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Dragon Boat Festival dumplings fragrance

(2013-06-10 08:22:37)

"The fifth of May is the Dragon Boat Festival, and the hall is full of wormwood incense. Eating zongzi and sprinkling sugar will make the dragon boat launch happily.". Along with the childhood songs, the traditional Dragon Boat Festival is ushered in. Eating zongzi is one of the necessary customs for celebrating the Dragon Boat Festival in all parts of China. In ancient times, zongzi was called "corn millet". Legend has it that it was spread for the purpose of sacrificing Qu Yuan who threw himself into the river. On the fifth day of May, people sent zongzi to each other as a souvenir. Nowadays, people want to know more about the nutritional value of zongzi when they are enjoying delicious zongzi, so please ask a nutritionist to help us analyze it.

The practice of zongzi varies from place to place, which can be divided into northern and southern schools. The North School refers specifically to the dumplings in the north, which are mostly made of glutinous rice or big yellow rice, and the filling is mainly red bean paste, golden jujube, peanuts, nuts, dipped in white sugar. Jiangnan Zongzi is famous, and its production method is relatively complex. In particular, the filling materials are ever-changing. At the same time, another major difference between Jiangnan Zongzi and northern Zongzi is that most of the glutinous rice raw materials of Jiangnan Zongzi are pre soaked with soy sauce and steamed with meat. The meat flavor of glutinous rice is mixed with animal fat to increase the stickiness and color of Zongzi.

Zongye: It is the raw material for wrapping Zongzi, mainly composed of lotus leaves, bamboo leaves and reed leaves. Zongye is rich in chlorophyll and vitamins A C Secondly, lotus leaf can effectively reduce stable blood pressure; Bamboo leaves can clear away heat, diminish inflammation and relieve pain; The fragrant reed leaves have the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying.

Glutinous rice: protein per 100g seven point three G, fat one G, carbohydrate seventy-eight point three G, calcium twenty-six Mg, phosphorus one hundred and thirteen Mg, potassium one hundred and thirty-seven Mg. It is a good source of heat for the body. Phosphorus and calcium taken in the diet exist in the form of phosphate and can play a role in strengthening the body and bones.

Filling materials: The fillings of the southern and northern zongzi, such as golden jujubes, red bean paste, peanuts, nuts, lean meat, egg yolks, etc., mainly provide carbohydrate, protein, fat, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, and magnesium, which are extremely rich in nutrients to promote the absorption of nutrients. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that it is suitable for warming and strengthening the body, invigorating the middle and qi, strengthening the spleen and warming the stomach.

Animal fat: rich in a large amount of saturated fatty acids, it will make the body's blood lipids and cholesterol too high to block blood vessels, which is easy to cause stroke and heart disease.

It is suggested that diabetics should eat moderately. Because glutinous rice is a food with high glycemic index, excessive consumption will easily cause blood sugar fluctuations. After eating glutinous rice dumplings, cereal food of the same weight should be reduced, and dietary calories should be exchanged to ensure stable blood sugar. At the same time, sweet bean paste, red dates and other high sugar foods should be avoided in the stuffing. For patients with hypertension and coronary heart disease, try not to choose glutinous rice dumplings steamed with meat stuffing soaked in soy sauce, and try to avoid fat meat, animal fat, egg yolk, etc. in the stuffing.

Not only know the history of Zongzi, but also know its nutritional value more clearly through the introduction of nutritionists. In this traditional festival with colorful lanterns, we can choose a delicious rice dumplings that is more suitable for us according to the nutritional ingredients, but we should remember: "The rice dumplings are good, but the right amount is the most important".

( Encyclopedia of Famous Doctors Expert of the Ministry of Health Clinician Science Popularization http://www.baikemy.com )


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