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Diet for Dad --- lose 10 kg in 20 days

(2014-10-30 08:25:03)



Coarse grain rice

Nutritional soy milk

Green leafy vegetable

Classification: Furong's private kitchen


Then on the topic of last vacation, besides running with my father every day, I also specially formulated a diet for him to lose weight, because losing weight is a process of "three points of practice, seven points of eating". Only by combining diet and exercise can we see the effect faster and faster. Every time I see a lot of people snorting after running and then drinking a can of coke, I will have the impulse to stop them. Isn't your move in vain? Therefore, it is necessary to control diet if you want to lose weight. However, diet control is not a blind dieting. Instead, you should take more food rich in nutrients that your body needs, and reduce some food with single nutritional value, high calories, and poor satiety.

Here are the daily recipes and nutrition comments for Dad:

5:30-6:00      A cup of cool water, about 400ml, is used for exercise after a little exercise.

7:00-7:30      A cup of rice flavored or carrot soy milk, a root of corn, a piece of buckwheat cake, a boiled egg, and a plate of plain fried broccoli (with fungus and shredded onions).

Nutrition comments: The principle of diet meal is to have breakfast as rich as possible, preferably accounting for 40% - 50% of the total calories of the day. There are slow digesting carbohydrates (corn, cake), high-quality protein (soybean milk, boiled eggs), vegetables with less oil and salt, which provide rich vitamins and minerals.

10:00      A cup of yogurt (100ml), a handful of cherry tomatoes

Nutrition comments: Yogurt can recuperate the intestines and stomach, supplement calcium, match with cherry tomatoes, and provide vitamin C and dietary fiber. The extra meal at 10 o'clock can stabilize blood sugar and prevent hunger before lunch.

12:30-13:00      A bowl of miscellaneous grains and rice (with five ingredients: red beans, buckwheat, mung beans, black rice, and rice), 5 or 6 pieces of beef with soy sauce (about 2 liang raw weight), tomato and egg soup, and parsley fried with parsley.

Nutrition comments: Coarse grain rice raises blood sugar slowly, and can also provide more protein, vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber than white rice. Spiced beef and dried sesame oil provide high-quality protein with low fat content, and the calcium content in dried sesame oil is also considerable. Celery is rich in potassium and dietary fiber, which is the first choice of vegetables for the three high people. It's better to make celery leaves together. Tomato and egg soup is best drunk before meals. Cooked tomatoes can provide the oxidant lycopene. Lecithin, zeaxanthin and lutein in egg flower soup can delay brain aging, but it is mainly necessary to put less salt and drop a small amount of sesame oil into the pot. The calories of this lunch account for 30% - 40% of the energy intake of the whole day.

16:00    One Gala Fruit and a handful of peanuts

Nutrition comments: Gala fruit is small, easy to control calories, and rich in soluble dietary fiber pectin and potassium. Peanut is my father's favorite. Its nutritional value and fat content are high, so we should control the amount. For people with high nutrition, it is best to strip off the red coat of peanuts when eating, because it will make the blood more viscous.

18: 00-18:30 A bowl of millet porridge, a piece of sweet potato, and fried mushrooms with winter melon.

Nutrition comments: diet people's dinner should be as simple as possible, with a slight sense of hunger before sleep, but it should not affect sleep. Millet porridge is easy to digest, and it also contains beta carotene and calcium, which can calm the nerves and help sleep. In addition, sweet potatoes, which are rich in dietary fiber, can carry hunger even more. Wax gourd is rich in potassium, which helps the body to drain water. Pleurotus eryngii can provide certain protein and a variety of minerals, and can also cover up and neutralize the unpleasant smell in the wax gourd. Because the amount of dinner is not large, if you are hungry before going to bed, you can drink a cup of skim milk or eat a cucumber.

The above is Dad's daily recipe, not his daily recipe. In order to avoid monotony, many ingredients are often changed, such as soybean milk, jujube flavor, carrot flavor, apple flavor, original flavor and other flavors in the morning. Green leafy vegetables are also eaten in turn, such as small rape, spinach, broccoli, purslane, and fungi are not just Pleurotus eryngii, mushrooms, agaric, mushroom, and Flammulina velutipes. As for meat dishes, low-fat meat, such as beef, pork (tenderloin), fish and rabbit meat, is also eaten in exchange, but do not eat fat meat and control the quantity.

After 20 days of diet adjustment and exercise, Dad's weight has dropped from 170 kg to 160 kg. Although his weight loss performance is gratifying, I know that most of the 10 kg weight loss is intestinal garbage and body excess water, and there is not much body fat that really needs to be reduced. This is also the situation that all dieters encounter at the beginning of losing weight. At the beginning, the weight loss is very fast, and then it stops. But it doesn't matter, because after 20 days, my father has initially formed a good eating habit and also fell in love with exercise. I believe that according to this rhythm, Dad's weight loss success is just around the corner!


Postscript: It has been 3 months since I returned to Beijing after my vacation. I called my mother and heard that my father insisted on running in the morning almost every day. Even if it rained in the morning, he would make up for it in the evening. There is no need to urge, because the body likes the feeling after exercise, and the whole person is more energetic, no longer sleepy and listless. My mother has been passed down by me on diet. Every day, she carefully cooks diet and nutritious food for my father. The love index of the two people has reached an unprecedented height. It's really gratifying!

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