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Lin Yaoguang_414
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What is the relationship between personality characteristics and asthma attack?

(2013-10-25 11:08:35)
        Psychologists believe that asthma patients have strong dependence, more passive, cowardly and sensitive, emotional instability and self-centered personality characteristics. In clinical practice, we often see some stubborn and irritable patients who are not easy to accept the doctor's advice and prevention guidance. These patients often take large amounts of medicine, but the curative effect is poor. However, if these patients taste the benefits of certain drugs or therapies, it is extremely difficult for doctors to change their minds and accept new treatments. If there is a patient who has asked for antibiotics for a long time, in fact, his condition is very stable, and there is no sign of infection. How to explain it is no good. Ask him why? He said that once his asthma attack was very serious, and it was only good to use Fudaxin (Ceftazidime) for infusion (in fact, he also used glucocorticoid). This shows that antibiotics have formed a strong exciting focus in his brain, and he believes that the specific drug for his disease is antibiotics. Psychologists also found that mothers of asthmatic children often have a "neurotic" personality, and their anxiety, nervousness, nagging and annoyance affect children. Generally, there are two tendencies: ① Most mothers, out of maternal love, can't bear to see their children tortured by diseases, and even blame themselves for not giving birth to their children, so that their children have this "disease breaking", "a guilty conscience". Therefore, while treating their children, they always comply with their children's requirements, which are delicious, easy to wear, fun, and responsive to requests, making their children get the benefits, This is called "disease benefit effect". At this time, in children's psychology, asthma is strengthened as a visceral habitual behavior. The idea of "getting sick is good" may make children "falsely report military information" or "conceal military information", affecting timely, correct and effective treatment. ② Some parents think that asthma is difficult to heal and show negative emotions in their actions, so they consciously or unconsciously show impatience, disgust, and even scold their children, making them depressed, withdrawn and excitable, and dare not say when they are ill. Over a long period of time, the course of the disease was lingering, repeated attacks, physical limitations, decreased academic performance, and decreased communication with classmates, all of which seriously affected the psychological development of the children, making them inferiority, depression, or hypersensitivity, so that their condition worsened or was difficult to control.

Extended reading:
How do emotional factors affect the onset of asthma? http://linyaoguang.baikemy.com/article/2005221512449
How do mental and psychological factors affect the onset of asthma? http://linyaoguang.baikemy.com/article/2005221486337


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