight is one hundred and twenty Pounds, and the daily normal consumption of calories is about one thousand three hundred and twenty Kilocalcal. Unless you're not tall enough five Feet( one point five two Meters), otherwise do not make your daily consumption of calories less than one thousand and two hundred Kilocalcal. Research shows that women who consume less calories will have lower basal metabolic rate 45% More.

two Be sure to have breakfast
        Breakfast is the most closely related meal with metabolism and weight loss. Many studies have shown that people who eat breakfast are more likely to lose weight than those who don't. Because the metabolic rate is very low when people sleep, it can only rise when they eat again. Therefore, if you ignore breakfast, your body cannot burn fat before lunch as usual. That's why we take a meal with three hundred four hundred It is advisable to eat a kilocalorie diet, because breakfast is the starter of metabolism.
        Researchers from Australian University compared the effect of high-fat breakfast with that of high-fiber carbohydrate breakfast, and found that those who eat high-fat meals will hunger faster after meals. The body needs to digest and absorb high fiber carbohydrate diet for a longer time than fat food, so as not to cause large fluctuations in blood sugar levels, and thus hunger will last longer. Therefore, breakfast should contain a lot of high fiber carbohydrates.

three Eat more protein
        Research shows that adequate intake of protein can improve the metabolism level of the body and make the body burn more every day one hundred and fifty two hundred Kilocaloric heat. Protein is mainly composed of amino acids. It takes more time for the body to digest such food than fat and carbohydrates. Therefore, it needs to burn more heat to decompose them.
        Of course, this does not mean that people's diet must be high in protein. However, you should ensure that you take in total calories every day ten %~ 35% From protein (such as fish, chicken, low-fat cheese, yogurt, beans), such a diet is balanced.

four Increase the number of meals
        Four or five small meals a day is better than three A big meal can maintain a strong metabolism level. Try to keep the time between meals two three Within hours, and ensure that every meal must have protein food, because it is a metabolic enhancer. For example, if you eat high fiber cereal food and fruit for breakfast, you should eat yogurt and fruit for the extra meal between breakfast and lunch. Try to eat at lunch one hundred G chicken (or fish) with a vegetable salad. In the afternoon, you can eat a banana and a piece of low-fat cheese with a meal. Try to eat less at dinner. You can come one share one hundred one hundred and fifty Grams of turkey, fish or one Protein food, plus one A serving of vegetables.

five Eat more " good " carbohydrate
        Refined carbohydrates, such as bagels and white bread, can make insulin levels fluctuate violently, which correspondingly promotes the storage of fat in the body, thus reducing the metabolic rate of the body. Therefore, it is better to supplement carbohydrates with high cellulose, such as all kinds of vegetables, fruits and whole grains " good " Carbohydrates, these foods have little effect on insulin levels.

six Give up drinking
        Would you like a cocktail or other liquor before dinner? Please think twice when you hold the glass. Recently, many studies have shown that drinking before meals will make people take more two hundred Kilocaloric heat. Other studies have found that when the body performs its metabolic function, it burns the heat contained in alcohol first. In other words, the calories in other diets may be stored under the skin as fat. If you are really addicted to alcohol, you might as well drink some wine. Each glass of wine only contains eighty Kilocalcal calories, and also contains a lot of healthy antioxidants.

seven Don't wean
        Dairy products must be available every day. two thousand and three year one A study published in the American Journal of Nutrition in July pointed out that: three four Compared with women who do not eat dairy products, women who consume secondary milk, yogurt and cheese will have more fat 70% above. The reason why dairy products can reduce fat and lose weight is that calcium in milk interacts with other ingredients, which enhances the metabolism level of the body and increases the speed of the body to burn excess fat. Women should supplement dairy products every day one thousand and two hundred Mg calcium can obtain the best fat burning effect.



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