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Eating mooncakes skillfully for a happy holiday

(2013-09-06 10:09:14)
      "The moon is round in August and the moon cake is sweet" With the coming of the Mid Autumn Festival, there are many kinds of moon cakes on the market. Although various manufacturers have racked their brains to renovate the patterns, the moon cakes on the market are still mainly traditional flavors such as lotus paste, mung bean paste, red bean paste, jujube paste, and five kernels.
      Although the raw materials of moon cakes are lotus seeds, mung beans, taro, almonds and other healthy foods, after they are made into stuffing, due to the addition of a large amount of sugar, oil and food additives, they have become high in fat and sugar, which is not very beneficial to health Food, and mooncakes, as a seasonal food, are difficult to fast in the festive atmosphere. Therefore, whether you are a healthy person or a patient, the elderly or a child, how to eat moon cakes skillfully and have a healthy and happy reunion has become a very important topic. Now please listen to the experts' suggestions:
      1. Diabetics
        The popular moon cakes can be divided into two categories: one is the double yellow and lotus shaped moon cakes with high fat and sugar content; The other is the five kernel and bean paste moon cakes with low cholesterol but high sugar content. Since animal oil is mostly added in the production process, the fat and sugar content of moon cakes are very high. From the perspective of nutritional balance, the nutritional value of moon cakes is not high. Therefore, for diabetics, mooncakes should be fasted. If you can't control the amount of food you eat too much, it is likely to increase blood sugar sharply, cause metabolic disorder, aggravate diabetes, and even induce ketoacidosis.
      Special reminder:                                                                                                            
  (1) Under the condition that the blood sugar of diabetic patients is well controlled, they can eat some mooncakes in the form of extra meals, such as 1/4 sugar free mooncakes with some light tea, hawthorn water, chrysanthemum tea, etc.
  (2) After eating mooncakes for extra meals, the amount of staple food for dinner after extra meals should be appropriately reduced to control the total calories of the whole day.
      2. Patients with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases
        Patients with hypertension, hyperlipidemia and coronary heart disease should eat some mooncakes. Because for such patients, eating more moon cakes will lead to increased blood lipids, blood viscosity, elevated blood pressure, and even coronary arteries that nourish the heart muscle may be blocked, affecting Myocardial blood supply. For some patients with cerebrovascular diseases, eating more moon cakes may even increase the risk of stroke. Due to the high oil content in mooncakes, some mooncakes even use lard as stuffing, which is very unfavorable for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular patients, especially those with high cholesterol.
      Special reminder:                                                                                                          
  (1) Patients with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases can eat a small amount of moon cakes when their blood pressure is stable and their blood lipid indicators are well controlled;                                                                                                                                                                    
  (2) Patients with hyperlipidemia should also pay special attention to the egg yolks in the moon cakes, and try not to eat the egg yolks and meat filled moon cakes, but can choose the nuts.
      3. Poor gastrointestinal function
        For people suffering from acute and chronic gastritis, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, eating more moon cakes is not a good thing. Recently, the number of patients seeking medical treatment due to abdominal distension caused by eating moon cakes has increased significantly. For people with poor digestive function, eating more moon cakes will not only cause a large amount of gastric acid secretion, further damage the damaged mucosa, and some may even cause gastrointestinal bleeding. In addition, if the patient eats a lot, the risk of acute pancreatitis will also be greatly increased.
      Special reminder:
  (1) Avoid taking too much at one time, and control the amount below one.
  (2) Mooncakes are best eaten with green vegetable porridge, which is conducive to digestion and reduces the irritation to the gastrointestinal tract.
      4. Patients with cholecystitis and cholelithiasis
        People with cholecystitis and cholelithiasis should not eat more moon cakes, which may cause indigestion or gallbladder disease; Eating too much moon cake may also induce acute pancreatitis. Therefore, patients with acute and chronic cholecystitis and cholelithiasis should try to avoid such high-fat foods as moon cakes.  
      5. Organ dysfunction
        For some people who have recovered from a long illness, their physique is still weak. Although their appetite may improve, their digestive function is still not strong. Therefore, mooncakes for them can only be tasted, and they should not eat too much. For patients with nephritis, hepatitis and other diseases For people, they should also eat less moon cakes, otherwise it is likely to increase the burden of organs, leading to increased disease. For some patients who have received organ transplantation, they should eat less or be cautious about eating moon cakes.
      6. Infants
        Because the digestive system is not well developed, and it is difficult to bear a large number of high sugar and high-fat foods, it is better not to eat moon cakes for children under three years old. For children over three years old, their intestines and stomach are slightly mature, so they can eat some properly, but also avoid excessive consumption. At most, they can only eat 1/4 of the moon cakes at a time. At the same time, they should appropriately reduce the intake of staple food and oil on that day, To balance your baby's diet throughout the day.
      A common baby moon cake on the market is about one centimeter thick and three centimetres in diameter. It has a delicate appearance and fruit stuffing inside. It is jokingly called a compressed cake of regular biscuits, but its price is much more expensive than ordinary moon cakes. Both conventional moon cakes and baby moon cakes are food with high energy density, which is not suitable for babies whose digestive system is not fully developed. If they eat too much, babies may have indigestion symptoms such as diarrhea.
      Special reminder: Don't give children soft drinks, fruit juice or strong tea when eating moon cakes.
      Because soda and fruit juice contain a lot of sugar and calories, it is undoubtedly "fuel on the fire" to mix with moon cakes, which is very harmful to children's health. The caffeine contained in strong tea and coffee is a strong stimulant, which is dangerous to the nervous center of children It is very harmful, so never give it to children. When eating moon cakes, you can give your baby some light drinks, such as boiled water, light tea, or homemade hawthorn water, chrysanthemum tea, siraitia tea, etc.
      7. Elderly
        Due to poor digestion and absorption capacity, overeating can increase the burden on the spleen and stomach, causing indigestion, diarrhea and other diseases.
Special reminder: mooncakes should be fresh.
      Like eating melons, fruits and vegetables, moon cakes should also be eaten fresh. Because moon cakes are rich in oil and sugar, they are easily moldy and spoiled when heated or damped. If you want to eat them fresh, you'd better eat them when you buy them. Mooncakes sent by relatives and friends, if If there is no time to eat, it must be stored in a cold, cool and ventilated place. It is better to put the moon cake together with its packing box into the refrigerator and take it out one hour before eating to ensure its taste. Once mildew is found, we should not be afraid of waste Continue to eat.

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