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Can vinegar soaked raisins really lose weight?

(2016-01-22 08:57:18)


Vinegar soaked raisins

reduce weight

Miscellaneous talk

Classification: Lotus's Weight Loss Class


In this era of nationwide weight loss, the topic of "what can you eat to lose weight" has always attracted much attention. This is not the case. Recently, the legend of "vinegar soaked raisins to lose weight" has begun to spread. Some people are happy to eat sweets and snacks. If the rumor is true, vinegar is available in every kitchen. raisins are sweet, delicious, and cheap. If this is the case, they can lose weight. What kind of apple weight loss method Seven Day Slimming Soup, Copenhagen Diet and Fruit Juice Diet can all go away. Moreover, it is said that vinegar soaked raisins can not only reduce weight, but also have many health benefits. Ask Douniang and you can easily find them sixteen The effects of soaking raisins in vinegar include improving anemia, treating presbyopia, beautifying skin, preventing colon cancer and other magical effects. However, is vinegar soaked raisins really so magical?

As a nutritionist, I never dare to believe the rumours in the Jianghu. Let the scientific data speak:

1、 The nutrient content of raisins is as follows (per one hundred G raisins, please note that this blog discusses the original dry raisins, and those processed raisins that are additionally pickled with sugar and salt are not in the scope of discussion): the heat is three hundred and forty-one Kcal, carbohydrate is eighty-one point eight G, protein is two point five G, fat is zero point four G, vitamin B1 by zero point zero nine Mg, calcium is fifty-two Mg, magnesium is forty-five Mg, iron is nine point one Mg, manganese is zero point three nine Mg, zinc is zero point one eight Mg, copper is zero point four eight Mg, potassium is nine hundred and ninety-five Mg, phosphorus is ninety Mg, retinol equivalent is eleven point six Microgram, sodium is nineteen point one Mg, selenium is two point four one Microgram, dietary fiber is one point six Gram.

It can be seen that:

(1)     As a kind of dried fruit, raisins have high sugar and heat. After all, concentration is the essence, and fresh grapes are very sweet. The sweetness after removing most of the water can be imagined. However, despite this, the study found that the sugar raising speed of raisins is lower than that of rice, so diabetics can eat a small amount of raisins as snacks between meals.

(2)     Raisins are particularly rich in minerals, especially potassium and iron, which are higher than ordinary foods. Therefore, when making bread or steamed bread rolls, or even when making yogurt or porridge, raisins can replace sugar, which can not only improve the taste, but also add more minerals.

(3)     Raisins are rich in dietary fiber and some antioxidant health ingredients. The skin of fresh grapes has a high dietary fiber content, but when eating grapes, the skin of grapes is usually spit out. However, the production process of raisins completely retains the skin of grapes, so it also retains dietary fiber.

In addition, for darker raisins, anthocyanins and other health ingredients are also concentrated and preserved.

2、 The nutritional content of a brand of edible vinegar is as follows (per one hundred Ml pure brewed vinegar): calorie: sixty-eight Kcal, vitamin B1 by zero point zero three G, calcium is thirty-seven Mg, protein is three point eight G, vitamin B2 by zero point one three G, magnesium ninety-two Mg, fat is zero point one G, niacin is one point five Mg, iron is two point nine Mg, carbohydrate thirteen G, manganese is one point one four Mg, zinc is seven point seven nine Mg, copper is zero point zero five Mg, carotene three point four Microgram, potassium is one hundred and seventeen Mg, sodium is one hundred and eighty-three point nine Milligram , Selenium is five point one eight Micrograms.

It can be seen that vinegar, as a condiment, has a low content of protein, fat and carbohydrate, but is rich in calcium and iron. In addition, vinegar contains 5%-8% The content of acetic acid in aged vinegar is as high as 10% above. Research shows that adding proper amount of vinegar to the diet can slow the rise of blood sugar after meals, so it is generally recommended that diabetics eat more vinegar. In addition, vinegar can also improve insulin sensitivity, create a better muscle synthesis environment, so that the carbon and water you eat will be more used by muscles rather than stored up as fat. Therefore, it is generally recommended that people who lose weight or exercise can also add some vinegar to their diet.

Through the above analysis, we can at least draw the following conclusions about vinegar soaked raisins:

1、                     It is a good snack, especially suitable for diabetics to eat between two meals, but the amount should be controlled, preferably not more than twenty G, and should be included in the total amount of carbohydrates in a day.

2、                     Compared with snacks such as biscuits, cakes and potato chips, eating vinegar soaked raisins in moderation as a snack has some effect on weight control, but it is almost impossible to lose weight by hoping to eat vinegar soaked raisins without changing the original eating habits or increasing the amount of exercise.

3、                     The combination of the two is very helpful to supplement minerals, especially iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium and other ingredients. Although the iron absorption rate of plants is not high, the presence of acetic acid can improve the absorption rate of these minerals, that is, vinegar soaked raisins are still helpful to improve iron deficiency anemia, especially for vegetarians. However, for ordinary people, red meat, animal blood and viscera are still the best sources of iron.

4、                     For people with excessive stomach acid or peptic ulcer, it is not suitable to eat vinegar and soak raisins on an empty stomach, because it will further stimulate the gastric mucosa, aggravate gastritis and expand the ulcer surface. It is better to chew raisins directly or soak them in hot water.

5、                     Reasonably treat the many magical effects of vinegar soaked raisins. Most of them have not been verified by scientific comparative experiments, and most of them are taken for granted. Eating vinegar soaked raisins properly on the basis of balanced nutrition in three meals a day can also play a role in health care. However, if you abandon the basics, do not eat well, you have already had a health condition, do not follow the doctor's advice, and build the hope of recovery on the basis of eating vinegar soaked raisins, it is meaningless!

Different people choose raisins Tips

Raisins include green, yellow, brown, black and other varieties, and some have seeds and some do not. For people with high blood pressure, high blood pressure, low body weight and beauty, it is suitable to choose brown or even black varieties. Those with thick skin can obtain more polyphenol antioxidant ingredients and dietary fiber; For people with weak digestive function, it is appropriate to choose yellow and green varieties, whose skins are thinner and tannin content is relatively low, so they are easier to digest; For people with constipation, choose the variety with thick skin and large seeds. Chew the seeds together and swallow them. Rich dietary fiber can promote the peristalsis of the large intestine.



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WeChat public account: Furong nutritionist



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