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 Liu Peng
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Low salt and low fat all know how to do more important

(2013-05-04 15:48:27)
      It is well known that light and little salt diet is not too greasy, not too salty, not too much animal food and fried, smoked and pickled food. Because excessive fat intake is one of the risk factors for obesity, hyperlipidemia, atherosclerosis and other chronic diseases, high dietary salt intake is closely related to the prevalence of hypertension.
The Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents suggests that the daily consumption of cooking oil per person should not exceed 25g or 30g; The salt intake shall not exceed 6g, including the amount of salt in soy sauce, pickles and sauces. However, excessive intake of edible oil and salt is a common nutritional problem for urban and rural residents in China. But what can we do to really eat a light and less salt diet? Listen to the nutritionist's answer——

Aunt Li: I just bought a bucket of oil last week. I don't think how to eat it. I just fry several dishes every day. Why is there half a bucket of oil left so soon?
Nutritionist's answer: First of all, we should reasonably choose the cooking methods that are conducive to health. It is the first choice to reduce cooking oil. Such as steaming, boiling, stewing, stewing, water frying, mixing, quick frying, etc; Using frying instead of frying can also reduce the intake of cooking oil. Secondly, we should adhere to the household quantitative oil use and control the total amount. The cooking oil that the family should eat every day can be put into a measuring tool, and the cooking oil can be taken from the measuring tool, so as to gradually develop the habit of controlling the oil consumption.

Miss Yao: I'm too busy at work to cook. In the morning, I usually make a cup of cereal and eat two egg yolk pies. In the afternoon, I make a cup of coffee to refresh myself. I solve the problem of eating in the company's restaurant. Sometimes I make instant noodles when I work overtime in the evening.
Nutritionist's answer: margarine, instant noodles, instant soup, fast food, frozen food, baked food, potato chips, French fries, breakfast cereal, chocolate and various sweets, salad dressing, egg yolk pie, chocolate, coffee partners all contain trans fatty acids. At present, the intake of trans fatty acids in the diet of Chinese residents is far lower than that of European and American countries, which is not enough to cause harm to the body, but we should also try to eat less foods rich in hydrogenated fats.

Ms. Zhao: Our children always don't like to eat. They can only eat more when they eat fried steamed buns, French fries and grilled chicken wings. He can't grow up without nutrition. I can only think of ways to do what he likes every day.
Nutritionist's answer: the energy of fried food will increase a lot, such as The steamed bread made of 100g flour provides 360 kcal of energy, and the energy after frying into fried dough sticks is up to 626 kcal; 100g chicken wings provide 240 kcal of energy, while fried chicken wings provide 337 kcal of energy. These increased energy comes entirely from cooking oil. To prevent energy surplus, you should eat less fried food. Flour, potato and other foods rich in starch, such as frying may produce harmful acrylamide and other substances, which should not be eaten more.

Uncle Zhang: I usually like to eat rice porridge with pickles and cucumber with sauce. Northerners have a heavy mouth, but they eat very simply. I think the food is very reasonable.
Nutritionist's answer: The daily salt intake of residents should be controlled by the total amount, the amount should be measured, and the amount should be added in each meal. Generally, 20ml soy sauce contains 3g salt, and 10g yellow sauce contains 1.5g salt. Reduce the intake of pickles and pickled food. Put a little vinegar in cooking to improve the fresh flavor of dishes. Sugar can mask the salty taste, so we can't judge whether the salt is excessive just by tasting. We should use measuring tools more accurately.
It is well known that light and little salt diet is not too greasy, not too salty, not too much animal food and fried, smoked and pickled food. Because excessive fat intake is one of the risk factors for obesity, hyperlipidemia, atherosclerosis and other chronic diseases, high dietary salt intake is closely related to the prevalence of hypertension.
The Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents suggests that the daily consumption of cooking oil per person should not exceed 25g or 30g; The salt intake shall not exceed 6g, including the amount of salt in soy sauce, pickles and sauces. However, excessive intake of edible oil and salt is a common nutritional problem for urban and rural residents in China.
But what can we do to really eat a light and less salt diet? Listen to the nutritionist's answer——

Aunt Li: I just bought a bucket of oil last week. I don't think how to eat it. I just fry several dishes every day. Why is there half a bucket of oil left so soon?
Nutritionist's answer: First of all, we should reasonably choose the cooking methods that are conducive to health. It is the first choice to reduce cooking oil. Such as steaming, boiling, stewing, stewing, water frying, mixing, quick frying, etc; Using frying instead of frying can also reduce the intake of cooking oil. Secondly, we should adhere to the household quantitative oil use and control the total amount. The cooking oil that the family should eat every day can be put into a measuring tool, and the cooking oil can be taken from the measuring tool, so as to gradually develop the habit of controlling the oil consumption.

Miss Yao: I'm too busy at work to cook. In the morning, I usually make a cup of cereal and eat two egg yolk pies. In the afternoon, I make a cup of coffee to refresh myself. I solve the problem of eating at the company's restaurant. In the evening, I sometimes make instant noodles when working overtime.
Nutritionist's answer: margarine, instant noodles, instant soup, fast food, frozen food, baked food, potato chips, French fries, breakfast cereal, chocolate and various sweets, salad dressing, egg yolk pie, chocolate, coffee partners all contain trans fatty acids. At present, the intake of trans fatty acids in the diet of Chinese residents is far lower than that of European and American countries, which is not enough to cause harm to the body, but we should also try to eat less foods rich in hydrogenated fats.

Ms. Zhao: Our children always don't like to eat. They can only eat more when they eat fried steamed buns, French fries and grilled chicken wings. He can't grow up without nutrition. I can only think of ways to do what he likes every day.
Nutritionist's answer: the energy of fried food will increase a lot, such as The steamed bread made of 100g flour provides 360 kcal of energy, and the energy after frying into fried dough sticks is up to 626 kcal; 100g chicken wings provide 240 kcal of energy, while fried chicken wings provide 337 kcal of energy. These increased energy comes entirely from cooking oil. To prevent energy surplus, you should eat less fried food. Flour, potato and other foods rich in starch, such as frying may produce harmful acrylamide and other substances, which should not be eaten more.

Uncle Zhang: I usually like to eat rice porridge with pickles and cucumber with sauce. Northerners have a heavy mouth, but they eat very simply. I think the food is very reasonable.
Nutritionist's answer: The daily salt intake of residents should be controlled by the total amount, the amount should be measured, and the amount should be added in each meal. Generally, 20ml soy sauce contains 3g salt, and 10g yellow sauce contains 1.5g salt. Reduce the intake of pickles and pickled food. Put a little vinegar in cooking to improve the fresh flavor of dishes. Sugar can mask the salty taste, so we can't judge whether the salt is excessive just by tasting. We should use measuring tools more accurately.

(Liu Peng)

  ( Encyclopedia of Famous Doctors Expert of the Ministry of Health Clinician Science Popularization http://www.baikemy.com )


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