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Escort the health of vegetarians

(2013-12-06 15:46:36)

Vegetarian food is another word of fashion. Many famous people we know are choosing this kind of food. Einstein is not only a great scientist, but also a vegetarian diet An idealist. He once said: I think vegetarian diet People's attitude towards life comes from a very simple physiological balance, so it is beneficial to human ideals. Jobs, from the last century seventy He has been eating vegetarian food since the s, and his wife also uses vegetarian food with him. Not only do these celebrities with superior IQ eat vegetarian food, but there are also many public figures advocating vegetarian food in the performing arts circle, such as Zhong Hanliang, Lin Xinru, Yang Liping, etc. Nowadays, more and more white-collar workers, stars, entrepreneurs and intellectuals choose vegetarian food. Will vegetarian food really bring us health? Do you need special instructions for eating vegetarian food? Ask nutrition experts to take us into vegetarian food to unveil vegetarian food for us.

          It cannot be said that vegetarians consume less nutrients than meat eaters, but some nutrients need special attention. Protein, essential fatty acids, vitamins B twelve , calcium, etc. The vegetarian diet should include enough soybean products, beans, nuts, eggs, vegetables, fruits, etc.

          The most noteworthy thing is protein. Many vegetarians consume too little or even seriously insufficient protein. Protein is the material basis of all life and an important part of human body. Protein accounts for about 16% ~ 19% Muscle, heart, kidney and liver all contain a large amount of protein, and so do bones, nails and hair. After adulthood, the protein content in the body has been basically fixed and no longer increased, but the nuclear tissue is still in metabolism and constantly updated, so the daily supply of protein is still needed. Protein can form and repair human tissues, maintain the balance of body fluids, maintain acid-base balance, form hormones and enzymes, form neural tissues and neurotransmitters, form connective tissue, supply energy for the human body, and form antibodies to resist the invasion of foreign substances. Therefore, proper protein is very important for vegetarians. Try to ensure that there are 300ml Soy milk 100g Tofu 100g Soybean or its products shall be divided into three meals to ensure the intake of protein.

Vegetarians are not prevented from choosing more seed foods, such as sunflower seeds, flaxseed, pumpkin seeds, as well as cold pressed oil and nuts of these seeds. They are excellent sources of essential fatty acids. Essential fatty acids are indispensable to the human body and cannot be synthesized. They must be supplied through food. Essential fatty acids can be transported and metabolized normally in the body only after they are combined with cholesterol. If the essential fatty acids are lacking, they will combine with some saturated fatty acids, which cannot be transported and metabolized normally in the body, and may deposit in the vascular wall, developing atherosclerosis. Nuts are also rich in calcium, so vegetarians can guarantee 25g ~ 50g Intake of nuts.

vitamin B twelve It mainly exists in animal food, mainly from meat, animal viscera, fish, poultry, eggs, etc., and plant food basically does not contain vitamins B twelve So vitamins B twelve It is another nutrient that vegans should pay attention to. According to the survey data of the United States and Canada, the average intake of adults three point five ~ seven μ g/d The intake of vegans is only zero point two five ~ zero point five μ g/d vitamin B twelve Deficiency can be manifested as megaloblastic anemia, nervous system damage, hyperhomocysteinemia, and vitamin supplementation if vegans are strict B twelve Vitamin preparation of.

Pay attention to your weight, and vegans should ensure their ideal weight. The simplest calculation method of ideal weight: ideal weight = Height (cm) -105 , if the weight has been lower than the standard weight 10% , it is necessary to adjust the total calories of the whole day diet. Properly increase the intake of macro nutrients such as protein, carbohydrate and fat. While ensuring the intake of soybeans, nuts, vegetables and fruits, you must not neglect to take in enough carbohydrates, so as to ensure the reasonable supply of total calories throughout the day and achieve the principle of balanced diet. Let the vegetarian diet more reasonable, more meet the needs of the body, and truly achieve the health that vegetarian food brings to people.

Extended reading:

Diet -- the first magic weapon of tumor treatment


Diet management of menopausal women



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