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Do you know about nutrition clinics?

(2013-09-22 11:34:06)

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Recently, a expectant mother went to the hospital to see the clinic with a big belly. "I was pregnant for more than twenty weeks, and recently I found that my blood sugar was on the high side, so I was diagnosed as pregnant For diabetes, I didn't dare to take medicine and didn't want to use insulin at this time. The obstetrician suggested that I come to the nutrition clinic to control blood sugar by adjusting my diet. The expectant mother said, "I didn't know the hospital had this before Like a nutrition clinic, it has never paid attention to what it eats every day and whether nutrition is balanced and reasonable. Until now, it has a little nutrition awareness. "

Like this expectant mother, there may still be many people who do not know much about the nutrition clinic in the hospital. Previously, we only knew that we should go to the hospital to see a doctor when we were ill, but nutrition seems to have nothing to do with the hospital. Actually, it's not like that. I brought you to the nutrition clinic today.

1. Importance of nutrition clinic

along with With the continuous improvement of people's living standards, people are eating better and better, but the incidence of some so-called "wealth diseases" is also rising year by year. There is a saying in the West It's called "you are  what  you  "Eat", as the saying goes, "what you eat is what you eat", mainly appeals to people to eat healthily to ensure healthy health. And the fact is the same, big Quantitative research has shown that the incidence of 80% of chronic diseases has a clear relationship with the quality of diet, and two-thirds of malignant tumors are related to nutrition. Reasonable diet has become one of the four cornerstones to ensure human health (the other three The cornerstone is proper exercise, smoking cessation and alcohol restriction, and psychological balance), which plays an important role in the prevention and treatment of some chronic diseases. Especially for those with chronic diseases diagnosed at an early stage, it is the best time to visit the nutrition clinic. than For example, when many people are newly diagnosed with diabetes, blood sugar control can be achieved through diet combined with exercise. For another example, although some people do not wear the "hat" of diabetes, they may be the "backup" of diabetes The army is in a state of impaired glucose tolerance, which will become diabetes if it continues to develop. However, if the diet is properly controlled, it is possible to stabilize in this state and avoid diabetes.

day In daily life, although many people have nutrition awareness, they do not have correct nutrition knowledge. They blindly believe in some so-called "folk remedies" or health care information in small advertisements, which often fail to achieve the effect of nutrition and health care. It is possible that run counter to one's desire. To say the least, even if some health care information is correct, it is also popular. Everyone's physical condition, illness and lifestyle are different, and they often need personalized nutrition and health care prescriptions.

The basic function of the nutrition clinic is to provide personalized nutrition prescriptions to tell different people how to achieve balanced diet and reasonable nutrition, which is to teach you what to eat, how to eat, and how much to eat.

2. Who should see the nutrition clinic

At present, the tertiary hospitals and some secondary hospitals in Beijing basically have nutrition clinics, but the specific situation of each hospital may be different. In general, the following five categories of people become the main force of nutrition clinics.

one It is a patient with metabolic syndrome. Such people are mainly characterized by "five highs", namely, high blood fat, high blood sugar, hypertension, high blood uric acid and high blood viscosity. Such people are often accompanied by central obesity, which is often called "apple body" Type ", there is more fat on the waist, which will increase the probability of causing" five highs ". This kind of people come to the nutrition clinic. Through balanced diet and reasonable nutrition, they can effectively reduce weight, and at the same time help control blood sugar, regulate blood lipids, and reduce The purpose of lowering blood pressure, blood uric acid and blood viscosity.

The second is the perinatal population, namely pregnant women and nursing mothers. If nutrition is not available during pregnancy The mother may suffer from anemia and low immunity, and the fetus may suffer from growth retardation and mental retardation. On the contrary, if there is excessive nutrition, the mother may gain too much weight, develop gestational diabetes, or have a large Obesity in infants, infants, etc. Therefore, insufficient nutrition is not enough, and excess nutrition is not enough. It is better to have just enough nutrition. Through reasonable diet, the weight of expectant mothers during pregnancy can be increased reasonably, and the occurrence of gestational diabetes and anemia can be avoided; For lactating mothers, a balanced diet and reasonable nutrition will help ensure the adequacy of breast milk and the recovery of postpartum body shape.

Third, chronic Patients with kidney disease, liver disease and gastrointestinal disease. These diseases are related to nutrition and have certain requirements for diet. For example, chronic kidney disease has certain restrictions on protein and sodium in diet; Liver disease affects protein and fat There are certain requirements; Gastrointestinal diseases often have special requirements for diet because they affect the digestion and absorption of food. Through the nutrition clinic, such people can master the corresponding dietary principles, which is helpful to control the disease and delay the progress of the disease Exhibition.

Fourth, patients who need to develop nutrition support programs. For example, patients after surgery or radiotherapy and chemotherapy, and patients who cannot eat normally for a long time and can only receive nutrition through nasal feeding or intravenous feeding. Through the nutrition clinic, nutrition support programs are developed for such people to ensure the supply of nutrition and promote the recovery of the body.

Fifth, some special groups. For example, the elderly, with the increase of age, nutrition needs to be personalized. More importantly, children should develop healthy eating habits when their concept of diet is still in its infancy, which is very helpful for their future life.

In addition, there is another group of people who can consider visiting the nutrition clinic, that is, there is no disease after the examination, but they always feel that they are in poor health and have some uncomfortable symptoms. They can come to the nutrition clinic for evaluation, and adjust their body to the best state through personalized guidance.

3. See what preparations should be made for the nutrition clinic

see Before the nutrition clinic, you'd better make some preparations to save time, improve efficiency and better accept personalized nutrition guidance. First, please make a three-day or weekly cookbook record, indicating the approximate food intake and consumption Time, so that the nutritionist can understand your nutrition intake during this period, which is the most important. Second, please bring the latest physical examination report results, such as blood and urine routine, blood biochemistry, etc. (if possible, bring the results of the past 1 or 2 years To focus on gradual changes) so that nutritionists can objectively understand your body's nutritional status. Third, please write down your symptoms so that the nutritionist can judge whether there is a nutritional problem based on your subjective symptoms. four Please write down your weight changes. Weight is a good indicator to reflect whether the body nutrition is sufficient.

To sum up, many people actually have the need to see a nutrition clinic, but now few people take the initiative to see a nutrition clinic. How to improve the public's recognition of nutrition clinics requires the joint efforts of all sectors of society. On the one hand, we should strengthen the nutrition awareness of the whole people, especially the importance of educating children from an early age on the importance of reasonable diet; On the other hand, the team and quality of nutritionists also need to be further improved.


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