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How to drink porridge to nourish the stomach? Announce the personalized porridge drinking scheme for seven groups of people

(2016-01-12 08:32:26)


Eat porridge

Nourishing stomach

Bean porridge

Meat porridge

Miscellaneous talk

Classification: How to eat for different people


"Eating porridge to nourish the stomach" is also a popular health care package. Many porridge shops have a health care sign, and the business is extremely good. The water and rice blend state of slow cooking, and even a layer of sticky rice oil smell good. "If your stomach is bad, drink more porridge to digest". However, not every kind of "bad stomach" is suitable for porridge, and not every kind of porridge can nourish your stomach.

The origin and truth of "eating porridge to nourish the stomach"

In the past, the living conditions were poor, and people were hungry, suffering from atrophy gastritis More people, resulting in insufficient gastric acid secretion. At this time, eating porridge can promote the secretion of stomach acid and help digestion of food. Moreover, the starch in porridge has become gelatinized, so it can quickly enter the small intestine without a lot of chewing, raising blood sugar, and people will feel better about their energy and appetite. Therefore, eating porridge can nourish their stomach. However, with the improvement of living standards, it is difficult to be hungry without deliberate dieting. Instead, regular satiety stimulates the stomach to secrete a lot of stomach acid Reflux esophagitis The number of patients has increased significantly. Such patients are not suitable for eating porridge to nourish their stomach, so as not to stimulate excessive secretion of gastric acid and aggravate their condition. Patients with stomach diseases should consult doctors according to their condition whether they can use porridge to nourish their stomach. For people with excessive gastric acid secretion, it is better to eat some toast or bread slices to nourish the stomach.

Individualized porridge drinking scheme for seven groups of people

1、 The elderly are suitable for lean meat porridge, fish fillet porridge and seafood porridge. For the elderly with normal liver and kidney functions, it is suitable to drink some porridge with high protein content, which can delay further aging. As we enter old age, all body functions are declining, and the body is in negative nitrogen balance. The body protein is decomposed more and synthesized less. If the high-quality protein intake in the diet is insufficient, the negative nitrogen balance will be exacerbated, and all body functions will be further degraded. Lean meat, fish fillets and seafood are all low fat and high protein foods. They are also easy to digest when properly added to porridge. And the main food, porridge, together with high protein food, can also slow down the rise of blood sugar after meals, which is also helpful for diabetics.

Note: Do not put too much salt and edible oil in this kind of porridge, or it is easy to exceed the heat limit.

2、 Young women and pregnant women are suitable for drinking black rice, purple rice and glutinous rice porridge, millet and rhubarb rice porridge are also good choices. This kind of porridge is rich in iron, calcium, potassium and other minerals. Purple rice and black rice also contain anthocyanins. Millet and big yellow rice also have antioxidant health ingredients such as lutein, zeaxanthin, carotene, which are very helpful for skin health and anti-aging, and can assist in the treatment of iron deficiency anemia; Their dietary fiber and B The vitamin content is also much higher than that of rice porridge. Moreover, this kind of porridge tastes sticky and delicious, and is very easy to digest and absorb.

Note: Do not add sugar to this kind of porridge. It can be cooked with some dates or longans, or put a small handful of raisins after cooking.

3、 It is suitable for millet porridge, two meter porridge, pumpkin porridge, carrot porridge, etc. For babies under three years old, the gastrointestinal function is still fragile, and the demand for nutrients is large, so it is more suitable to use millet and japonica rice as porridge. Millet is a fine grain in coarse grain, rich in nutrition, comprehensive and easy to digest. Pumpkin and carrot are rich in carotene, which can also be added to baby's porridge to cook together. For better absorption of carotene, you can crush walnuts and mix them into baby's porridge to eat together.

Note: Some babies are allergic to pumpkin. If you give your baby pumpkin for the first time, you should closely observe whether there is any allergy.

4、 Three high and weight loss people are suitable for coarse grains and mixed beans porridge. The best ingredients for this kind of porridge are oats, buckwheat, barley kernels, sorghum rice, and some starchy beans, such as red beans, mung beans, kidney beans, peas, chickpeas, etc. They are characterized by compact texture, slow digestion, low raw sugar index, rich dietary fiber content, and a strong sense of satiety. These factors are helpful for controlling weight and three highs, And the protein content of this kind of porridge B The content of vitamins is also very considerable. Some starchy beans also contain rich flavonoid health care ingredients, which are helpful for the prevention and control of chronic diseases.

Note: This kind of porridge should not be cooked too soft and rotten, otherwise the effect will be discounted, especially the practice of slow simmering all night at low heat is not recommended.

five Office white-collar workers are suitable for vegetable porridge, sweet potato and yam porridge. Young white-collar workers often eat out, and vegetables, especially green leafy vegetables, are often underconsumed. So when they have the opportunity to cook their own meals, they can choose spinach porridge, rape porridge, fresh mushroom porridge, or add potatoes to the porridge, such as taro, yam, potatoes, purple potatoes, sweet potatoes, yams, yams and other food materials to increase the intake of dietary fiber and vitamins, Try to make up for the missing nutrients. This kind of porridge not only has a strong sense of satiety and low blood sugar response, but also is easy to operate and tastes good.

Note: When making green leaf vegetable porridge, advance the time when the porridge is ready five Add green leafy vegetables within minutes to avoid the loss of nutrients due to too long cooking. To make spinach porridge, first blanch.

six Children in rapid growth period are suitable for milk porridge and nut porridge. Children in puberty need more nutrients and calories, especially calcium, essential fatty acids, high-quality protein and other nutrients. And their learning tasks are also very heavy, and white rice porridge obviously cannot meet the needs. Therefore, you can eat some nuts such as peanuts, walnuts, cashews and pine nuts with porridge to supplement essential fatty acids and vitamins required for physical development E And feel full. Boiling milk and porridge together is also a good way to increase the nutrient density and energy density. After all, children's stomach capacity is limited and their nutrient requirements are large.

Note: Try to choose original nuts instead of milk flavor, matcha, garlic flavor and other flavors, because they will cover up the fact that nuts may deteriorate.

7、 Menopause women are suitable for eating soybean porridge, sesame porridge, lotus seed porridge Sour jujube kernel porridge Poria porridge Because of the decline of estrogen level, many functions of menopausal women are in sharp decline, and their metabolic level is reduced. They are more likely to suffer from cardiovascular diseases and osteoporosis than men, and are prone to various degrees of irritability, insomnia, hot flashes and other menopausal syndromes. Soybean is rich in soybean isoflavones, which can safely supplement estrogen and alleviate menopause syndrome. It can not only be used to make soymilk and tofu, but also can be cooked into bean porridge with food. After mixing, due to protein complementation, the bioavailability of protein will be improved, even comparable to beef. In addition, sesame porridge, lotus seed porridge, sour jujube kernel porridge and poria porridge can play a certain role in alleviating insomnia and irritability.

Note: Only soybeans, black beans and green beans are soybeans. Like soymilk, beans should be soaked in advance when making porridge.


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