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 Lin Yaoguang_414
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How does environmental pollution affect the incidence of asthma?

(2014-03-19 15:12:06)
      The so-called "environmental pollution" refers to the existence of substances harmful to human body in the surrounding environment. Some harmful substances can be seen with the naked eye, but most of them are invisible. Therefore, "pollution" does not mean "dirty". A clean place There may also be pollutants. Most of the harmful substances that pollute the environment come from chemical by-products of industrial production, chemical fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides of agricultural production, gaseous products of fuel, domestic waste, scientific research and medical sites Waste, etc.
Environmental pollution is closely related to asthma. There are many harmful irritants that can induce asthma in the living environment. Most of them act on people's respiratory tract in gaseous form, and the most common ones are gas and oil Smoke, passive smoking, insecticide sprays, mosquito smoke incense, etc. In addition, the broad sense of environmental pollution should also include occupational exposure and some physical factors. However, some asthmatics may not be harmful to the general population, but their "antigenicity" or Irritation can cause disease in patients with asthma.
1. Gas, oil fume, etc
      Gas and lampblack are common inducements for asthma attack of housewives, especially in winter when coal burners (honeycomb briquette Sulfur dioxide can be produced when coal balls or coal pieces are burned), gas stoves, but the oil smoke stimulation during cooking and frying, especially when frying food with high volatility such as pepper, is also easy to induce asthma attacks. Those induced by irritating smoke, many For patients living in the downwind. There are smokers in the family, whose smoke is inhaled by others. This passive smoking can also induce asthma. The author also reported asthma caused by burning mosquito smoke incense or spraying mosquito repellent in summer Avenue. Therefore, the use of electromagnetic cookers and range hoods may help reduce the incidence of asthma and reduce the severity of the disease.
2. Occupational exposure
      In a broad sense, occupational environmental pollution and exposure to occupational irritants may become allergens that directly cause disease, such as food processing factories, textile factories, leather factories, etc. The contacts of chemical plants, paint products factories, industrial waste gas, pesticide spraying and other work can also induce or aggravate the attack of asthma.
3. Physical factors
      Among physical factors, meteorological factors have the greatest impact on asthma. During the plum rain season, especially with low air pressure, high humidity, more fungi, and high insect density, asthma attacks in the south of the Yangtze River in China are common trigger factors.
However, western economically developed countries have paid early attention to environmental governance and have relatively strict institutionalized and legal management of the environment, but their asthma prevalence rate is generally significantly higher than that of developing countries. It can be seen that environmental factors are only a part of the causes of asthma. Many environmental factors may only play an inducing role in the pathogenesis of asthma.

Extended reading:

Harmony with asthma
Once the nose is cured, asthma will not attack


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