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How to prevent respiratory diseases of the elderly?

(2013-06-14 17:33:14)

1. The elderly should have a living place with clean air and beautiful environment    

Improve environmental health, do a good job in dust prevention, poison prevention and air pollution prevention, strengthen personal protection, avoid the impact of smoke, dust and irritating gases on the respiratory tract, and insist on breathing fresh air every day.

2. Life rules    

According to the physical condition, stick to proper physical exercise every day, and often accept outdoor sunlight and outdoor activities. In winter, we should strengthen cold resistance exercise to improve our physique and disease resistance. In sudden climate change and cold seasons, pay attention to keeping warm, avoid getting cold, and prevent colds, influenza, chronic bronchitis and infectious diseases.

3. Smoking and alcohol are harmful to health    

It has been widely confirmed by scientists at home and abroad. Tobacco contains 49 kinds of poisons, such as nicotine, 3,4-benzopyrene and nitrosamines, which are extremely toxic to human beings. Long term and heavy smoking can cause lung cancer and obstructive emphysema. Alcoholism can cause digestive system and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, and also have a serious impact on the respiratory system. Therefore, the elderly should not smoke, and should not form the bad habit of long-term drinking and excessive drinking.

4. Keep emotional stability  

Open minded, not sentimental, life is not tense, early treatment of illness, to avoid misuse of drugs and affect health.

5. Eat a balanced diet    

Eat more vegetables and fruits, and try to eat less high calorie and animal fat foods. Ensure that protein food is the main food every day. Drink more water. You can often eat some hot and sour soup in winter and spring, which plays a role in preventing respiratory diseases.

6. Avoid inhaling impurities    

Frequent inhalation of silica, coal dust or cotton yarn fiber will lead to pulmonary fibrosis and aging, and is prone to silicosis, coal lung and pneumoconiosis. Therefore, the elderly should try to avoid going to dusty places. If they have to go, it is better to clean the environment first and wear a dust mask at the same time. Water shall be sprayed before indoor cleaning to avoid raising dust and polluting the air.

7. Prevent from getting cold

8. Exercise of breathing strength    

Regular chest expansion exercise, deep breathing and abdominal breathing are conducive to the development and strength of respiratory muscles. These exercises can be used to enhance the strength of respiratory muscles.

( Encyclopedia of Famous Doctors Expert of the Ministry of Health Clinician Science Popularization http://www.baikemy.com )

Extended reading:

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