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Let's Plank! Practice attractive lines with Gisele

(2014-10-30 08:51:24)


I saw Gisele, a supermodel, these days In the latest advertising micro film of B ü ndchen, wearing a tight water ski shows the perfect line, which is enviable!
 Let's <wbr>Plank! <wbr>Practice attractive lines with Gisele
Do you want to exercise the muscles of your abdomen, back and thighs in a universal movement?
This mother level supermodel has publicly demonstrated how to exercise muscles and curves earlier. The secret is Plank. Plank is a common basic movement in yoga. In the field of fitness, it is recognized as one of the most effective ways to train core muscles. Plank is easy to learn and do, and can also be practiced at home.

 Let's <wbr>Plank! <wbr>Practice attractive lines with Gisele
Plank can mainly exercise the core muscle group of the human body: the core muscle group refers to the section from the chest to the thigh, including the parts composed of muscle groups in different parts of the front and back of the body, including the abdominal muscles, back muscles, gluteus muscles and some thigh muscles. No matter what exercise you do, your core muscles are the key to maintaining stability and making your body work better.

 Let's <wbr>Plank! <wbr>Practice attractive lines with Gisele
For sedentary office workers, exercising core muscles can improve back pain. Although the longest Plank duration recorded today is more than 3 hours, beginners should not rush, and can gradually extend the duration from 30 seconds. It should be pointed out that not everyone is suitable for Plank. If you have pain in your shoulder, waist and back recently, you'd better not do this exercise.

 Let's <wbr>Plank! <wbr>Practice attractive lines with Gisele
If you have suffered from wrist ligament injury, tennis elbow, shoulder pain, periarthritis, shoulder dislocation, lumbar disc herniation or lumbar muscle strain, forced exercise will have the risk of aggravating symptoms. Although Plank is good, don't expect to develop waistcoat line just by doing Plank. Doing Plank for one hour consumes only 200 calories. You must combine diet and aerobic exercise to develop beautiful lines.

 Let's <wbr>Plank! <wbr>Practice attractive lines with Gisele
A standard Plank action: as long as there is a space where you can lie down, you can do it at any time. First, lie down on the ground, with hands as wide as shoulders and elbows supporting the upper body, while the lower body is on the ground with toes. Tighten the abdominal muscles, buttocks and thigh muscles, and keep the knees tight to maintain balance.

 Let's <wbr>Plank! <wbr>Practice attractive lines with Gisele

Advanced version: basic Plank actions only use their own weight to exercise core muscle groups. For those who have mastered basic actions and want to seek greater challenges, you can try the following advanced version of Plank.
 Let's <wbr>Plank! <wbr>Practice attractive lines with Gisele
Plank on Fitball uses Fitball to raise the body and press the ground with the palm rather than the elbow to increase the test of the abdominal muscles. It takes more effort to maintain balance.

 Let's <wbr>Plank! <wbr>Practice attractive lines with Gisele

Side Plank
Transfer the weight of the body to both legs and one arm. When doing this, it is easy to bend down the waist. It is best to do it against the mirror to keep it straight.
 Let's <wbr>Plank! <wbr>Practice attractive lines with Gisele
Dumbbell Plank
You can lift a dumbbell with one hand (according to your ability, girls generally use about 5kg weight), repeat the lifting and lowering movements to help tighten the arm muscles.

 Let's <wbr>Plank! <wbr>Practice attractive lines with Gisele
Side Plank Raise
The advanced version of the Side Plank is to hold the ground with one hand and lift one foot. At this time, all the weight of the body is held up with one hand and one foot in a "big" shape.

 Let's <wbr>Plank! <wbr>Practice attractive lines with Gisele
Reverse Plank
When stretching the shoulders and neck, you can also exercise the muscles on the back and outside of the arms. When doing this, you should pay attention not to collapse the hips.

 Let's <wbr>Plank! <wbr>Practice attractive lines with Gisele
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