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 Nutrition labels improve my life
Nutrition labels improve my life
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Want to lose weight - nutrition label to help

(2013-08-01 10:47:01)

Want to lose weight —— Nutrition labels to help

Yu Peili Beijing

Reprinted from Life Times

"I want to start a new round of weight loss plan!" - this has become my mantra. In the past two years, my friends said that I was fat. Looking in the mirror, I found that the "small waist" was indeed missing, and my double chin was also showing. This situation made me experience the psychological pressure I had never experienced before. After numerous failures , "Losing weight" has always been like a shadow.

"Losing weight" is really a headache, and controlling appetite is a permanent pain in my heart. Often, after saying "I don't eat" to myself countless times, he announces compromise and finally raises the "white flag" reluctantly. My friend recommended me to "lose weight by calories", but we "laymen" in nutrition are really confused about how to calculate the energy we eat. Until I found the "small table" on the back of the food package, which clearly stated the nutritional components of each food, which could help me avoid high fat and high heat food and calculate the calories of food eaten every day - this is what people call "nutrition label".

After I found the nutrition label, I learned that to control appetite, you don't have to keep your mouth shut. You can also use alternative tactics to achieve your goal. Some foods can not only satisfy cravings, but also control appetite and help lose weight. I can also let "appetite" make its own decisions. Usually, my favorite food is the food classified as "garbage". But now when I pick up the package of French fries, instant noodles, sandwich biscuits, etc., I will look at the "little table" first. The figures on the table can clearly tell me that they are all high-fat and high-calorie food. Therefore, a clear number will alert me to not eat more. Of course, maybe I won't stop eating completely, but it will remind me to change my eating method or look for alternative food. It's not time for dinner. What if I'm hungry? Picking up a packet of biscuits, the small form on the back really surprised me: energy intake is one thousand and one hundred Kilojoules, nearly half a bowl of rice! But consider that as long as you eat half a bowl of rice less at dinner as a replacement, you don't have to worry about the extra packet of biscuits will exceed the total calories of the day.

Now, looking at the nutrition labels of food makes me feel confident about losing weight again. Now I understand that as long as we eat the right food, we can lose weight easily. By analyzing the "small table" behind the package I began to adjust my diet to achieve the lowest possible energy intake. I think it is not far away to return to "small waist".


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