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Drink water and grow meat, be alert to liver problems!!

(2014-10-06 08:35:04)


Obesity prone constitution

Liver injury

Lost Nutrition

Nourishing and protecting the liver

Classification: Lotus's Weight Loss Class

 Drink water and grow meat, be alert to liver problems!!

Many people say, "I am prone to obesity. I can't lose weight even after drinking water, and I can't lose weight even after dieting and exercising. It's really too unlucky!" In fact, when this happens, in addition to genetic, physical and other factors, it is likely that there is a problem with the liver.


The context of fat in the human body --- Liver is the metabolic center

The liver is the place where human body metabolizes fat. The fat in food will be decomposed in the small intestine and absorbed in the form of glycerol and fatty acid. After entering the human body, it needs to re synthesize triglycerides, that is, fat, in the liver cells, and then transported out of the liver in the form of lipoproteins to the subcutaneous storage. When the fat produced by the body is within a reasonable range, the fat will be transported to a reasonable place, such as the breast, buttocks, inner thighs, etc., but if there is too much fat, it can only be placed casually. The space under the belly is the widest, which is of course an ideal place for fat accumulation. In fact, fat is the form of energy storage in the body. When the body needs fat to supply energy, the subcutaneous fat will be mobilized. It will be transported from the subcutaneous to the liver through lipoproteins, and then burned in the liver for energy supply.


Abnormal lipid metabolism in the liver is the culprit of obesity

There is no doubt that "eating more and moving less" tends to lead to obesity, but many people who eat less and move more are also fat? It is very likely that there is something wrong with the liver. When the liver is damaged, such as drinking, smoking, staying up late and other lifestyles, and some nutrients are deficient, fat metabolism will be disordered, and a large amount of fat will accumulate in the body. At the same time, the human body will also have obstacles to the use of fat, and obesity and hyperlipidemia will occur. Moreover, when lipid metabolism is abnormal, it is often accompanied by metabolic disorder of sugar and protein. Because both of them are soluble in water, but they are not as easy to be detected by B-ultrasound as fatty liver.


Obese people actually lack nutrition --- Disorder of liver synthesis

This seems very unfair. Many obese people eat a lot of meat and fish every day. How can they still have low protein or insufficient protein synthesis in their bodies? When the liver is damaged and dry metabolism is impaired, the reaction of absorbing amino acids from food to synthesize proteins needed by the human body will slow down, or even stop. This will lead to the accumulation of amino acids in the body, which is not allowed by the body. The accumulated amino acids will be converted into fat for storage, and the absorbed glycerol and fatty acids will be re synthesized into fat in the liver, and the absorbed sugar can also be converted into fat. Therefore, when the liver metabolism is poor, everything you eat will become fat, and people will be prone to obesity. "Drink cold water and grow meat" is probably the case.


It is difficult to lose weight by dieting because the liver is chronically damaged

Dieting will inevitably lead to the lack of protein and other vitamins and minerals, many of which are enzymes for fat burning. This lack will not only hinder the metabolism of fat, but also cause chronic liver damage. After six months of dieting, the basic metabolism of the human body will decline by 40%. It is impossible to really reduce fat, and it will be a matter of time before it rebounds, The damage to the liver is doubled, and it will be more difficult to repair in the future, and it will be difficult to get rid of the constitution of "easy to be fat but hard to be thin" in a lifetime. Therefore, the real start of weight loss is to stop dieting and eat a nutritious and balanced diet.


Long term fasting and overload exercise to lose weight, making the liver worse

The organs of our body are divided into living organs and non living organs. The human body has five major living organs, namely brain, heart, lung, liver and kidney. The rest are non living organs. The limbs are the largest non living organs. In the case of insufficient supply of nutrients, the body will use nutrients from non living organs for living organs, because it is important to protect life. But if you exercise a lot at this time, you are undoubtedly competing for nutrients with life organs, and the blood will flow from the center to the limbs. In this case, it will not only cause chronic or acute damage to vital organs such as the liver, but also easily accelerate the aging and injury of limbs. Many football players were injured in the second half, because the nutrition was less, the technical movements would also be deformed, and they were more likely to be injured.


To protect the liver, you need to do these things

1. Adequate and balanced nutrients, especially high-quality protein and various vitamins and minerals.

2. Eat less junk food, deep processed food and fried food, and eat more natural and complete food.

3. Quit smoking and drinking, stay up less late, and lie down before 11pm.

4. Cultivate one's morality and cultivate one's character. Don't be impatient when encountering problems, ignore gains and losses, and be open-minded.

5. Exercise properly, not excessively.



Note: I recently learned a lot from Dr. Wang Tao's Lost Nutrition. The above are some interesting views and insights from the book.


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