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 Shengshi Niubo
Shengshi Niubo
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There are still two points to pay attention to behind the A-share counter attack!

(2018-11-13 16:39:57)



The European and American stock markets fell sharply overnight. Affected by this, today's Shanghai and Shenzhen stock indexes collectively opened significantly lower, but then the two markets gradually recovered and rose. The GEM index again became the pioneer of the rebound. It took the lead in turning red in the session, and the Shanghai index also turned red near noon. In the afternoon, the two markets again showed a steady upward trend, and the two markets closed steadily in the late afternoon. On the market side, the concepts of resources, venture capital and media in the morning market have been successively promoted, and the market has been opened at a low level and moved up at a high level; In the afternoon, the brokerage sector continued to make efforts, and several individual stocks such as Jinlong Shares and Pacific Ocean rose collectively, driving the index to stabilize and rise again. On the whole, the weight and theme of the market rose together today, and the market rose

Yesterday's closing has shown that the SSE 50 and SSE index still need time to repair, and the GEM that launched Zhongyang is under heavy pressure and will stagnate at any time. In the case of an unsatisfactory external market environment, the pressure on the SSE 50 and SSE index that opened today is indeed continuing to fluctuate, and the GEM is also rising and falling in the morning, which is generally a pattern of benign operation as scheduled, This trend was not strong, but at least it was very healthy.

As a result, the market seemed a bit anxious in the afternoon. Yesterday, after the indexes were repaired under the warm wind of news, it was appropriate to gradually stabilize the shock. However, after seeing that the intraday indexes ignored the stability of the external market, the funds staged another round of attacks. The most obvious urgent action was to explode those venture capital that had not been adjusted in place, as well as securities companies, There have been several waves of attacks on the market. With the amount of funds available in the market, there is an obvious sign of mutual attraction of money. The end has been set in front of us, that is, the attacks have fallen back, and the stock heroes have repeatedly reminded us not to blindly follow the trend of high heels in the market. I believe we can keep our heads up.

In this way, unless there is a bigger and stronger capital pullback tomorrow, the quilt funds grabbed this afternoon will directly form a wave of selling pressure tomorrow. Then, for each index, after two days of hard work, there will be a demand for pullback at the minute level tomorrow, but it may not be a bad thing for the index. The Shanghai Stock Exchange Index can prepare for the 60 day battle, After the GEM has broken through the 60 day line, you can also step back and shake as scheduled. After all, food is not eaten in a day, and you can eat gradually.

As for individual stocks in the sector, these two days are the pattern of general rise, and both of them have more than 100 trading limits, which is extremely hot. This is also due to the deregulation of the regulatory authorities and the inaction of the special stop. Even the hot board also means that the market will continue to be sentimental. However, two points should be noted: one is the change in the direction of supervision, which has a great impact on the concept hype; the other is that after the continuous general rise, Tomorrow will usher in a more serious differentiation, and we need to master the rhythm of operation. For us, today, after continuous harvest, we have freed up a lot of positions, and then we can explore opportunities for growth and performance growth in the differentiation.


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