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 Nutrition labels improve my life
Nutrition labels improve my life
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My Snack Improvement Plan

(2013-10-16 16:11:44)

My Snack Improvement Plan

  Yao Yingqiu (Hebei)


Snacks are my favorite. In the face of dazzling and coveted snacks in the supermarket, my choice is yummy OK. Regardless of whether it is high in fat, too much trans fatty acid, or rich in sugar, all these are left behind. Never look at the nutrition label of the outer package, regardless of how it is labeled yummy Is the center. This is the standard I always choose snacks.

With the introduction of the General Principles for Nutrition Labeling of Prepackaged Food, the state has forced all food prepackages to clearly mark the important nutrition information of food. At the same time, more and more nutrition experts interpret the important nutrition information in packaged food, Nutrition label This word really gradually affects my snack eater. Everything with yummy It is unscientific to focus on. My snacks should be improved from Nutrition label Start.

1、 Understanding nutrition labels

Food nutrition label is an effective way to provide consumers with food nutrition information and characteristics, and also an effective way for consumers to intuitively understand food nutrition components and characteristics. Food nutrition labels mainly include tabular Nutrient composition table , and on this basis Nutrition claim Nutritional component function claim

What we can see most intuitively is Nutrient composition table Has. For example, it is indicated in the nutrition label Trans fatty acid by zero This is not to say that there is none at all, but within an allowable range (content 0.3g/100g Can be marked as zero Trans fatty acids are right vegetable oil One produced during hydrogenation modification Unsaturated fatty acid (i.e. hydrogenated oil). Existing research data show that excessive intake of trans fatty acids can increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases, such as atherosclerosis. By reading the nutrition label and understanding the content of trans fatty acids in food, excessive intake can be avoided.

2、 Supplement nutrition knowledge

Only by understanding and mastering more nutrition knowledge can we understand nutrition labels and correctly use nutrition labels. Only by understanding the interests of various nutrients on the human body and the health intake standard, can we distinguish the nutrition information provided by the nutrition label and make a reasonable choice.

3、 Choose a snack that suits you

It is not enough just to supplement nutrition knowledge, but also to understand your physical condition and nutritional needs, and choose snacks that are suitable for you. If you are already overweight, try not to choose snacks with high calories and fat; On the contrary, more choices can be made. Some natural fruits, such as apples, include vitamins C And potassium. We can all choose apples as our daily fruit meal.

4、 Reasonably match snacks and eat healthily

As long as it is properly matched, snacks can be a useful supplement to the nutritional deficiencies of three meals, and can add some fun to life. Choose healthy snacks in a timely, moderate and appropriate way to eat healthy and delicious food.


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