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Cancer phobia also causes cancer

(2012-11-26 11:11:22)

Miscellaneous talk

Nowadays, cancer has become a common and frequently occurring disease, which makes some people have a strong fear of the occurrence of cancer, that is, the fear of cancer we are talking about today. Cancer phobia is a widespread mentality, which is blind fear, worry and suspicion of cancer. It is usually caused by the stimulation of their relatives or nearby colleagues, neighbors and friends who died of cancer, or by Sudan red, toxic milk powder, gutter oil, PM2.5 It seems that people live in a world full of carcinogens and are threatened by cancer every day, resulting in an unhealthy psychological state.
Moderate fear of cancer is a good thing, which can arouse people's vigilance against cancer, stimulate their determination to conquer cancer, and consciously resist "carcinogenic factors". But as the saying goes, when things get extreme, they will turn against each other. Everything must have a certain degree. This kind of excessive psychology is a psychological disease - fear of cancer and hypochondria. Fear of cancer and hypochondria are excessive fears of cancer, and seek medical treatment everywhere. The negative results of medical examination cannot dispel their doubts. This kind of psychology leads to physical symptoms such as restlessness, restlessness, not eating well, and not sleeping. It also affects work and learning, and social functions are damaged, leading to neuroendocrine activity disorder, organ function disorder, and reducing the immune capacity of the body, immune surveillance function, and thus affecting the role of the immune system in identifying and eliminating cancer cells, It is easy to cause transformation and mutation of cancer cells. It is reported that when a female editor in Wuhan found that she had cancer, she said to her friend, "The more afraid she is, the more ghost there will be." Her mother died of rectal cancer, always afraid that she would be entangled with cancer, and finally she really suffered from rectal cancer.
In the final analysis, this situation is caused by the ignorance of cancer and the belief that cancer is an incurable disease. In fact, cancer is not so terrible, there is no need to live in the tension of cancer fear. The World Health Organization (WHO) points out that about 1/3 of malignant tumors can be prevented, 1/3 can be cured, and 1/3 can reduce pain and prolong life. The statement that some substances induce cancer only means that such substances are proved to be harmful to human body, but it does not lead to inevitable results, nor does it mean that you do not have the ability to defend and repair these substances. Whether cancer is hereditary or not has not yet been determined in medicine. According to the current research, the common cancer in the family is mostly caused by the common bad living habits. Take gastric cancer for example, it is caused by many factors. At present, Helicobacter pylori (Hp) in the stomach is classified as a class of carcinogens by the International Agency for Research on Cancer. Every year, 600000 people worldwide die of gastric cancer, of which 1/3~2/3 are caused by Hp infection in the stomach. If poor living habits lead to Hp infection, and then lead to mutual infection in the family, causing father and son or mother and daughter to suffer from gastric cancer, it is easy to cause the illusion of gastric cancer heredity. Similar to this situation are liver cancer (the older generation suffers from hepatitis B, which is transmitted to the next generation, and eventually develops into liver cancer), lung cancer (both have a smoking habit or the older generation has a smoking habit, and smoking or long-term passive smoking lead to lung cancer), etc. On the contrary, having the fear and worry of cancer all day long is itself a carcinogenic factor, just as some psychologists and medical experts found that "psychological cancer" and "personality cancer".
Therefore, we remind the public to treat cancer with a correct attitude. On the one hand, we should actively change our bad living habits, take proper exercise, provide reasonable nutrition, and have regular examinations. On the other hand, we should maintain a positive, optimistic, and peaceful attitude. Even if there are cancer patients in the family, there is no need to fear and worry all day long.


( Encyclopedia of Famous Doctors Expert of the Ministry of Health Clinician Science Popularization http://www.baikemy.com )


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